Today’s horoscope. “You are finding it harder than usual to cope with the outside world—so it’s a good thing your home life is so good for you! Embrace the hearth and get back in the real world in a few days.” I can only do that today, because tomorrow I will be in Little Rock at my RWA chapter meeting.
In the meantime, I need help with a little problem.
If you haven’t read the currently availabe Bad Moon Rising chapters, then now’s the time, because you have to tell me what to write next. This is your story. Give me a hint about what sort of trouble DiDi will find in the next installment.
We left the action with her in the house she inherited with an angry Mason who kissed her silly. When it ended, she looked out at the darkening sky and saw many sets of golden eyes shining from the edge of the forest.
So what happens next? Does Mason take her to dinner and get a chance to talk to the elders about releasing him from his promise of not participating in the full moon orgy? Does he drop her at her motel and leave in huff to confront Bobby Sonnier about his treatment of DiDi? Or does he make an “arrangement” with Bobby? And why can’t Mason participate? Is it only because someone has to keep watch to make sure no one gets hurt? Or did he have someone in his past who was killed and now he doesn’t trust himself and that’s why he committed to being the watchman? And what about any possible sex? Should it happen with Mason before he takes her back into town? After he’s talked to Bobby or the elders? I’m open to any ideas.
Your idea can be something big or small, sexy or not. I’ll take all of your suggestions and think about them, and then come back with a poll and let you vote. And it might be a good idea for you to read the three chapters of the story first!
The contest will end on Sunday, so you have plenty of time to read and think, and you can enter more than once, because I know if you’re anything like me, you’ll write down one suggestion, walk away then be back in a little while because you thought of something else.
The prize will be a $15.00 gift certificate from!