Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for January 4th, 2010

Sometimes, a fresh perspective…
Monday, January 4th, 2010

Or maybe just a change of location. Yesterday, my friend Shayla Kersten asked me to meet her in Little Rock for a “Write-in”. She was having a hard time getting back into writing gear after the holiday. We settled in with our designer coffees next to a window so we could watch the weather (snow was forecast) and proceeded to slam pages of our latest Works-in-Progress. I always have my camera handy.

We set up in the far corner in the back next to an outlet.

Shayla played coy.

As always, I grimaced for the camera.

We both made terrific progress. I began a little free read for Samhain (I haven’t found the right title yet) and made it half way through the story, stopping to share snippets with Shayla when I couldn’t stop giggling.

Today, I’m back home. Kim Kaye Terry and I are supposed to sprint (slam pages as fast as you can) later this morning. I’ll do anything to make the actual work of writing more fun.