Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for June 13th, 2008

I'm completely obsessed…
Friday, June 13th, 2008

…with Vincent D’Onofrio.

I’ve been on a jag of late, recording old episodes of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. It’s the only cop drama I watch, and I wouldn’t watch it at all…except for Vincent. I’d loved him in Full Metal Jacket (even though war pics aren’t my thing), The Cell (ONLY because he was in it, the rest was crap), and Men in Black (remember the bug-man?), but never fully appreciated him until he became Detective Goren.

He’s not classicly handsome. He’s large, lumbering, but oddly graceful. He’s moody, dark, a little scary, very unhinged. But I love the way his character thinks, and I wonder how much of his own personality has been imprinted in the character by the writers. He seems so complex, so intelligent, so goddamn intense…I find him very sexy.

I just watched another episode, and it was so good it won’t leave me. He empathized with a killer who was patterned after Jeffrey Dahmer, no doubt. He’d drilled holes in his victim’s heads to make companions for himself. Vincent’s character understood he wasn’t really a monster when everyone around him thought the opposite. His compassion was strange, given the grisly nature of the man’s crimes, but Goren’s compassion opens another little doorway to clue us in on what makes him tick.

I don’t know if he’s won any awards for his acting, but he should (Cool! Just checked the link I posted and he’s won four Emmys). Goren’s not wrapped too tight himself, and it’s his unraveling, one episode at a time, that’s so fascinating to watch. Of course, I may just have proven I’m just as wierd as he is. 🙂

Thanks to everyone who visited me yesterday at Access Romance’s All-A-Blog! Our conversation over the day was very enjoyable, and I think we all got to know each other a little better. LOL

Icia, if you’re reading this now, I’ll be sending you a copy of Sin’s Gift when it releases as your prize!