The Ellora’s Cave chatters are getting a chance to win prizes in a scavenger hunt at my website this morning, but I didn’t want to leave out anyone else who might need a nudge of incentive to take a look around my new digs! So here’s another chance to win!
This contest ends tonight at 10 PM CST! Send the answers directly to me at!
The questions…((drumroll))…
1) What book is arriving in bookstores in 29 days? What was the prequel to this story?
2) What additional books will be arriving by June of this year?
3) From the “For Readers” page, which character smoldered in the corner for a couple of books?
4) Where did I move to recently and why do I love it?
5) From the excerpt of the book mentioned in question #1, what was Hell to Nicolas?
Be sure to post a comment here to say hello and what you think about the site!
The winner will get their choice of Into the Darkness, Wild, Wild Women of the West or Seduced by Darkness (although they will have to wait for me to get my author’s copies of this one!), a collection of signed coverflats for several upcoming novels, and bookmarks.