Honeymoons can be dangerous.
I know what you’re thinking. Honeymoons are supposed to be all fun in the sun, margaritas served by cabana boys, and lots of lazy days in bed. Well that’s one way to do it.
My fiancé (now husband of twelve years) and I planned a more adventurous start to our marriage, and not the whips and chains variety. We decided to spend three weeks exploring New Zealand. We rented a campervan and there started the adventure.
Kiwis drive on the left side of the road. Since I’d never driven outside the US, it took me a little bit to get used to that. And I kept the damage to the campervan to a minimum. Hey, can I help it if that sign hung too low? Ever heard the tearing of metal to a rented vehicle? Not fun. So, yes, I got to figure out insurance claims in a foreign country.
Speaking of insurance claims, how could I forget to mention the inch long gash in my husband’s hand that he got on the way to the airport to leave? Like the alpha male he is, he wrapped it in paper towels and masking tape and got on board our flight. When we got to New Zealand, we headed to the nearest clinic thinking he’d need stitches and we’d be in for a huge medical bill. They cleaned him up and charged us “full price” because we didn’t have insurance. It was less than an emergency room co-pay here in the US.
I love New Zealand.
All patched up and back to the campervan. We drove along the wind-swept green hills through sheep grazing in pastures. Idyllic and gorgeous. Until the wind caught the side of the campervan and nearly shoved us off the side of a very large drop. We truly thought we’d die. But the wind only blew us a few feet off the road and we managed from there.
Let me see… what else? Oh, the small, tiny airplane that took us through rough weather, over the southern alps, and then dived down into a small landing strip. Couldn’t forget that. Scary. Really. Scenery was gorgeous, but next time, I think I’ll take a larger plane. Please.
Don’t get me wrong. We loved it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. And we certainly enjoyed ourselves. After all, first born in a honeymoon baby. We had our lazy days, too.
But yes, honeymoons can be dangerous.
The Forbidden Chamber by Ella Drake was released August 3rd by Samhain Publishing. In this gothic historical paranormal, the heroine Isabel learns how dangerous a honeymoon can be—with a cursed husband who turns into a giant Raven on their wedding night and warns her she will die if she enters the forbidden chamber.
Ella is a Dark Paranormal and Science Fiction Romance author published with Cobblestone Press, Liquid Silver Books, and Samhain Publishing. She has two releases coming soon from Carina Press, Silver Bound and Jaq’s Harp. Sometimes she dabbles in Weird SF stories (read The Adventures of Daphne for free on her website). To learn more about Ella, visit her webpage. Ella can also be found on facebook and twitter.
Thanks for hosting me, Delilah!
Oh dear, what a honeymoon….!!! Thanks for the interesting post. Your book looks good too.
in Germany
Glad you and hubby survived the honeymoon.
Your honeymoon sounds fun as well as dangerous–just like the beginning of a romance novel. Cool.
thanks, guys!
Yep, glad we survived, too.
Thanks again, Delilah!