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One Reviewer’s Take
I want to thank Delilah for having me on her blog today. It’s really an honor. Most people don’t want a reviewer on their blog much less having them talk about reviews.
Okay, right to it…a little background about myself. I live in East Texas, raised in Dallas, married with one son in 1st grade and I work an EDJ. I review for Night Owl Reviews, The Romance Studio and The Forbidden Bookshelf. I also have a review blog that I update semi-regularly. Why the information about me? To let you know, that I’m a real person, with a real life and real everyday issues. I’m not a god, a fairy, or an ogre. I bleed just like you do. Why the dramatics about me? I have some things that I want to talk to you about reviewing and what goes through my mind when I’m reading a book for review.
1. I get to pick the books that I review. Bet you didn’t know that? Well, I do and I choose books/authors/publishers that I normally don’t read or know much about. I pick books that are way out of my comfort zone. When I decided to review, I decided that I wouldn’t read books or authors that I was comfortable with. In the year that I began reviewing, I have found authors, genres and publishers that I seek out on a regular basis. I have been given books to review from authors for my blog and again, I follow the same guidelines if I was reviewing it for one of the sites that I review for.
2. When I review a book, I look for the following: plot (does it hold my interest?), characters (do I even like them?), flow (am I having to start and stop all the time?) and lastly, did the characters connect emotionally and was it believable?
3. When writing a review, I don’t give out spoilers, the ending, the conflict, nor do I give out plot points. I will however, talk about what I did like about the book and what I didn’t. I hate when book review blogs from individuals give you a dissertation on the book. I mean, why buy the book in the first place? The blog already told you everything that you needed to now and more. This is becoming more and more commonplace with so many people reviewing books on their blogs and it really pisses me off. I have books on my Nook that I bought that sadly, I’ll probably never read because of it. Grrr…
4. Also, if you get a bad review, just remember, its only ONE reviewer’s opinion. Some people are going to love your stuff and some won’t love it. Reviewing is subjective and therefore, should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, if the review is snarky and/or down right rude and mean, please, please let the review coordinator/owner know. That should not be tolerated at all. That does happen and it puts all reviewers in a bad light.
5. Lastly, why do I review? I review because I love to read. Period. Some reviewers crave the power they have over an author but for me that’s the wrong reason to review. I review for the simple pleasure of reading and then telling people why I liked it.
If you’re an author, tell me some of your experiences good or bad with reviewers. No names, please. If you’re a reader, what do you look for in a review? I’ve listed below links to where I review to check me out. I look forward to hearing from you.—personal review blog—Marika is my review name—Marika is my review name—Kate is my review name
One last thing, contest…to one commentator a GC of $10 to either B&N or Amazon. And you thought reviewers were stuffy and not human?
I like reviews that are honest about whether the story worked on all levels (plot, resonance, world building, character building). I am not a fan of overly effusive reviews. Stop gushing and give it to me straight!
Hi Marika!! I think you had mentioned these tips before (can’t remember if it was a blog post or just thru group emails) but I did love your advice. And I also don’t like it when the whole plot is given out on the review, its like “Ok guess now I don’t have to read that book” lol.
I feel with every review I do they get better and better. Life is a learning experience after all with everything we do :).
I look for a brief summary of the plot without spoilers, the reviewer’s likes and dislikes about the book and if he/she would recommend the book.
Hey! I like a little gushing! 🙁
anymore i just skim the reviews because as you said they are pretty much telling you the whole book. i look to see if the book has alot of bad reviews or remarks, if it does i will usually not read it. if it is just one or two i will because i may like it where the reviewer did not. if the book got alot of good reviews i usually will make sure i read it.
Again, thank you Delilah for having me. Ive…I actually posted The Ten Commandments of Reviewing on my blog. I encourage anyone that reviews to read it. Good stuff.
Shawna and Crystal…clear, concise and to the point. That’s what reviewing should be.
Good luck in the contest. 🙂
As a brand new author, I can appreciate your approach to reviewing books — straightforward, honest, and open to new ideas.
Thank you for taking the time to make my blog on the Girls Who Bite website look so fantastic! I hope people stop by and leave a comment today on for a chance to win a fun vampire-y prize!
Karis Walsh.
Hi Marika,
I look for a rundown of the plot points and want to know some background on the major characters and if the story was engaging.
I generally just skim reviews because I HATE when they give away too much of a book. I generally like them to give brief info (just the blurb works great) then say what they liked/did not like without giving away the story. If a blog reviews books that I have read, and I agree with their ratings, I will take their reviews more into account.
I don’t mind if they gush a little about books/authors. That is a way to thank the author a little for what they do. Like just saying something like Another great book by a terrific author, etc. But please limit it to a short paragraph.
I look for a scene that will grab me and make me want to buy the book.
I mostly look for reviews to tell me if the writer is consistent with plot, characters, and pacing. I don’t want a scene by scene breakdown but I do want them to tell me if there are some “questionable” things like – forced seduction, rape, incest or things like that- which I might not want to read about in a book.
Great blog Marika!!! I have to be honest, I don’t read reviews because I’m typically afraid of having a book spoiled for me, or the ones I’ve read have been really spiteful to the writer, which I think is inappropriate. It’s good to hear that you (and I know there are many others) who do justice to the author’s hard work!
Thanks for writing about this!!! You know I’m a big fan!!!!
It’s kind of scary to put our stuff out there for review, but I appreciate it when someone takes the time to read and give insightful comments. Keep up the good work!
I have been practicing writing reviews. It’s really hard to write a good review. I hate dissertations. I hate spoilers unless they are clearly marked. I want to know why a reviewer loves or hates something. I don’t want a personal attack on the author/publisher/editor unless it is well deserved (think plagarism/missing pages/gross errors). I don’t like super long reviews where I have to wade through the whold thing to find out if I even want to read the review much less the book. I want to know who the reviewer thinks would like the book (I find this particularly tough to do). Thanks for the post!
I like reviews that are not overly long.The long winded ones I just bypass.The review has to be honest.I actually don’t mind mild spoilers in reviews.I’m the read the last page person
Yep. I like gushing too but whenever I make reviews I state first the points that I admired about the story, the things that bothered me and then the gushing! When a story is really very good, one couldn’t help gushing about it…LOL
I don’t normally read reviews. I do skim through them once in a while to see what the reviewer thought.
I look for a brief description of the plot; perhaps a comparison of style or subject to well know authors; if it’s part of a series; your opinion on how it was to read, did it flow; perhaps a rating of level of heat, violence, sad/happy, humor; and definitly no spoilers!
I want to thank everyone for stopping by and telling me what you want from a review and reviewer. Its nice to know that I’m doing a job that yall like. 🙂
By, comment #10 won the GC. Diane Sadler please email me at with your choice so I can get your GC to you.
Again, thanks to Delilah for having me and for everyone who left a comment. ❗
I just like a review to be honest, without spoilers!
Ashley A
I do love reviews! Love finding new to me authors! 🙂
i love reviewing books. i love to read and in my way, its my way of giving back to the author. authors create such wonderful, imaginitive worlds and i can loose myself in a book fast! i like to let authors know how much i appricate them and there work.