I’ve made progress on the new WIP (Work in Progress, for those of you who don’t know writer-speak!). The first chapter is complete to my satisfaction and includes the necessary elements–the introduction to the heroine’s ordinary world and the inciting incident that launches her on her journey of self-discovery.
Did I mention the heroine is OCD? I invited the ladies on my chat loop to tell me about the people they know who cope with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and man! I didn’t know how many deal with it from minor little quirks to severely debilitating problems. I sure hope I capture Briana’s personality and tics correctly so I can do her justice.
I’m counting down to my road trip to Memphis. Shayla and I have reservations for a hotel about half a mile from Beale street and will have to take the trolley to get there, but that’s going to part of the adventure. I’ll be taking a notebook and a digital camera to make sure I don’t forget a thing I should include in the story I’ll start right after OBSESSED. If anyone has tips for places that would be a good setting for something spooky, let me know!