Tonight’s the Oscars! I don’t know why, but it’s the one awards show I truly enjoy. Maybe because I’m a huge fan of movies. Or maybe I love seeing the lavish dresses that only a shoe-horn can fit onto those lovely toned bodies. I enjoy the spectacles of the musical numbers and comedy sketches. I love watching the cameras pan the audience so I can pick out the many famous faces. Did I ever mention I have one of those brains that remembers the names of actors who played in movies? If you say a movie name, I see the faces. I may only have seen that face once, but I can pick that face out of a cast of thousands in the next movie and tell you where I saw it. And when I have the name? It’s there forever. A completely useless talent—my brain’s just wired that way. Anyway, I’ll be seated on the couch with my dd watching the entire show and moaning or whooping for favorites. Will you?
I thought it might be fun to share our pick for the best picture award. Take the poll, then in the comments, if you like, tell me which actors you’re rooting for tonight!
What's your pick for Best Picture?
- Dallas Buyers Club (30%, 3 Votes)
- Gravity (20%, 2 Votes)
- 12 Years a Slave (20%, 2 Votes)
- American Hustle (10%, 1 Votes)
- Captain Phillips (10%, 1 Votes)
- The Wolf of Wall Street (10%, 1 Votes)
- Her (0%, 0 Votes)
- Nebraska (0%, 0 Votes)
- Philomena (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 10

I’ll admit, my choices were narrow. I love adventure movies most, so Captain Phillips and Gravity are at the top of my list. And for best actors? Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey (hey, he’s a Texas boy!).
Since I haven’t seen one of the movies 🙁 I’m just wildly guessing. I thinks it’s going to be (drum roll) Dallas Buyers Club.
🙂 Doesn’t look as though we’re going to find a consensus today! LOL!
I haven’t seen any of the movies nominated either. Actually none of the movies commercials enticed me to even want to see them on DVD because I don’t go to the theaters unless its a movie I’ve been looking forward to coming out. I will probably watch some of the Oscars after the Nascar race. If its boring I’ll be going to bed. Need to get up for work at 430 am.
I would like to see Dallas Buyers Club win just because it’s the only one I actually want to see (but haven’t, boo!) and I have a crush on Jared Leto 🙂
Well, we didn’t pick the winner! I enjoyed the show tonight. The selfie was hysterical. Performances by U2, Pink and Bette Midler were fantastic! Guess the best part was that it continues my tradition of watching it with my dd. We always have a huge list of movies to rent or buy after we watch!