Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Saturday Snippet: Something Odd
Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Happy Saturday! Enjoy this long excerpt, then follow the links at the bottom to check out more “saturday snippets”! This one’s about a dime novelist who discovers her story is coming true. She’s a little odd, the story’s a little odd—happy reading!

“…Sisters Devlin and Jackson team up with Chase to create sizzling stories of delicious, daring men and even wilder women. Make sure you’ve got time to kill, because once you start you’ll want to read this collection in one sitting.”
4 ½ Stars, RT BOOKreviews

These women like their horses fast and their men hard. And they always know how to get what they want…

When Prudence Vogel finally meets Jake White Eagle, she discovers he really is the tall, handsome hero of her novel. And his dark sensuality and raw masculinity make her eager to explore every intimate inch of his beautiful body…

Serendipity, Montana 1883

Prudence Vogel didn’t want to miss a thing.

She wet the tip of a sharpened pencil on her tongue and steadied a writing tablet on her lap, ready to capture the last moments of her journey. But, as was her nature, her mind wandered, and instead she began to write the adventure playing out in her imagination.

Katarina’s nose wrinkled at the smell of stale beer and dust as she slipped behind the saloon and peered into the darkened room—

The stagecoach jolted as a wheel slipped into another deep rut on the rough trail, sending her pencil scraping off the edge of the pad.

She sighed, resigned she’d have to commit the final moments of her journey to memory and pick up her heroine’s adventure after she arrived at her destination.

She slid her tablet into the pocket of her valise behind her dog-eared copy of The Adventures of Katarina, her latest, well only, publishing credit. She’d kept the novel in clear view in hopes of drawing a comment to give herself an opportunity to sell one of the many copies she’d brought with her.

Not the dog-eared copy—that one contained penciled notes of the details she’d gotten wrong. For that was the purpose of this journey. Prudence Vogel had never traveled outside the city of Chicago, yet her first novelistic experience was an adventure tale set in the wild frontier, featuring a tall, handsome hero she’d only fantasized about. She needed to know whether she’d been wrong.

For all she knew, the real Jake White Eagle was a short, squat man who could suck his whiskey through the space where his front teeth ought to be. She’d braced herself the whole journey for disappointment because she’d built such high hopes he’d be the hero she’d envisioned—the kind of man a real “Katarina” would admire.

Tales of his wild youth, his talent with a gun, his time spent scouting with Wild Bill Cody for the 5th Cavalry had fired her imagination since she’d come across the first mention of his name in the Chicago Tribune.

After that she’d scoured every newspaper she could get her hands on, searching for a description of the man and his exploits.

Physical descriptions had been hard to come by—“burnished skin” and “the deadly stare of the black-eyed Indian” hadn’t told her whether his jaw was square or rounded, or his nose was a sculpted blade or broad and bumpy. And it would have been helpful to know whether Katarina would have to lift her patrician chin to kiss his lips. Since she’d lacked definitive answers to her questions, in her mind she’d created an image of the man she wanted him to be.

However, news of his dangerous exploits had been much easier to find. The man had earned quite a reputation as a gunslinger as he’d roamed the western territories. Then for some reason, last year, he’d settled in Serendipity, Montana. Not Deadwood or any number of more recognizable wild, western towns, but an unknown place with a whimsical name.

In her research, she’d missed the reason for his inexplicable move. Now, she wanted the truth for the sequel to her book, and detailed descriptions to bring her wild, west adventures to life.

Prudence pulled back the curtain to take a look outside, blinking against a cloud of dirt stirred up by the stage’s team of horses.

Bright sunlight dispelled the gloom in the interior of the stagecoach. Everywhere around them endless blue sky filled the view. The golden tips of the prairie grass rimming the trail waved in a slight breeze. Cottonwood trees swayed in the distance.

“Close that curtain! You’re lettin’ in the dust.”

As if we aren’t already wearing a coat of gritty trail dirt? Prudence bit her tongue against the retort. Ever since Mrs. Waters had boarded the stage in Helena, she’d offered a contrary comment to every one of Prudence’s actions.

Prudence firmed her lips into a polite smile and turned to the stout woman sitting on the opposite seat. “Aren’t you the least bit curious about what’s happening outside this coach?”

Mrs. Waters snorted. “Curiosity killed the cat.”

Prudence lifted her brows, which sent her spectacles sliding down her nose. The woman had repeated the same tired old cliché as Mrs. Lake in the opening scene of her dime novel.

Just like the character of Mrs. Lake, the woman had a cliché for every occasion and nary an original thought.

Another coincidence! An odd prickling raised the fine hairs at Prudence’s nape.

While some of the less important details–the flora the fauna and the ruggedness of the trail–had mostly been wrong, the events in her story had been strikingly similar. The string of similarities between Katarina’s adventure and her own true life adventure had at first amused Prudence who’d been convinced she’d simply done her research and was an apt pupil of human nature.

But this time, the words were repeated as though they’d been scripted in advance.

As well, the more Prudence thought about it, Mrs. Waters was an exact physical replica of the irascible woman who’d complained throughout that first scene of her adventure novel.

Even Mr. Stanton who slept beside her resembled the handsome debauched gambler who’d managed to snore throughout the last leg of the fictional journey despite the bone-rattling thuds of the lumbering stagecoach.

The one jarring detail that didn’t match her story was the character of the heroine. Prudence was a far cry from the beautiful and spirited “Katarina.” Sadly, she wasn’t brunette, or possessed of a pure, porcelain complexion and soft, curvaceous figure. Her own hair was a muddy blonde, her nose sprinkled with an unfortunate quantity of mud-colored freckles, and her figure was as straight as a boy’s. And she wasn’t the least bit adventurous.

Still, if the story was somehow unfolding…

A loud banging sounded from the top of the coach. “Folks, we’re comin’ up on Serendipity,” came the call from the driver.

Mrs. Waters patted her hair while Mr. Stanton snuffled and opened bloodshot eyes as he retied his string tie.

Surreptitiously, Prudence reached for the edge of the window casing and held on tight…just in case…

Shots rang out, the coach jerked forward and back, then shrill whinnies filled the air as the team lurched again and shot forward, sending a screaming Mrs. Waters headfirst into Mr. Stanton’s lap.

Prudence suppressed a squeal of fright and held on. Then just as quickly, she relaxed, suddenly unafraid, because she knew how this would end.

A hero rode to their rescue.

Sure enough, shouts sounded outside—from the driver and another man whose horse ate up the distance between them in a staccato flurry of sharp hooves.

Gradually, the team slowed, snorts and frightened whinnies settling like the dust sifting underneath the flapping leather curtains, until at last the stagecoach came to a stop.

Just like in her story.

Only Prudence didn’t wait for their rescuer to fling open the door. She stood and grasped the door handle, nervous but determined to see if the object of her obsession was indeed on the other side.

The door gave way unexpectedly, bringing her along with it, and she toppled out of the coach and straight into the arms of a very tall man. Thick, strong muscle surrounded her as he swept her off her feet and held her close to his solid chest.

Startled, Prudence glanced up, but his rasping breath fogged the lenses of her spectacles, and she groaned.

Why, oh why hadn’t she put them away? Better to be blinking at the man than looking like a startled, befuddled mouse. Around the rims of her glasses, she noted the breadth of his wide shoulders and the dark shadow from the hat shading his face.

“Ma’am, are you all right?” His voice was a deep, raspy bass that seemed to wrap around her like a raw caress.

“Jake?” she whispered, more sure of his identity than she’d ever been of anything in her life. She knew his voice—had heard it speaking in her imagination.

Naturally, he smelled of sage and soap. She’d written that as well.

“Do I know you?” he asked, amusement in his voice.

A wide, tremulous smile stretched her lips, and she slowly wound her arms around his shoulders. “No, but I know you, sir,” she said, too excited to give more than a passing thought to her forward behavior.

His head tilted as though he was scrutinizing her. “She bump her head?” He directed the question to the people stepping from the coach.

“I don’t think so,” Mrs. Waters said, her voice trembling and affronted at the same time. “But she’s a very strange young woman.”

“Ma’am, think you can stand on your own, now?”

Prudence sighed dreamily. “Must I?”

A soft snort and his arms tightened for a second, and then he set her on her feet, his hands settling at her waist to steady her.

Prudence sucked in a deep breath at the intimate touch. The heat of his hands caused an immediate warming in her nether regions. Her breasts peaked against her thin chemise. If just a simple, helpful touch could do this to her, what havoc would a more intimate caress wreak?

“Well, damn,” he said softly, quickly removing his hands and standing back.

“Wait—” Prudence reached up for her glasses and took them off, blushing as she searched for a pocket to hide them away. When she squinted upward again, he was gone.

His boot steps thudded, growing softer in the distance and mingling with the sounds of other people moving along the boardwalk.

She realized that for that short space of time, no one else had existed for her. All thought had stilled in her busy mind. He’d been exactly as she’d imagined. Well, as tall and strong as she’d imagined. And she was pretty sure he still had his front teeth because he hadn’t lisped.

He’d acted the hero, putting his own safety at risk to slow the stagecoach. He’d behaved exactly as she’d expected.

Again, Prudence was reminded she was no Katarina. Her heroine hadn’t swooned into the hero’s arms. She’d given him a brilliant smile and said something equally brilliant, which Prudence hadn’t remembered at that all-important moment to save her life.

She’d been so filled with a vibrant, glowing heat she’d forgotten her purpose–and the fact that maybe she had the means to avert certain disaster.

She patted her pocket for her spectacles and choked on the dust she raised. No wonder the man had fled in such a hurry! She was filthy and smelled as sour as old milk.

Glancing back at the coach, she decided to check into the hotel and give herself a quick scrub before setting out to find Mr. Jake White Eagle. She had a good idea where he’d be.

The man needed her insight into his future. But would he listen to her?

Another question burned a hole in her belly—was he as handsome as her heart and body said he was? As she’d imagined back in Chicago when she’d penned her novel in the wee hours of the night inside the tiny room she’d kept above her uncle’s apothecary?

Of course, he was. His hands had felt her over and found her wanting. He must have his choice of beautiful ladies.

If only she was as lovely as Katarina. In her first meeting with the hero, she’d rendered Jake speechless as he’d searched her fair countenance and committed it to memory before shaking himself out of his daze. He’d remembered at the last moment to extend his hand to help her glide gracefully from the stage.

Katarina had shivered delicately as she settled her soft palm in his broad, calloused palm and given him a blinding smile.

The smiling part Prudence had managed to get right. Although likely he’d stared at her puffy lips and wondered if she’d kissed a bee.

She sighed, hoping to earn at least his gratitude if not his admiration when she gave him the news that tonight he’d be drawing on a killer.

* * * * *

Be sure to check out the snippets on these other authors’ blogs:

Megan Hart — Read in bed!
Eliza Gayle
Rhian Cahill
Anne Rainey
Jody Wallace
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Alison Kent
HelenKay Dimon
Leah Braemel
Shelli Stevens
Shiloh Walker
TJ Michaels
Zoë Archer

6 comments to “Saturday Snippet: Something Odd”

  1. Lisa J
    · January 28th, 2012 at 12:19 pm · Link

    I like the sounds of this one. I’m off to look for it.

  2. Delilah Devlin
    · January 28th, 2012 at 12:50 pm · Link

    Lisa! I hope you will! We got some terrific reviews for that antho!

  3. Alisa
    · January 28th, 2012 at 11:06 pm · Link

    Thank you for your Saturday Snippets and a great contest running this month! 🙂

  4. Mary Preston
    · January 29th, 2012 at 3:13 am · Link

    Thank you & just for the record I rather like odd.

  5. Debra G
    · January 29th, 2012 at 1:37 pm · Link

    Thank you for the great excerpt.

  6. Delilah
    · January 29th, 2012 at 2:02 pm · Link

    Alisa! YVW!~

    Mary! Me too. Eccentricity is interesting.

    Debra! Glad you enjoyed it!

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