Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for October, 2007

October Letter
Saturday, October 20th, 2007

Dear Reader!

Happy Halloween! Not that I have time to celebrate, and living in the back of the beyond now, I don’t even pass out candy to the children. Ah well. Guess I’ll spend the holiday doing what I love most — torturing my characters. Bwahaha!

Like Quentin Albermarle, for one. I have to admit. I was taken aback at the number of readers who wrote me fiercely angry that I’ve been treating their favorite “Knight” so badly in MIK-7: KNIGHT DREAM. I took their comments into consideration-then couldn’t help myself. Writing without an editor or publisher’s intrusion is very freeing. See what nastiness I’ve been up to in the latest installment (sign-up for the newsletter to read this free treat)!

I’ve been busy writing book three in the Dark Realm series for Avon, which I’m tentatively calling DARKNESS RISING. The story is coming along, but I worry that I love how imperfect my characters are a little too much. Some are hedonistic, some terribly selfish. But every one of the heroes is someone I’d die to meet in a dark alley some night when the moon is full and lust is in the air. Guess I’ll keep writing it like I am. Maybe someone else will enjoy it just as much as me. I’m giving SEDUCED BY DARKNESS (book two) a final read for the galley proof at the moment and I really, really think you’re gonna love it!

My “dance card” is quickly filling up with projects for the New Year. A few months ago, I whined about not having any contracts lined up and now I have enough to keep me going through next summer, but I’m never satisfied. I worked on putting two proposals together this weekend with a couple of writer friends. I’ll let you know what comes of it. In the meantime, that’s as much as I’ll say because I don’t want to jinx the deal!

Some really good news for those of you who thought you’d have to wait until SEDUCED BY DARKNESS (26 February 2008) to come out before seeing anything new. I’m pleased to announce that Ellora’s Cave has accepted two new books from me. One’s a quickie entitled MAKING THE MADAM. I’m including an excerpt below for your enjoyment. Please keep in mind that the excerpt is unedited and any errors you find are entirely my fault! I don’t have a release date yet, but will let you know as soon as I do.

The second story is a dark urban fantasy story that should appeal to the My Immortal Knight fans. As soon as that deal’s a little more solid, I’ll let you know more!