The winner of the free autographed book I offered during my visit with the Smutketeers is Shadow! Shadow, be sure to email me with your snail mail address
so I can get your prize to you!
I think I have most of my family obligations out of the way now. I’m buying the Red-Headed Hellion a house, and we closed on Friday. Yesterday, we bought cleaning and painting supplies, contacted the handyman, worked on getting utilities scheduled. Today, we did one last drive by Walmart for last minute supplies. Since I’m the bank, I don’t have to do the work. I’m free now to do what I do best—write.
But now I’m running on empty. Have any suggestions for ways to get me energized? Any secret family recipes? What do you do rev up for a hard week? I’m drinking a cup of coffee as I write, but I’m sure I’ll need more to get me through the next couple of weeks. I have to keep my head down, ignore the family, and pretend my office is a cave deep inside a mountain with a dragon guarding the door while I slave away.
Any suggestions?
Also, I sent out my first newsletter using a new newsletter hosting site yesterday. If you didn’t get a copy (and it was a little skimpy on news, only because I didn’t have time to add a personal note) be sure sign up for the newsletter. The signup blank is easy, and located to the left of this blog, although you might have to scroll down a little to find it. I will be running some contests in the newsletter that are only for subscribers!
When I have a heavy work week coming up,
I start the day with a shower using some gel with citrus in it, like lime or grapefruit.
I have a good breakfast(yep, including coffee) and have healthy snacks throughout the day like vanilla yogurt that I put in the freezer, raw almonds and fresh fruit. I find breaking out meals to five small ones keep my energy levels up.
I light a candle, a scent that reminds me of the fresh air and outdoors, it helps to remind me I will be rejoinging the world.
I use an aromotherapy neck cozy to keep me relaxed and I always take a break every two hours. Just 10 minutes to stetch and work out the kinks.
And I promise to go get a mani/pedi when I complete things.
I do Zumba (well I attempt to do it) in the morning – it is fun and I feel energized afterward!
for re-energizing I find a 5 minute nap a couple times a day really does wonders. 😆
Suzie! Excellent suggestions, and I think I don’t have to run to the store to get any of those things on your list—other than the neck cozy. Does a heating pad work too? 🙂
Becky! Do you Zumba to a DVD or go to classes?
Melissa! 5 minutes? And you can wake yourself back up?
i find that a little bit of aromatherapy with a scent that is for energy(i like something citrus and rosemary) and then i allow myself a small amount of chocolate when i start to feel like i am dragging and a glass of sweet tea. i am diabetic so i only get a little but you could have more if you want. then i play one of my favorite songs that always makes me get up and move for a minute. after that i am ready for just about anything. 🙂
To help keep myself feeling energize through out a day, I start off by having a good breakfast and then some healthy snacks until the next meal. My healthy snacks are fresh fruit and sometimes walnuts or almonds. Since I don’t drink coffee, mine is normally a cup of green or black tea. I will also light a candle that is a citrus scent or a coconut scent. I also find by taking some small 10 to 15 minute breaks to stretch and walk around for a few minutes energizes me too. By doing that it seems to clear my mind and then I am ready to jump right back into whatever it was that I was doing when I too the break.
When I was working full time and knew I had a tough week ahead of me, I made a to do list. I know that sounds crazy but it worked for me. I would write down all the items that needed to be done, their drop dead timelines and then I would pick the hardest and biggest PIA item and do it first ❗ Yes first, because then all the other items were easy after slaying the dragon 😀
Good Luck.
Good luck with your week and remember to take little breaks to re-charge, a 5-15 minute walk, a favorite beverage, (no alcohol 😉 ) chair exercises, whatever it takes to refresh your brain
I drink 5 hour energy, they work wonders… Just make sure you sip if you need a little boost lol don’t take it all until you get used to them
I like to take cat naps when I get the chance. coffee works for me to. I tried the 5 hour energy and it made me sick. So I stick to my Iced mochas. Getting outside in the fresh air moving around helps sometimes. Depends on what I am doing.
A quick walk sometimes does the trick, or the promise to myself of a treat for getting “x” done… (the treat’s gotta be worthwhile, of course ;)) And sometimes nothing will do but a nap… Good luck, Delilah!
I do a quick workout on my wii fit. I especially like the kung-fu.