It was a very sad week for me. Not a single word was written. After arriving back home from LA on Sunday with a cough, I suffered a full-blown upper respiratory thing all week accompanied by horrible fatigue. I can work with a cough; I can’t create when I’m wrung out. End of story. Needless to say, I’m woefully behind on all my goals. I need to rethink my plans, which makes this my shortest report card ever. 😥
6 comments to “Sunday Report Card”
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Feel better soon. You’re not the only one that came back from RT sick with something. 😉
Feel better soon, Delilah!
I came back from RT sick as well, then promptly passed it on to my husband, so we’ve both been miserable this week. I can understand not wanting to write when you can barely drag yourself out of bed every morning.
Hope next week is much better for you!
Hope you feel much better soon. You’ll bounce back and catch up once you are feeling better, so don’t stress about it.
Take good care Delilah! My father got double pneumonia, my husband and son some bug that put both of them down for a week!
It’s a harsh spring so far.
Marika and Lacey! I thought it was just allergies! I hope I wasn’t the Typhoid Mary of RT 2011!
Lisa! Don’t be nice! I need a kick in the ass to try to do a little something!
Diane! Illness is going around, but it’s warming up outside. The pool is 69 degrees! A warm, invigorating swim is just around the corner.
Okay don’t a ton of people always come back from RT sick? I vaguely remember the same thing happening last year too.
Feel better.