Hey there, everyone!
First, I’m including a picture from the booksigning I participated in Detroit last month. I had a blast, met some really interesting people, and signed a lot of books! I’m here with Allyson James and Jory Strong – that’s me on the right! Thanks to Melissa Bliss at Paperbacks ‘n’ Things for arranging it!
From Left To Right: Allyson James, Jory Strong, Delilah Devlin
I’ve been a very busy girl. I completed a novella for the next collection of ALLURING TALES: HOT SUMMER NIGHTS, which will be a 2008 release by Avon RED. My story is a steamy little number about a woman who is busted for skinny-dipping by the man she’s lusted after since high school. I also finished a Quickie for Ellora’s Cave, which doesn’t have a title yet, but which my editor accepted happily! Yay! It’s a Western about a man who undertakes to teach the “ropes” to the new owner of a brothel in a rough little Colorado town.
So with those two short projects out of the way I’m busy shaping the first hundred pages of my next Dark Realm tale for Avon. I really, really love new beginnings, but they also scare me spitless! I have to get it right-have to suck you into my world in a few pages and keep you hanging so you aren’t tempted to close the book and forget about it. I’ll let you know how the writing goes.
One more thing, I had some good news last week I’d like to share. Pocket Books and Ellora’s Cave have entered a new agreement to publish thirteen collections of popular EC novellas. Two of my stories, ARCTIC DRAGON and RIDE A COWBOY, are among the stories selected for the special print deal. The books will be released in 2008. I’ll let you know more as the details come.