A Valentine Romance — Redneck Romeo: Red Hot Valentine
Thanks for letting me take over your blog today, Delilah.
Do you love Valentine’s Day, or hate it? When ten other authors and I decided to combine our Valentine’s short stories into a collection of books, I was surprised by how many authors chose to write characters that disliked the holiday.
I’ve always loved the day, and hubby and I still try to get a little time alone to celebrate it. But so many people don’t enjoy it, or call it crass commercialization at its finest. True, restaurants are overbooked and packed tight on the big day. And card stores and candy shops post giant reminder signs to lure in customers who do not want to forget their loved one on that day.
When my hubby, Kick, and I were newly married and on a tight budget, our evening out on Valentine’s Day consisted of heading to a card shop, picking out cards for each other, and exchanging them – unpurchased – in the store, then placing them back in the rack. I smile now because we must have looked like the nuttiest couple on Earth.
Then we went to a takeout restaurant and grabbed one meal to share, took it home, and stretched it into a multi-course dinner with an appetizer, salad, and dessert. While the supper with candles and cloth napkins was lovely, the time we spent together planning and shopping and cooking became the best part of the day.
How about you? What’s your favorite Valentine’s memory? Or are you a non-Valentines person? Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of another of my books, Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine’s Day.
When Genevieve Riley sneaks onto the O’Bannon Ranch to return a stolen heirloom, the boy she’d fallen in love with as a teenager, Nick O’Bannon, catches her before she can slip away. The problem is, he’s now a big, rugged cowboy, and those feelings from a decade ago resurface. She can’t concentrate on anything but picking up where they left off.
Nick can’t believe what his dogs cornered. Beautiful ‘Jellybean’ Riley, all grown up and sexier than sin. He never knew what tore her from his life when they were teens, just as their relationship was starting. With the heat radiating between them, he knows he can seduce her, but can he make her stay this time?
Here’s a sexy scene to tempt you:
“You’re not a very patient man, are you.” Genny’s hands rested on his thighs as she looked up at Nick.
“Eleven years is a goddamn long time to wait.”
She laughed, then took pity on him and sucked his head into her hot mouth.
As electric shocks skittered from his cock to his balls and along his backbone, he threaded his fingers in her hair. “Feels good. Don’t stop yet.”
She backed away and let his cock drop from her lips. “Yet?” Thankfully, she came forward again and drew him into her mouth. Her tongue licked a circle around his head, teasing and pushing him closer to climax.
“I don’t want to come yet. I want to make love to you.”
With a sexy hum, she sent vibrations through his cock.
Nick’s brain clicked off and his head dropped forward. “No.” He had to be inside her sweet pussy. Using every last functioning brain cell, he eased his cock out of her mouth and knelt in front of her. “Let me love you, Genevieve.”
The soft smile that curved her lips and the mellow expression in her eyes told him he’d said the right thing.
Wrapping his arms around her, he slid a hand down to the curve of her ass, then lower, cupping the firm globe.
She surprised him by doing the same to him. “Your ass is the sexiest cowboy butt I’ve ever seen.”
He resisted the jealous urge to ask her how many cowboy asses she’d seen. “You’ve got the sweetest tush in Texas.”
Her head dropped back with her laughter. “And knowing Texas the way I do, there’s probably a contest for that, too. Miss Sweet Tush.”
Nick’s heart thudded at her laughter. He hadn’t heard it in so damn long, and now he had her here in his home. “Ain’t no one going to be judging this beauty, but me.” He squeezed both her ass cheeks in his hands, pulling her bare mound onto his turgid cock.
“No.” Her smile left her face. “There’s no one else.”
Her words shot through him like a stray bullet. No one else. He’d like to keep it that way, even if he had to beg.
In one swift movement, he stood, picked her up, and laid her on the bed. “You’re beautiful.” He grabbed a condom packet from the nightstand drawer then lay next to her, caressing her thigh, feeling goosebumps pebble on her skin.
She cupped his cheek. “You’re beautiful.” Her brows drew together as she looked into his eyes. “You’ve become a kind, honest, thoughtful man.” She drew in a shaky breath. “The way you handled the home intrusion earlier, like a gentleman.” She grinned. “You didn’t sic the dogs on me.”
He would have handled it a hell of a lot differently if it had been a man in his house, instead of a gorgeous blonde. “You could’ve just shipped it here. The gun.” Yet, she’d shown up here on Valentine’s Day. “Sent it by courier, or something.” He pushed a lock of her hair from her cheek. “Why did you bring it yourself?”
Glancing away, she shrugged one shoulder. “I think I hoped to run into you.” Her gaze met his. “Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wanted to see you again.” A tiny wrinkle formed between her brows. “Even if it meant you’d see exactly how unscrupulous my father was.”
That was a lot of deep psychology for two naked people to be diving into. “I’m just glad you’re here.” He rolled her onto her side so her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples poking sensually into his skin. “Let’s save the talking part for later.”
Her hand skimmed along his side to rest on his hip. “Best idea I’ve ever heard.”
Nick’s cock filled with blood, flying full mast again. Leaning forward, he touched his lips to hers. “I have to feel you under me, to hold you here.”
With a soft moan, she returned the kiss, her tongue tracing the curve of his upper lip. “I want that. Want you to make me yours.”
Redneck Romeo: Red Hot Valentine, is only $.99 and available now! Read the first chapter on my website or pick up your copy at any of these places:
Don’t forget to leave a comment for your chance at an e-copy of Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine’s Day.
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–A Naughty Little Christmas available for a limited time
–Chase and Seduction
–Double Her Fantasy
–Double Her Pleasure
–Cowboy 6 Pack only $.99
–Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas
–Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine’s Day
–Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick’s Day
–Her Cowboy Stud
–Turn Up the Heat
–Cowboy Bad Boys
–Cowboy Lust
–Free Read! A Gentleman and a Cowboy is available at Amazon, Smashwords, All Romance Ebooks, Diesel Ebook Store, Barnes and Noble
My best Valentine memory was when my boyfriend came to my job many years ago dressed as Zorro to take me to dinner after work.But we had a good laugh because he almost got arrested if I didn’t recognized his voice because one of my co-workers was going to call the police thinking he was a stalker. bibbiesparks@yahoo.com
When we were little, my dad would buy us each a heart shaped box of chocolate. We looked forward to waking up and finding the candy. When times were really lean, we would get one box to share. He kept this up until we were well into adulthood.
Not a big fan, probably because I don’t have any great memories, no really bad ones either. Meh.
Congrats on the great reviews for Redneck Romeo, 25 five star ratings right now.
My favorite memory is the Valentine’s Day I received roses and a book of love poems from my late husband.
My favorite (more funny than anything) was the first valentines day with my now husband. He was so excited to get roses delivered to me at home as a surprise …he didn’t know that I wasn’t home and my father was the one who accepted the delivery and read his super sappy card.
My birthday falls so close to V-day, that I usually have a co-event. Being broke college kids when we met, I forbid hubby from buying the expensive roses, saying he had 51 other weeks to buy me roses. About 1o years into our anniversay, he had roses delivered to my work and I cried. Since then, I get roses every year.
I have no opinion about the day. I was married for 20 yrs and my ex never did anything for me on that day. I hoping that one day I will find a man and treat every day like Valentines day
After my husband and I became engaged. I had to pick up my engagement ring as he was in a different city. I also had to pick up my Valentine’s day flowers as the florist could not find the office where I was working. (The name was outside on the wall next to the door.) I drove to see him and he put the ring on my finger.
My husband and I do special things for each other throughout the year, so we don’t do anything big on that day particularly since unexpected surprises are more enjoyable for us. However, last year he helped our 5-1/2 year old twins make me hand-crafted cards made from cut up construction paper as well as recycled greeting cards. It was one of my best valentine’s days ever because it was the simple thought as well as the time put into creating the cards.
I always enjoy Valentine’s Day (even before I had a sweetie)…what a wonderful excuse to eat chocolate, lol. Congrats on the success, this definitely was a fun story. (just waving, lol)
I really don’t like all the fuss about Valentine’s Day because I think every day should be a celebration between spouses of their love. It drives me crazy when he spends an exorbitant amount of money for flowers LOL! However, I DO like to make Valentine’s Day “fun” for my kids. Normally I will do stuff like dye milk so it’s pink that day… Some times I’ll dye margarine red and make toast, then cut it with a heart-shaped cookie cutter so they have red toast :). I’ve baked bacon into shapes of X’s and O’s. I always give them a little gift at the breakfast table (book) to start off their day. Then, we also do a “red” dinner – spaghetti or heart-shaped pizza crust with pepperoni. Then I give them a little candy, like some chocolates and chewing gum. Of course, Little Dude still has a Valentine’s part at school with classmates exchanging cards.
I have never been big on Valentine’s Day. I prefer for my husband to just do things throughout the year. One year he did give me some money and said, “You need some new books.” To me that was very romantic because I got to stock up on some erotica. Lol!
😆 😛 😉
Congratulations Kristin Reh! Using Randomizer . org, your comment was chosen the winner of an ecopy of Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine’s Day. Please contact me at Randi (at) RandiAlexander (dot) com to claim your prize, and please let me know which format you read in.
Thanks, everyone, for the great comments. I enjoyed reading about your Valentines traditions.
All my best,
I’m a non-Valentine’s kindda a guy. Problem is, my girlfriend is a big fan of yours, so here’s a chance to redeem myself for past Valentine’s “Faux Pas”.
So hear my Valentine sin confession, in poetry prose.
Theirs no better day
Then the day after St. Valentine’s Day
When the price of love
Is discounted 60% below
Than the price marked above
When you can walk through the door
With flowers and candy in hand
Without becoming a poor
Pathetic young man
So take heed dear lads
Listen closely to my advice
The only way say you love her
Is at less than half price