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Archive for December, 2013
Tuesday, December 17th, 2013
I’ll be writing the first story in a new, sexy novella series for Samhain in January. It’s paranormal. The heroines are witches. And that’s as much as I know about the stories right now. I could use your help. Are you tired of vamps? Of werewolves? Would you like to see something fresh in the way of paranormal beings? For fun, take the poll below and let me know what you’d like to see. And if you have more ideas, leave a comment and I’ll add your monstery choice!
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Posted in General | 16 People Said | Link
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Monday, December 16th, 2013
I must start by saying it’s an honor to be here on Delilah’s blog. When I told her I would be a guest on her blog and she said sure…I had to read the email like three times to be sure.
A Bit about Me and My Writing
I grew up in a very conservative family. Sex was never mentioned, and when it was, it wasn’t in good lighting. Most of my family believe sex is for marriage and producing offspring. So, imagine my surprise when I snuck a romance novel from my mom’s box of books and read the sex scenes. Wow! I was captivated. I started to sneak more and more books away to read. At the age of 13, I knew I wanted to be a romance writer. I have many stories I wrote during high school, but I’m afraid to go back these days and read them :/
So in 2010, my long awaited dream came true, Secret Cravings Publishing published my first erotic romance novel, NIGHT PROMISES. That’s the moment I knew I could do this. I had what it took to be a writer.
Sadly to say that’s the only book I have had published. Life has a funny way of stepping in sometimes. I became pregnant shortly after my first book was published, at the end of my pregnancy it was difficult. Also, I had my grandmother who was battling cancer, and my uncle, her son, who also was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My grandmother thankfully beat her cancer, but my uncle passed away hours after my son was born. And most recently, the same grandmother as before was diagnosed with cancer once again. She just had surgery and we are waiting for details of what is to come.
The main thing is I’ve never stopped writing and writing down ideas. I just haven’t focused much of my attention to publication again…until the past four months.
I currently have a book titled, CLAIMED, in edits with MuseItUp Publishing! And I’m venturing out into the world of Indie Publishing.
My First Indie Release
I am expecting this book to release early January, about to send it off for edits now.
THE PROPOSITION (Part 1 of The Mistaken Identity Series)

After being mistaken as a hooker Krystal decides to go with it, especially when men her father owes half a million to finds her and demands she find a way to pay up or suffer the consequences. Victor Wilcox is offering Krystal more money than she ever imagined a call girl making in duration of her entire career as a hooker.
Victor is on a mission to find some bratty daughter for the Mayor of Nevada, no reason he shouldn’t enjoy the company of a beautiful, willing woman while he’s on his manhunt. And Krystal seems like the perfect escape to his failed marriage and dealing with a crass Mayor who believes everything is owed to him.
When Victor lays out his proposition on the table, will it make Krystal run in the opposite direction—especially when he tells her about the kinky lifestyle he leads?
A Sneak Peak at the Story
“You think I’m a hooker!” Gasping Krystal nearly dropped her martini glass. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken.”
“I’m in no mood to play games, what was it, Krystal?”
“Yes, Krystal! I’m not playing games,” she placed her glass on the bar and crossed her arms almost stubbornly.
“Look, I don’t really like to talk business out in the open,” he tilted his head towards the V.I.P area. “If you would like to join me somewhere more private we both can lay all of our cards on the table.”
Licking her lips Krystal glanced towards the area he was referring. A tall, muscular bouncer stood guard, several beautiful women tried to saunter passed the man, but he was firm. Krystal had to admit she was surprised. Glancing back at Victor, the man who had bought her a drink only twenty minutes and nearly wooed her panties off, was starting to get under her skin. Even in dark jeans and a cream sweater he looked like old money. When he had walked in the room it was like he owned the place, every man wanted to be him and every woman wanted to be with him. Why had he picked her? Because he believed she was a call girl.
“I’ll follow your lead,” she said slipping off her bar stool.
“Good girl,” he murmured grasping her elbow and walking forward.
Want to Read More?
I am hosting a contest on my Facebook page! I am currently at 1,000 likes, once I hit 1250 I will share more of the above scene with everyone. And when I reach 1500 I will share the full cover….but for you guys I will make an exception and share the cover here today!
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me for more updates!!
Find Tonya
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Twitter @tonyacallihan
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Tonya’s Kindle Hookers (street team) (https://www.facebook.com/groups/392562857512677/)
Cover Artist: Carey Doucet
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Heather - Katie Coss - Rachel Hilliker - Vicky Kimble - Tonya Renee Callihan -
Sunday, December 15th, 2013
Broken Men
There’s something intensely sexy about broken men. Maybe it’s the shred of humanity lingering inside, waiting for the right person to draw it out. Maybe it’s a single act that proves the man in question indeed has a heart and a soul. Whatever it is, I’ve always been a sucker for such guys in stories.
Such men usually fall into the anti-hero category as well–another literary weakness of mine. Lord knows folks are probably tired of hearing me ramble on about how much I absolutely adore Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights). He was my first anti-hero, the first one to spark what has become something of an obsession.
I’ve written a few anti-heroes over the years, and every one of them remain close to my heart for one reason or another: Triarius (Inferi Brotherhood), Braen (Secrets of Socendor), the list goes on. But there is another favorite that I didn’t write; Shayne did.
“Shattered Dreams” was written for Phaze Books’ Obsession line back in 2008, 2009. It’s a weird mix of modern, dark fantasy, and science fiction, with plenty of paranormal and magic thrown in for good measure. The character I wrote is Li–Kulisael–a demon commander. Shayne’s character is Cody Slate, a human wizard capable of immense power and driven by unfathomable revenge.
When we wrote “Shattered Dreams,” we weren’t sure how folks would respond to it. It doesn’t have a truly happy ending. More of a ‘kinda-happy-for-now’ ending, really. But it’s one of our stories that’s stayed with me over the years.
Cody truly is a broken man, hellbent on revenge against everyone–including his ex-lover, Li. Li, for his part, had nothing to do with the events that led Cody down a path of destruction. He also still harbors love for the human–a love that threatens to completely destroy them both.
But…love prevails. Sort of. Or maybe Li just got tired of waiting for Cody to get a grip and decided to take matters into his own hands. Either way, the two star-crossed lovers remain a favorite pair of broken men for me.
Call me Katherine or Mychael–I’ll answer to both. I’m a mother, partner, student, author by trade, and editor by compulsion. I’ve been in the publishing business for several years, namely as a writer but also as an editor on occasion. It never fails, though. I always end up editing eventually.
I’m a proud bibliophile, to which my poor sagging bookcases can attest. I read all the time, namely fantasy and romance.
When not writing or reading or editing, I…eat. Maybe sleep. Or watch Spongebob. Yes. I am a self-proclaimed, thirty-something year old Spongebob Squarepants addict. Much to my partner’s dismay. It’s fun.
If you’re curious about what I write (and who wouldn’t be?!), then you can find me below:

Shattered Dreams
by Shayne Carmichael & Mychael Black
Sometimes happily ever after just doesn’t happen. Cody knows his lover, Li, is a demon. Yet he remains with him, waiting for Li to tell him the truth. The truth never comes, but Li’s brother, Vaul, tries to destroy Cody in a vicious attack. Because the demon seems to know every one of Cody’s magical secrets, Cody can’t defend himself.
What’s left of Cody is sent to a suspension chamber and requires twenty-cycles to regenerate a body. As the time passes, Cody, trapped inside a medallion, learns and grows more powerful. Anger becomes twisted rage that only thirsts for revenge. Near insane when he steps out of the chamber, Cody sets out to destroy every demon present at the attack, make Li pay for his betrayal, and to destroy Vaul.
Li cursed under his breath and turned. “Yes? Do I know you?”
The man who spoke was taller than Li’s six and a half feet. Looking at the black and white uniform with red insignia patches, Li knew this demon was high level.
“I thought as much,” the man said dryly. He smirked at Li.
“What do you want?” Li started backing up, and the man advanced.
“You are required to return home.”
“Home?” Li shook his head, not once looking away from the coal-black eyes staring through him. “I no longer have a home.”
The man pulled out a small square card and handed it to Li. “Your service is requested.”
“Something tells me this isn’t a volunteer thing,” Li remarked. The man simply laughed. Then he was gone in the blink of an eye.
* * * *
Skulking on the outer fringes of Caeunial, Cody stayed well away from its demon populace. He had his own agenda to take care of, and the thirst for vengeance had led him here. It fucking figured it would be the one place Cody really didn’t want to be. Keeping a low profile in the midst of demons, as a human, wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Sitting in front of the small fire he’d set to ward off the chill of the coming night, Cody stared into the black flames.
“I thought I might find you here.”
Cody didn’t freeze with the sound of the voice, but he refused to turn around and look at the speaker. He knew who it was. “That’s odd. I didn’t think I would find you here.”
“I was on my way to…work.” The speaker emerged from the shadows and knelt across from Cody, on the other side of the fire. “You look worse for the wear.”
“You were called in to deal with the zombie problem, weren’t you?” Cody’s gaze remained on the fire as he reached into the pack near him. Pulling out a can, he opened it and drank his dinner. “Are you going to provide additional incentive from the Counsel to hire me on?”
“How do you know any of that?”
Shrugging, Cody tossed the empty can back into the pack. “They already tried to hire me. I told them ‘no thank you’. I just didn’t think they would bring you into it.”
“I don’t know what they’ve called me in for. And I guess it’s safe to assume that you’re still pissed off.”
“Now why would I be pissed off?” Finally looking over at Li, Cody gave his ex-lover a bland look. Li hadn’t changed one bit. The demon still was one of the most incredibly handsome creatures Cody had ever seen. From the top of his golden blond curls to the innocent looking features of an angel, Li had eternal youth and extraordinary good looks on his side.
“Why else would you storm out?” Li asked him. “Why else would you turn away from everything?”
“Things change. Didn’t anybody ever tell you that? I learned the hard way myself.” Cody had found out in a hard way exactly what Li was. In the lesson, he wasn’t given a chance to choose, either by Li or the demons who’d damn near killed him.
“Fair enough.” Li stood and ran his fingers through his hair. “For what it’s worth, I haven’t changed, Cody.”
“That mean you still don’t tell the truth?” Cody stood and went to a pile of small sticks. Picking up several of them, he turned back to throw them into the fire.
“Never mind. Water under the bridge, Li.” In a more conversational tone, Cody asked, “So, are you going to wade into the zombie problem?” Internally, Cody cursed the Counsel. Whether it was deliberate or not, sending Li into it would be an excellent way to drag Cody in as well.
Li eyed him dubiously. “If that’s what my orders are, then that’s what I must do.”
“Never one to do what you want to do, or what you really should do, are you, Li?” Cody tried to keep his own personal issues out of it, but it was hard to do. “You’re on your way to the Scarlet Chapel, then.”
“Excuse me?” Li stepped closer and glared at Cody. “I went against laws you have no concept of, just to be with you!”
Those laws had been beaten into his body by a group of extremely angry demons, and Cody had precious little use for them.
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013
We’re loading up the kids and heading to Hot Springs this morning because, at last, we have time to catch a showing of the latest Thor. So this will be quick!
F/f fun isn’t to everyone’s taste, I understand this, but I have a story in this collection about a very happily married woman whose husband very generously allows his wife to have a sexy adventure with the boss’s wife. So you’ll get snippets of the m/f along with, I hope, a funny bit of f/f play.
Post a comment today and you’ll be entered to win a free download of this collection!

Single-sex liaisons that make straight women curious and drive men wild. Including original fiction from Delilah Devlin, Valerie Grey, Primula Bond, Elizabeth Coldwell and Chrissie Bentley.
Sapphic love has proven to be one of the most enduring forms of erotic pleasure since the first frolicking nymphs were painted upon the side of amphorae. But the secret love of women, without male participation, will never be old hat, because there will always be something deliciously forbidden and titillatingly taboo about the seductions, indiscretions and trysts of one woman with another. And Mischief wouldn’t be a leading publisher of erotica if it didn’t explore, update and let loose these very special feminine lusts of one girl for another.
Dressed in a silk robe I’d found on a hook behind the bathroom door, I sat at the breakfast table with Tess. We waved through the window at the men as they climbed into Bob’s Beemer. The men smiled. Greg gave a waggle of his eyebrows, and then they were gone.
When my gaze returned to her, she smiled like the Cheshire cat. “This is nice,” she said peering at me over the rim of her tea cup. “Just us girls. How ever will we entertain ourselves?”
I bit the corner of my lip, a blush beginning to heat my cheeks because she looked like a movie star, and her robe had parted, revealing a deep, luscious décolletage. I had a weakness for lovely bosoms, something Greg indulged with the porno flicks he brought home, featuring generously endowed women.
Tess set her cup in her saucer and leaned over the table. “Do you mind doing something for me?”
My glance darted up from her chest. Since Greg had been so adamant about his suspicions, I already had an inkling what would happen this day. I nodded, hoping my husband hadn’t been dead wrong. “What do you have in mind, Tess?” I asked, keeping my expression open and innocent.
Her lush mouth pursed. “I thought we might get to know each other. You’re really very lovely. So petite. I couldn’t help noticing. Do you mind opening your robe, my dear. I’ve been dying to see your breasts.”
I cleared my throat. “My breasts. You want to see them?”
“Yes, dear. Now.”
My nipples tingled, beginning to slowly ripen. “Um, is my husband’s job at risk?” I asked, my voice small and breathy. I glanced up from beneath my eyelashes, letting her know this was part of the game, something that pleased me, pretending reluctance because I wanted my sexual partner to be in charge.
Her mouth twitched then flattened. Her chin rose to a haughty angle. “You don’t have to do a thing, my dear. However, you should know that when I’m pleased, so is Bob.”
“Oh,” I sank my teeth into my lower lip and let my gaze slide away. Then holding my breath, I leaned back in my seat and eased aside the lapels of the floral silk robe, one side at a time, holding the belt closed to preclude a view of anything farther south. The lapels framed my breasts. “They’re small,” I said, feeling like I should apologize.
“Your nipples aren’t.” She rose in her seat and reached across to tug on a lengthening stem.
I hadn’t expected her to be quite that bold. I drew in a deep, jagged breath. Arousal bloomed, dampening my pussy and likely leaving a wet spot beneath me. By her hard challenging stare, I didn’t think she’d mind.
Her fingertips tightened painfully on my nipple, and she pulled, drawing me off my chair and around the table until I bent over her, breasts level with her mouth. She turned her seat to face me, then leaned forward and tongued the other nipple which already protruded.
Everything was happening so fast, all I could do was react. All thoughts of how I must look or sound flew out of my head. I gasped and whimpered as she twisted the one nipple and lavished its twin with succulent tugs and wicked flicks. My nipples drew tighter, dimpling, the tips elongating. Glancing down, I loved the way her mouth sucked on one of them like a straw, drawing so hard I felt the pull all the way to my cunt. I grasped the arms of her chair and arched my back to thrust my breasts closer, mashing the one she suckled against her face.
Her chuckle was muffled and dry. When she pulled back, she raised a brow. “It’s quite warm in here. You don’t really need that robe, do you?” she said, pinching both my nipples hard.
I glanced out the window, at the long manicured lawn and the lakeshore that rimmed the edge. There wasn’t a soul around to see me as I eagerly shimmied out of the robe, letting it puddle on the floor behind me. I clasped my hands in front of my pussy, assuming a modest stance.
Her gaze raked my body, lingering on my pussy before coming back to my face. “You’re pretty. I can see why Greg dotes. Do you lead him around by your pretty cunt?”
I was shocked by her words, but not disgusted. Pleasure melted from inside me, glazing my inner thighs. “I like him taking the lead,” I said softly, then even softer still, I added, “I like it even better when he forces me to do…things.”
She nodded crisply and let go of my tit. Her back stiffened as she faced forward again, pushed her dishes away, then tapped the table top in front of her. “Lie on the table, legs spread in front of me. I like a little marmalade on my muffin.”
Dazed by the hard, commanding note in her voice, I found myself backing up to the table, giving a little hop that jiggled my buttocks. Then I lifted my legs and scooted toward her.
Centered, I peered at her set expression through my parted legs and placed my feet on her chair’s armrests. Her features remained neutral, her eyes narrowed. Not until I was staring at the ceiling did I realize how eager I was, how completely and deliciously she dominated me.
Cool gel landed on my mound, and I glanced down to where she spooned apple jelly onto my pussy—two large spoonfuls, which she proceeded to distribute with her long, tapered fingers.
Sticky jelly cooled my swelling outer lips.
“I like that it’s bare,” she said, her voice uninflected. Then she bent and stuck out her tongue to lick at the mess she’d made. “I love jam on a hot, toasted muffin.”
Tagged: LGBT Posted in About books..., Contests! | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Charlotte Copper - elaing8 - Rachelle Lerner -
Friday, December 13th, 2013
Now out: Ride a Cowboy!
What’s better than one cowboy? Why two cowboys, of course. So take your pick, saddle up and get ready for a wild, hot ride.
Pick your favorite cowboy from the excerpts below taken from the two novellas inside Ride a Cowboy, and leave me a comment.
I’m giving away two prizes: one signed print copy of Ride a Cowboy and one digital copy (that I’ll sign through Amazon’s Authorgraph). And each winner gets a Ya Gotta Love a Naked Cowboy Button.
* * * * *
From “Back in the Saddle”
When Molly Hayes’ marriage fell apart, she ran home to Hayes Ranch to lick her wounds. What she really wants to lick is foreman Chance McDaniel, the star of all her erotic fantasies. But he had never given her the time of day. Why would he give her his nights?
Kink is a mild term for the kind of sex Chance McDaniel enjoys. But he’s learned the hard way not all women can handle his darker desires. He aches to give Molly the ride of her life but fears she’ll shy away from his wilder ways. Will the past become a stumbling block or will both Molly and Chance, once wounded, climb back in the saddle?
“Dance with me, Molly.”
Danger! Danger!
She opened her mouth to refuse him, but somehow instead, found herself rising from the booth and following him to the dance floor. Only two other couples were making use of the music. Chance tactfully led her to a corner where the lights didn’t hit them. She was stiff within the circle of his arms, moving like a windup doll, until one hand slid up her back to hold the nape of her neck.
“Relax, Molly.” His mouth was at her ear, his breath a warm breeze against her skin. “It’s just a dance. Sometimes it helps to shut out everything else and just fall into the music.”
She was trying, but his body was so warm against hers and there was no mistaking the hard thickness of his cock pushing against her through the denim of his jeans. His scent teased at her nostrils, a heady blend of something woodsy and the smell of leather and horses. She was sure he’d showered but somehow, for men who worked at ranching rather than playing, the aroma burned its way into their skin. She loved it. Always had. If she wanted to be truthful, it was almost an aphrodisiac. She pressed herself just a millimeter closer.
What she would have given all those years ago to be where she was right this minute. But a lot of water had washed over the dam since then, and the last thing she wanted was to have Chance McDaniel feeling sorry for her.
“I…haven’t danced in a while,” she said lamely as she tried to relax in his grip.
God. Could I sound any more idiotic?
He chuckled, a low rumbling sound. “I think it’s like riding a horse. You never really forget. I think you could probably say that about everything.”
His lean fingers massaged the knot at the nape of her neck, his arm holding her against him as they shifted their bodies minimally in place. The stroking of those fingers sent shivers down her spine, but they also coaxed her to relax and move in rhythm with him. She actually found herself leaning her head against his shoulder.
“That’s it,” he whispered. “I learned music can make you forget just about any damn thing.”
From “Eight Second Ride”
Jessie Wade is a tough as nails sheriff until bull rider Kyle Mitchell ends up in her jail. With his bone-melting good looks and seductive voice, he knocks Jessie’s defenses down one by one and awakens the sensuous woman she’s hidden beneath her uniform. But Jessie can’t afford to be soft. Or allow herself to fall for a cowboy who’s never in one town longer than it takes to ride a bull. Kyle never backs down from a challenge, but after a passionate night with Jessie, he realizes there’s a hell of a woman behind the handcuffs and badge. Can Kyle convince Jessie he can take her for more than an eight-second ride?
Kyle Mitchell wanted to pry his eyes open but someone was pounding a drum inside his head so hard he was afraid to see daylight. Not only that, but whatever he was lying on was harder than a concrete floor and killing his back. He needed aspirin and coffee in large supply. He tried to raise his hands to press them against his aching temples but something jerked his right hand and prevented him from lifting it. Now he opened his eyes. And wished he hadn’t.
Unfortunately this wasn’t the first jail cell he’d been in, but he was pretty sure it was the worst. And he was pretty sure it hadn’t been modernized in the last fifty years. One wall consisted of the usual arrangement of bars with a portion of it hinged for a door. The sleeping arrangement, rather than a crummy cot that would have been a vast improvement, was a flat piece of wood with a mattress on it so thin he was sure he’d be able to see through it. And it was the kind that pulled down from the wall on chains.
And speaking of chain, he yanked at his right hand again and discovered he was handcuffed to one length of chain.
Damn! What the hell had happened? What had he gotten himself into now?
Squinting against the brightness of the light from the ceiling lights he looked down the length of his body.
Boots. Check.
Jeans. Check.
He clapped his left hand over his waist in a sudden panic.
Champion belt buckle! Okay! Check.
Shirt. Check.
He rubbed a hand over his square jaw, feeling the stubble of yesterday’s beard growth. Testing everywhere on his face he discovered his nose was tender but not broken, but the rest of his face felt as if a bull had stomped on it.
Wait. Was that what had happened? The last thing he remembered was lasting the full eight seconds on Sodbuster before landing in the dirt of the rodeo arena. Everything else was a blur.
“Well. It looks like you’re finally awake.”
The voice was pure music, soft, with a faint drawl. Squinting through the bars he thought for a minute his heart was going to stop beating. In the hallway looking in at him was about five-foot-four of the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen. Dark blonde curls tumbled down to her shoulders, framing a lightly tanned face with emerald green eyes peeking out from thick, thick lashes. The stiff fabric of the uniform shirt she wore couldn’t conceal the lush ripeness of her breasts any more than the pants hid her mouthwatering curves.
But what really shook him up was the star gleaming from its place of prominence on her shirt, right over one of those nicely rounded breasts.
Holy hell! This was the sheriff?
He looked at her and something inside turned over. He had an urgent need to see this woman naked in his bed, but not the way he did with the usual women he rolled in the sheets with. Not an eight-second ride and done. No, even in his pitiful condition he could imagine making slow, soul-searing love to her. Everything from his balls to his brain went on instant alert.
* * * * *
Twitter: @desireeholt
Facebook: authordesireeholt
Google+ and Pinterest: desiree01holt
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 21 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: veRONIca - Rachelle Lerner - Lori T - Desiree Holt - Charlotte Copper -
Thursday, December 12th, 2013
This week, I’ve had a boatload of things to catch up on after my cruise. I’m still trying to unbury my desk, but I’ve had appointment after appointment. I really needed a vacation after my vacation—time to unwind and empty my head, so I could start fresh with shiny new thoughts, and a shiny, rested new me. Ah well.
Thought I’d share a few photos. For some reason, I didn’t take a lot of pics this trip. This cruise was a little more restful than usual because I went with my mother, and other than the first night’s musical show, she decided to pass on more in favor of sleep—and since she needed lights out, I went to bed early, too. We also napped quite a lot. So why am I so worn out, you ask? I think it’s because I’m an introvert, and every time I stepped out my door there were strangers all around me. It dragged on me. I need to get rich and famous and buy my own yacht because I really do love sailing—just not the host of strangers.
I wish my little travel camera had better focus for this shot, but I love the splash of yellow beside the cruise boat in the distance. If ever I learn to paint well enough, I’m going to paint this scene.

What’s a cruise if you don’t spend some time on a beach, right? This was taken on the Caribbean-facing side of Cozumel Island.

And while the Mayan ruins on Cozumel are smaller than the pyramid at Tulum, I liked the fact the complex they are uncovering in the middle of the island is dedicated to the Moon Goddess. She provided their fertility magic. I know there’s a story in there someplace. No crazy blood-soaked rocks where they practiced human sacrifice. Instead, maidens came there to receive blessings from the goddess in hopes of conceiving…

Every day when I returned to my cabin there was a little friend waiting on my bed. I just love towel pets.

What I should do is take a pic of my desk right now. The stacks of letters and crap is 3 inches deep and spread across my workspace. But amid the chaos there is a bright note. Yes, I bought jewelry and t-shirts on my trip, but honestly, my favorite purchase is my new little friend. He bobs side to side, flapping his leaves. Such a happy little thing.

Posted in General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gemma Juliana - Delilah - Ginger Robertson - Shelley Munro - Rebecca Merz -
Wednesday, December 11th, 2013
I’ve got a very full day in front of me. None of it will be spent sitting at my desk. I’m headed to the big city of Little Rock. Okay, so it’s only considered “big” around here. 🙄 I will be checking in, I hope, on my phone. Depends on how long the appointment there takes, and then how long we spend at the comic book store.
Yes, at my age, I’ve developed a love for certain comic books. I love the colorful artwork, the concise language, the big “Save the World” plots. And it’s cliché, but Thor has become my obsession. If you watch The Big Bang Theory, I laughed my ass off when the women got into a huge discussion over Thor’s hammer. I could so relate.
But you guys want to know who won the lapis and silver ankh earrings. And I do have a winner…
The winner, chosen by random number generator, is…Toni Whitmire! Toni, congrats! And please email me with your snail mail address so that I can get a package into the mail. For the rest of y’all, don’t forget I have a contest running through the end of the month for an Amazon gift certificate. The details can be found on my Contest page.
Another quick note. Thanks to everyone who bought Crescent Moon or who plans to buy it. If you have finished reading it, I’d greatly appreciate reviews. Other readers do take a look at reviews before they decide to part with their hard-earned cash. Let them know what you thought about the story!
Now, onto today’s important question…
What do you think about comic books? Do you think they are complete junk reading? Bad for kids and adults? If you enjoy them, what characters do you love the most?
Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laurie P - Anne - Pansy Petal - Delilah - Mary Preston -