Hey there! Since I have a chance to play on my own blog today, I thought I’d tell you about some free stuff you might want! Plus, I have two exciting collections ready to release, one right after the other, and filled with smokin’ hot, high-octane stories about the heroes we women love! Take a look!
Smokin’ Hot Firemen — July 16, 2013
If you are an Amazon. com customer, don’t pay attention to that official release date because this book is shipping right now!
Below are pictures of the front and back of trading cards I had created to celebrate the release of the new book. And if you’d like to read snippets from the stories inside this volume, follow the countdown celebration occurring right now on the Smokin’ Hot Firemen website! There you’ll find sexy snippets, personal stories about the inspirations for the authors’ stories, and prizes! We also have a Facebook page where we post pics of handsome firefighters and chat about her obsession with suspenders. 😉
If you’d like trading cards, email me directly at delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
 High Octane Heroes — September 3, 2013
Again, don’t pay attention to that official date! Amazon tells me I’ll have my copy August 15th!
We’re getting geared up for the countdown over at the High Octane Heroes website. To entice you over there, we are giving away prizes. Be sure to check us out! Also, we have a brand new Facebook Fan Page for you to “Like!” Stay tuned for more fun happenings!
In the meantime, if you want trading cards, you know what to do…
Winner and a Brand New Contest!
The winner of June’s $20 Amazon gift card is…Melissa Keir (June 13)! I’ll be emailing Melissa shortly! Congrats!!
To make it simple, I’ll continue this contest for July…
What can you win? An Amazon gift card worth $20!

What do you have to do to win? Simple. Comment on my blog—on any posting, from now through July 31st! I’ll choose a winner at random from among all the comments. Good luck!