I’m soooo not motivated to go on another trip, but sis and I agreed to lead a plotting workshop for the Oklahoma City RWA chapter. The class is tomorrow, but I’m heading out the door today to travel to my sister’s house (she lives in northern Arkansas). From there, we’ll make the trip into OKC.
While I’m away, I have two guests signed on to keep you entertained:
Saturday — Denise Agnew
Sunday — A. Catherine Noon and Rachel Wilder
Be sure to drop by and comment. The Book Dragon Contest continues! Click here for more details!
And just so that you have something to talk about when you post, help me with a little brainstorming.
I need a title for an eerie book set in the bayou country in Louisiana. There’s a monster in the water—a darkly seductive monster who tempts the hero. Our heroine will be there to keep him on the straight and narrow so he doesn’t end up the creature’s next meal. Throw out suggestions! There’s never a stupid idea when you brainstorm, because just a single word can spark another idea, then another…
I’ll check in, if I can, to see how you’re doing! ~DD