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Archive for April 24th, 2010

A question…and a winner!
Saturday, April 24th, 2010

The winner of the GC is listed at the bottom of this posting!

But first, let’s review your choices for the next installment of Bad Moon Rising. The most votes were cast for Mason bringing DiDi dinner, which they will eat at the end of the dock. Then he will invite her to dance. They’ll share a romantic moment. The next scene will be with DiDi at the Stop ‘n’ Go where she will meet a woman who’ll explain what The Prowl is all about. Now, I just have to figure it out for myself. If you have any suggestions, remember, this is your story, I’m not supposed to be thinking too hard about the plot. You are!

I’m not planning on getting any writing done this weekend. It’s family time. I’ll be in Hot Springs with my daughter’s family today. I’m hoping the weather improves. Last night, I ran out into a hail storm with a thin straw hat on my head to protect me from ice missiles while I moved my car into the garage.

So, while I’m gone, here’s a question for your to ponder…

What is something that most people consider a modern convenience that you, quite frankly, consider a pain in the neck?

The winner of the Cat Tails contest (by random number generator) is…Terri! Terri, email me!