The Dragon with a Cup of Joe Contest
What can you win?
This lovely “Lady and a Dragon” coffee cup that comes in a very pretty box.
What do you have to do to enter?
Post a comment—here or on my Facebook page. I follow the KISS motto! (Keep It Simple, Stupid! :))
This contest lasts until December 20th, so there are plenty of chances to enter!
You need something to talk about while you’re here today, don’t you?—besides the pretty coffee cup. Here’s a question:
Would you be more afraid to be trapped on a rope bridge over a canyon
or in a dark cramped cave?
(Also, don’t forget to check out my Contest page! Go there for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from!)
For those of you who asked, the cup comes from Christi’s Gifts & Consignments, 870-230-1877. And yes, she can order more!