NaNo Day 9:
Viking-2—2075 words
TW—0 words—new project, and stalling!
Psst! Yesterday’s winner is located at the bottom of this post.
I took a sleeping pill last night because I wanted to be in bed at 6 PM to catch up on rest. I was feeling dizzy and had a headache. Usually, I take a pill and I’m awake about three hours later. This time, I slept 10 1/2 hours straight. Now, I have a back ache.
I have been hitting the keyboard hard these past few weeks. NaNo is just a support. I started a week before that after scaring myself silly with a glance at the word count I had to make to finish everything on time.
So far, one of four things is done. The short story for the Girls Who Bite anthology. The Viking story is well underway—I have about 130 pages to go. I’m at page 73 of Girls Who Bite. I have to keep reading through submissions to piece together the rest of the 260 pages, but I see no problems there. Today, I MUST start the last story due by end of month. It’s intimidating me because I like to take time over openings, but I have to jump right in this time.
It’s 5:30 AM. As you can tell, I’m a little dull-headed still. Hopefully, I can nudge Mr. Muse from the ether where he sleeps and we can get started soon.
Yesterday’s winner of a free download of Unleashing the Tiger is…Ilona! Ilona, congrats! Email me to let me know what addy want the story sent to.