Okay, so that was my annually resurrected Pumpkin Butt picture. Happy Halloween!
Do you sense a note of “Bah! Humbug!”? That’s because I don’t have time to go play. November’s Hell Month.
Like I’ve said before. I have three books due on December 1st. So, I have to hunker down and “get ‘er done” (*gagging* I may have lived in Texas but that phrase makes me cringe).
What am I doing to make sure I get there?
I’ve gone no mail on most of my loops because I’m getting ready to drop off the face of the earth for 30 days. Not that I won’t still be here. Blogging is so ingrained. It was a hard habit to make, but now it’s like getting up to pee first thing in the morning.
I’ve joined National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) again this year. See the blue calendar icon on the left? If ever you see red on any of those days—get on my ass!! It means, I failed to meet goal. And if you’re a writer and planning to NaNo too, here’s my profile page so you can friend me and nag me up close and personal. I’ll do the same for you. Delilah’s NaNo
I have most of the family on board with the idea that I am crawling into a hole and only coming up for air when I can’t stand the smell or need something to feed the engine. Most, I said, because I still have to contend with kids.
I have stocked up on teas and coffee. Have a box of energy drinks stored next to my fridge.
My desk and office are clean, ready for that starting gunshot…
So, you want to know how I actually plan to get 75,000 words on the page (most NaNo’ers are going for 50,000) by the end of the month? By writing 2500 words every damn day, come rain or shine. And if I knock ’em out in the morning, I can actually spend some time doing something lazy. But if I screw around, or get covered up in kids, I’ll be up late, sucking on Red Bull.
I’ll be back later tonight with my monthly wrap-up.
Well shit, what in the hell did I get myself into when I signed up for NaNo? You’re making me nervous but I’ll get over it.
The man knows about it and 2 out of 3 kids will be in school. I’ll have to go on a no TV or internet binge for the month. I can already feel my body twitching from withdrawal.
Wow, girls…that is what I call discipline.
Delilah, I’ll be watching that calendar…hehe!!!
Red Bull always helps me. 🙂 Good Luck!
Didn’t mean to scare you. But if you devote the month, you will become maniacal.
Valerie! Please do! I love being spanked.
Sasha! Wish you were joining me. 😥
Wow! You’ve got a lot on your plate
Good luck!
Wow sounds like an extremely intense month! Good luck!
Good luck Delilah and Brandy with your writing. 😉