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Archive for November, 2012
Friday, November 9th, 2012
NaNo Day 9:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)
When It Rains, It Pours
You’ve heard the old adage, “When it rains, it pours”, right?
Well, Superstorm Sandy poured rain and wind all over me and the rest of the east coast over the weekend leading up to Halloween.
What does this have to do with writing?
To set the scene, I submitted my twelfth book with Ellora’s Cave to my editor on April 30. Got an acceptance June 15 for Mercy and Redemption with the notation to send a blurb and fill in a cover request form. I got my cover within a month and it was awesome! But edits? I was waiting and waiting and waiting…
Until, you guessed it, Sunday night, October 28, when I opened an email from my editor with “Revisions” in the subject line. This was the night before Sandy ravaged the power grid in eastern Pennsylvania. Not only that, I couldn’t upload, format and post a scary blog about sexual predators by Dr. Matthew Scrivens on my blogsite until the lights came back on late Wednesday, October 31. That’s also the day my electronic calendar reminded me I had committed to writing a guest blog for Delilah that would be due, yes, the next day.
So, it rained writing obligations that Halloween day, and it was a trick to get them all done. S’okay, I’m a procrastinator and I work well under pressure. Um, I used to, anyway.
Based on all of that, Frankenstorm Sandy gave me the subject matter for this blog, which was sent in a timely fashion to Delilah. My own blog got uploaded. The edits for Mercy and Redemption have been submitted and soon, I hope, I’ll have a release date. Meanwhile, here’s the blurb:
Searching in an old cemetery for likely gravestones to illustrate her colonial cookbook, Mercy Howe meets two hunks who are tracing their ancestry and sparks fly. Literally.
When Mercy casually touches Seth and Adam, her vividly erotic vision involving all three of them feels like a memory, not a dream, and awakens long-dormant sexual urges. Their kisses are achingly familiar, and she welcomes each in turn into her body. Then she spends a no-holds-barred weekend with both men in her bed and discovers an intimacy—and a past—that blows her mind.
As memories resurface from three hundred years ago, Mercy will have to choose whether to relive their experiences from the past or forge a new bond with either Seth or Adam. Or both.
Mercy and Redemption is a present-day sequel to Punishment and Mercy, which was set in 1694 Massachusetts. To one commenter chosen by Delilah at random, I’ll award a prize of a download to Punishment and Mercy to whet your appetite for the upcoming release.
About Cris Anson:
I write erotic romance because I firmly believe that life doesn’t stop at the bedroom door. I had a deeply romantic relationship with my husband of 22 years, and I want to celebrate his memory in my writing. After he died, it took me a long time to come out of my grief, but parts of him — his honor, courage, optimism, tenacity, and lust for life — live on in all my heroes. They’re all alpha men, as well.
And I write erotic romance because I feel you’re never too old to give or receive love. Many of my stories have older heroines who dazzle younger men (one of them was Adding Heat, a novella for the Cougar Challenge series), and I wouldn’t mind being such a heroine in real life. But that’s another story…
You can find more information about me here:
Website www.crisanson.com
Blog www.crisansonspassions.blogspot.com
Author page at Ellora’s Cave https://www.jasminejade.com/m-14-cris-anson.aspx
Author page at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0036LJT7A

Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Donna H. - Cris Anson - Stacy Wilson - Lisa Hutson - Eva P. -
Thursday, November 8th, 2012
NaNo Day 8:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)
As you are reading this, I should be somewhere in Virginia farmland, not far from DC. I’ll do my best to poke my head in the door sometime today to see what fabulous answers you come up with!
If you could write yourself into the pages of one of your favorite books to experience that adventure firsthand, what story would you choose?
Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Midnightalma12 - Stacy Wilson - ELF - June - Mary Preston -
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012
NaNo Day 7:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)
Psychic Sex
I believe in magic, ESP and unseen forces. I love paranormal romance, super hero movies, Harry Potter books and Tolkien. I always wanted to impress one of Anne MacCaffrey’s queen dragons, and I’m still hoping that one day I’ll wake up and have super powers.
Even with my love of lore, I’m not sure how Crystal, the heroine of Hook Up, ended up being psychic. I think she started out as a smartass know-it-all, and I decided to validate her ability to put her friends on the spot. Crystal went through hell after a one-night stand left her with empathic abilities, but her friends think it’s a nifty power to have. She always knows how people feel about her. Her gift enabled her to start a successful sensual psychic business. When things begin to go south in a relationship, she can bail before it gets messy. Sounds pretty cool, huh?
I have to admit there have been several moments in my life that would have been easier with some emotional intel. For example, I broke up with an actor when I was in my twenties. He was devastated. Riiiiight…In hindsight, I think he was enjoying playing the break up scene. I was sobbing. He was shouting. What a power trip for him! If I could have sensed his true emotions, I bet I would have played that scene differently. I would have gotten up off my knees and gone out for a celebratory drink!
And then there were all those first-times in bed when I wondered am I doing this right? Oh, to be Crystal then! I wouldn’t have had to wonder if my partner was having a good time. I’d have known! High school romance would have been easier, too. I remember the first time I got the it’s not you, it’s me spiel. If I were an empath, I would have known he was lying. I would have known it was me. The truth hurts, but it’s more humane than complicated emotional half-lies. If I remember correctly, I spent at least another year hoping I could change him. Alas, it never happened, and yes, I occasionally stalk him on Facebook! *snort*
However, you know what I really love about paranormal romances? The hot sex. When characters connect on a physical and a psychic level, the sex is off the charts. In Hook Up, the sex blew Crystal’s mind—literally. When they reconnect, it’s even hotter. I’ve been lucky enough to have moments with my husband that felt supernatural, and I fully expect our connection to get even hotter when my psychic powers come in. What about you? Have you always wanted to be a witch? A shifter? Vampire? Do you want to fly? Do you wish you could read minds? What’s your favorite super power? Or are you just in it for the psychic sex? Do you have a paranormal author who blew your mind? I’d love to have a rec for my TBR pile! Leave a comment and I’ll put your name in the sorting hat to win a Hook Up Survival Kit.
The Hook Up Kit includes:
Orchid temporary tattoo (just likeCrystal’s!)
Mini Magic 8-Ball (to check the auspices for a hook up)
E-copy of Bottoms Up, the first book in the Come Again series (because I can’t actually hook you up, but I can offer you a few hours of reading pleasure. If you already have it, you can re-gift it!)
Two STUDDED condoms (Safety first! In Hook Up, Ryan buys condoms at Come Again and discovers there is more to life than ribbed.)
Romance Trading Cards for Bottoms Up and Solo Play (because I love e-books, but I do miss actual book covers!)

A blast from the past can be hell on the heart.
“Spend the night with me, Crystal.”
One college hook-up with Ryan Anderson ripped Crystal LaRusso’s emotions wide open and hot-wired her to the world around her. After gaining control of her new abilities, she rebuilt her life and started a business as a sensual psychic. She’s bold, fearless and, admittedly, a little freaky. Black leather, exotic makeup and a reputation for only dating women keeps the world at a necessary distance—distance she can’t maintain when Ryan reappears in her life.
Ryan has spent the last ten years wondering what went wrong between them, and now that she’s back in his life,Crystalhas a lot of explaining to do. The chemistry is just as potent as it was ten years ago, so why does she keep running away? One night won’t be enough to satisfy Ryan’s need for her, but it might take the edge off. At the very least, he can ask her why she broke his heart—and this time he’s not leaving without an answer.
Product Warnings: This book contains an unforgettable one-night stand, a heroine with a taste for beautiful women, a quest that begins in a sex shop and ends in a sex club, and enough mind-blowing psychic sex to change one lucky man’s life forever.A Hook Up excerpt can be found here and Hook Up can be purchased wherever naughty books are sold!
About Miranda Baker
It makes me chuckle to think about all the romantic short stories I wrote in my rather too literary creative writing classes in college. If only one of my professors had steered me toward popular fiction! On the other hand, if I had discovered my calling back then, I wouldn’t have gone to culinary school, I wouldn’t have met my husband, we wouldn’t have had three children and I wouldn’t have turned to erotic romance to get my mojo back during all this hair-raising kid raising. To learn more about me, please visit:
My den of iniquity: https://www.mirandabaker.com
My home away from home: https://www.facebook.com/MirandaBakerfans
Or my favorite hangout: https://twitter.com/Miranda_Baker
Delilah, I know you understand the appeal of writing hot paranormals. Thanks so much for having me on your blog today! And thank YOU for stopping by—please comment to enter the Hook Up Survival Kit giveaway, and let’s talk sexy super powers!
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ELF - Stacy Wilson - June - Fedora - pam howell -
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012
NaNo Day 6:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)
Today, I begin my trip to Washington, DC. While I’m gone, I have blogs pre-posted. Depending on Internet connectivity, I’ll pop in here and on Facebook to see what’s happening. In the meantime, take a look at what’s ready to ship now from Amazon!

The only thing stronger than the call of duty is the call of desire! This anthology of military erotic romance serves up a team of hot-blooded men (and women) from every branch of the military who serve their country and follow their hearts wherever they might be stationed. When the mission is done, the unit is recalled or the ship pulls into port, they set their sights on a new target—the pursuit of passion and love. In and out of uniform, stateside and abroad, these military warriors meet passion and danger head on. All’s fair in love and war—in and out of uniform. Edited and with stories by Kristina Wright, wife of a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, Duty and Desire includes stories of U.S. soldiers, sailors, aviators, Marines and Special Forces, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and many more. Uniforms have never been sexier!
My own story is about two reservists, just arrived home. One who’s smarting over being dumped by his girl via a Dear John letter, the other, a fellow soldier he saved and who will do anything to ease his hurt. Read an excerpt from “The Long Ride Home.”
Buy D&D at Amazon
Tagged: Cleis Posted in About books..., News | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Terri - Stacy Wilson - Melissa P -
Monday, November 5th, 2012
NaNo Day 5:
SS-2—3017 words
Writing Kink
When my editor sent out a call for submissions for kink stories, I wasn’t quite sure how kink was defined. I discussed it with her and determined that kink was turning something non-sexual into something that aroused and titillated. Think shoe fetish or foot fetish. Or Seinfeld’s George Constanza and his velvet couch. Disturbing images of a naked George Constanza on a purple velvet sofa aside, the idea of writing kink intrigued me.
As an avid watcher of HBO’s Real Sex and Billie Piper in Diary of a Call Girl, I’d seen some pretty kinky stuff. I’d also read Anne Rice’s Beauty Trilogy which turned me on more than I cared to admit. Some of those scenes still play out in my head.
I enjoy the psychology of sex. And delving into characters whose psyches had been twisted, resulting in the association of everyday events or things with sex fascinated me to no end. But as a plain vanilla bonne vivante in real life, I realized one doesn’t have to participate in kink or bdsm to enjoy reading about it.
For my first foray into the steamy, taboo world of kink, I drew on my own memories of playing doctor with the kid next door. To this day, a sexy nurse stars in many of my fantasies. Research revealed that more people than I ever dreamed of not only fantasized about medical fetish scenarios, but acted on them!

After two failed marriages, Avery Walker is encouraged by her therapist to explore her secret obsession. She can’t get off without fantasizing about submitting to intimate examinations—performed by a hot female nurse. When she joins a medical fetish website, she expects to find a partner who’ll provide a little probing and maybe some sexual release to help Avery get in touch with her kinky side.
Then she meets Nurse Lovette…
The consummate professional, Darby Lovette is determined to keep her relationship with Avery one of nurse and patient—nearly impossible when the gorgeous woman is on the exam table, willingly submitting to unspeakably intimate “procedures”. The fact that she’s loved and lost helps Darby maintain her resolve; falling in love isn’t part of her treatment plan. But Avery’s determination to explore sex with a woman just might be the cure for what ails them both.
Reader Advisory: This book employs myriad toys created especially for erotic exams, no holes barred, and, ahem…perhaps a sensual enema—or two.
Surprised by how well Nurse Lovette was received by my readers, I probed into the world of kink again after reading Adele Dubois’ She’s Furry Yiffy, in the She-Shifters anthology, and seeing an episode on a crime drama about people who enjoyed dressing up as various critters to be treated as pets. The kink is called pet play and I drew on it for Purr, a lesbian historical about Katzenhalle, sort of a home for wayward women that’s ruled by a dominatrix who requires her charges to dress as cats and do all manner of kinky things.

Having been caught kissing a servant girl, Arabella suddenly finds herself shackled and bound for Katzenhalle Villa, where she expects to be forced into servitude. Instead, she discovers the mansion is home to other young women with Sapphic penchants—and good behavior is rewarded with kittenhood. All who reside at the villa dream of donning cat ears and tails and earning status as one of the mistress’s “pets”.
There’s one caveat. Romantic entanglements are strictly forbidden, and this poses a problem when Arabella catches the eye of a favored pet, Giselle.
Risking discovery, the women indulge their mutual desire, heated looks escalating to thrilling touches with fingers, mouths…tongues. Until Arabella discovers things are not as purr-fect as they seem at Katzenhalle. While breaking the rules may see them punished, the treachery of falling in love may come at a fatal price.
Reader Advisory: The kittens of Katzenhalle can’t get enough hedonistic sexual attention. They enjoy female/female sex, light BDSM, ménages, multiple partners and even the occasional sensual enema. Meow!
***CONTEST*** Share your fetish fantasy or comment about kink to be entered in a drawing to win a free download of my latest Ellora’s Cave release, Purr!
Intrigued? If you’d like to read more, visit my website at https://Paisley-Smith.com
* * * * *
About the Author
I’m Paisley Smith! I am a full time freelance writer and can usually be found in front of my computer either writing, chatting, promoting or plotting. It’s a glamorous life…working in one’s pajamas.
I attended college in the Deep South where I obtained a slew of totally useless degrees and developed an unrelenting sense of humor.
My books can be found at Ellora’s Cave , Loose Id, and Cleis Press!
I’m a member of Romance Writers of America.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michele H - Paisley Smith - Lori Meehan - Stacy Wilson -
Sunday, November 4th, 2012
NaNo Day 4:
SS-2—3406 words
If the only reason you are here is to find out who won the Amazon Gift Card Contest, keep reading…
Sunday Report Card
If you look at the top of the last three days’ blogs, you’ll see some bright blue lettering that is impossible to miss! It’s my NaNoWriMo progress. I figure if I have to report my progress in a very public fashion, I’ll be less inclined to blow it off. There are no days off for me this month. I must complete a minimum of 50,000 words (preferably 65,000, because that’s what I need to finish my novel!). This would be an entirely doable goal if I didn’t have a trip to DC planned for next week. Yeah, stupid me decided she HAD to travel, by car, to visit family in the middle of her busiest writing month of the year!
There’ a newborn I’m dying to see. Plus if I hadn’t said I’d go, the Red-Headed Hellion would have gone by herself, and that’s not happening, so I have to figure out how to meet my writing goals even though a big fat chunk of time is excluded from my available writing days. Let’s do the math. My book needs 65,000 words. As of this morning, I have 4611 words, so that means I have to write another 60,389 words. Divide that total by the number of writing days I have left and…holy crap! I have to write 2875 words over 21 days. Okay, now I’m feeling a little queasy.
It’s possible. Maybe I won’t have a single sick day. Maybe my family will leave me completely alone during WRITING TIME. Maybe.
That’s the goal. Let’s see how I do. If you see me slacking up—nag, nag, nag!!!
BTW. This past Monday through Thursday, I wrote a short story for my super alpha anthology for Cleis (4700 words), and completely edited and shipped it off to my “handler” at Cleis. Cross your fingers she loves it.
That’s all the writing news. Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s peek inside A Perfect Trifecta, which is releasing in 9 days! See how I got that plug in? I’m tricky like that.
* * * * *
The Winner
So back to the winner of that contest…
The winner (by random number generator) of the Amazon Gift Card Contest is…Rita Wray (Oct 30)! Rita, send me an email to let me know you saw this. Congratulations!
* * * * *
The DC Kitschy Contest!
What can you win? I don’t know! When I go to DC, I will look around for some suitably kitschy DC tourist thing (a snow globe? a pencil shaped like the Washington Monument?), and that will be the prize. Aren’t you dying to win something you have no clue what it will be? Yay!
What do you have to do to win? Post comments on this blog from now until the contest ends! Each time you post counts as another entry!
This contest ends on November 15th!
* * * * *
While I’m gone, starting Wednesday, I will have a slew (what does that mean?!) of wonderful guests and some pre-posted blogs of mine, so be sure to drop in, post a comment and make the guests feel welcome while you enter for that surprise prize! Love ya. Have pages to write! Outtie.
Tagged: Sunday Report Card Posted in Contests! | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Melissa Porter - June - Mary Preston - ELF - pam howell -
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012
NaNo Day 3:
SS-2—3037 words
FYI, I’ll announce the winner of the gift certificate tomorrow. So there’s still time to enter. See details on my Contest page. ~DD

Bet you thought I was never comin’ back. Well, I have been busy. I just wrapped up the “super alpha” antho and shipped it–and no, I can’t tell anyone who made my final cut, because the wonderful folks at Cleis still have to give it their blessing. They have been known to kick a story.
Now, I’m joining NaNoWriMo to slam pages on the Shattered Souls sequel. I don’t know how to tell you folks how much I love this series. I hope you’ll give it a chance. I hope you’ll pre-order SS to give it a chance for others to find it, I believe in it that much. That being said, do you know I have a book coming out in just 10 days? The next Delta Heat story? That’s right. Have you heard me say the story’s all about sex? Yeah, for some reason my fireman and his pretty little sub can’t manage to be in the same room and not get busy. When Craig the cop was added to the equation all hell broke loose. I have a scene I plucked from pretty far into the book. What’s the lead up? Let’s see. Aiden, the fireman, is a Dom who’s a frustrated sadist. He can’t let go with his little subbie the way he wants for fear of hurting her. Enter Craig who gets off on pain. A menage made in heaven? You’ll have to wait and see. Here, Craig’s dealing out a little punishment to a very sorry Jenn. 🙂
Jenn didn’t find Aiden’s car at the usual places—the apartment building or La Forge—so she drove to the firehouse. There, she found his black pickup parked outside. She pulled in beside it then let herself out. So she’d found him. But she still didn’t know yet what she’d say.
Hoping she hadn’t completely fucked up their relationship, she walked through the bay, down the hallway to the rec room. She peeked inside, noted the TV blaring and gave a wave to one of the men who started to stand. He knew her and eased back into his armchair.
The clank of weights dropping drew her attention. Moving farther down the hall, she stood at the door of the small gym room. Several other firefighters were inside, mostly sitting on benches and talking. One of them noted her appearance, slapped the man next to him, and suddenly they were trailing past her, leaving her alone with the man who pretended she wasn’t there.
The barbells he lifted in rapid succession were heavily weighted. He was sweating. Shirtless. Wearing just a pair of plain gray sweatpants and sneakers.
Her mouth watered because she wanted to lick at the sweat. But she shook herself. Aiden needed something from her.
Trying not to think about what she was doing, she went with her instincts. Her submissive heart. She strolled slowly inside, dropped her purse beside the door and closed the door before she stripped to the skin. Naked, she walked toward him and knelt beside the bench where he reclined.
Aiden continued to ignore her.
For her part, she ignored the hardness of the polished concrete floor beneath her knees. Other things weren’t so easy to push out of her mind as she waited. His body was so beautiful. So strong. A study in rippling, übermasculine muscle.
Every flex heightened her awareness of the things she loved about his body. The strength of his embrace. How safe he made her feel. The sheer power he kept tightly controlled every time he touched her. Aiden didn’t trust that strength. Not when it came to her. And she’d resented it.
But that restraint was a testament to his desire to protect anyone weaker than he was. Proof of his deep feelings for her. How selfish had she been to want to push him into losing his control for her own pleasure?
He settled the weights into their bracket then jackknifed to sit with his legs straddling the bench.
Jenn didn’t dare glance up. Not until he said something. Gave her permission.
“Why are you here?”
She closed her eyes. What was the right thing to say? Rather than the apology she wanted to give him, she whispered, “I’m here to be punished.”
After a long, pregnant silence, he asked, “Did you even lock the door?” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah Devlin - Gayle Latreille - Delilah - Stacy Wilson - ELF -