So, say you saw this picture on the cover of a book…
What do you think the story is about? Have fun with it!
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I’m not very creative, but honestly, I would care less what the story is about. I’d buy it for the cover alone. However, the more I look at it, I could see it being about young summer love or a m/m theme.
Natalie! That’s plenty creative. Mmmm…a summer of love and an m/m story. A professional bass fisher and the local boy. Okay, maybe not.
I’m inspired to lick and that’s about it. My brain kind of shuts down when I try to think of him putting clothes on and doing something productive.
What a gorgeous picture. As I am a paranormal/fantasy fan, I’m thinking sexy merman…sigh!!!
*smacks head a few times to get brain working* – nope not going to work. That is to hot a picture to bother trying to find a story for it 😀
Mind you if it was on the cover of a book I’d be buying it and hoping for a nice paranormal romance with merfolk and mystery 😉
Oh my he is gorgeous! I’m thinking he’s a werewolf gone rogue after coming home to discover his alpha has given the woman he loves to the neighboring pack alpha. He must race against the clock to find and rescue her before its too late and she is mated to another!
Lol that was fun!
Brandy! LOL! Yes, he wouldn’t have to move a muscle with me either.
Valerie! Merman? How about Mer-Prince? Escaping his responsibilities.
Ilona! Merfolk seems to be a theme now.
Miranda! A werewolf! Why’s he in the water? Is he trying to escape someone hunting him?
Yes, his pack is chasing him to keep him from destroying the pact between the two clans. He is trying to get rid of his scent in the water while trying to decipher how far away his pursuers are. I’m into hunky werewolves what can I say. 😆
He’s fae and a woman is staying in a cabin in his forest. Her presence both irritates and intrigues him. He’s not allowed to reveal himself to her per the rules of the fae. But rules are made to be broken.
He’s from the city and moved to the country after a love affair gone bad. He’s decided that he wants to be one with nature.
That does it. You all are plotting my next book. 😉
Dang Delilah I can’t get past the picture! Drooling. I would buy the book no matter what. LOL. 😉
I let it percolate overnight and I have a story blooming.
Charlie(may change), a grizzly shifter, enjoying a brisk morning swim, hears a noise in the woods and looks up wondering what the noise was.
(can almost see him getting ready to sniff for clues)
My brain has provided me with more of the story even as I’ve written this little bit. I can tell what I’ll be doing this evening if I want to be able to sleep. When a story gets this insistent I have to get the words out. Even if I never polish it and submit I’ll still have it to enjoy.
Beth C. I would so read that book! I didn’t think of a grizzly shifter at all until you said it. Now I look at the picture and wow ya I can see him turning into a magnificant black grizzly bear:-) 💡
Coming into this late, but otter, definitely otter. M/M. I don’t know who the other hero is yet, but someone a little dark and broody as a foil to the otter playfulness.