Quickly… Thank you so much to everyone who bought Once is Never Enough. I’ve loved getting messages from y’all. Yes, it may be the last of the Delta Heat cop books, but I am continuing the series with the firemen. Apparently, you are all a very kinky bunch. 🙂 If you’ve read the story, please consider leaving a review. I’d appreciate it very much! Now, onto the question…
My grandmother receives more non-bill mail than anyone in the house. But then, she’s the only one who actually writes letters. Without fail, she writes her sister once a week. She corresponds with old friends. (She’s 95 and her friends are elderly as well.) We offered to get her a computer and get her set up with Facebook, but she refused. A written letter is much more personal for her.
So here’s my question…
Do you write letters and/or send cards? Do you still send holiday cards?
Yes I still write letters to my grandparents and I definitely still send cards. Wether they be birthday or for any given holiday to Father’s Day. I love going to the store to find the perfect card for whatever day it is.
I write notes in my Christmas cards that I send every year. No, they aren’t form letters explaining every little detail of the last year. 😡 Yep, you guessed it — those letters make my teeth itch! I hand write the notes and tailor them to the folks I’m writing to. Other than those, I do most of my correspondence online…
I plan weddings as a hobby and last Sunday I received a letter from a couple I worked with seven years ago. The wrote to tell me how much they appreciated all my hard work and that their marriage is going strong.
Made my week. 😉
I have sent holiday cards. We sent a picture this past holiday of us in fancy Dicken’s type dress.
I BUY the cards but don’t always get them sent. I am a terrible procrastinator so I put things off and suddenly it seems I am too late so I end up sending e-cards or nothing at all. I have terrible handwriting so I tend to be more comfortable sending e-mails than anything else but I try to send out packages to my adopted soldiers and include a letter with those and my friends inevitably know that they will get a belated birthday card from me, lol.
I have gotten out of the habit as my older relatives have passed on. Most of my communication is by email and phone.
I send birthday cards and postcards (if I’m traveling). Other than that I’m an online communicator. That’s so great that your grandmother still corresponds with letters though. There’s something extra special about an actual letter coming through the mail.
Most of my family have passed on. I communicate with the rest by email and phone.
I generally don’t write many letters any more, but I do send holiday cards with notes. I like to send birthday and other misc greetings throughout the year. I’m also big on thank you cards. 🙂
I like to send cards, because in my opinion it shows that you took the time to pick out a card and send it.
I do use FB to keep in contact with family and friends on a regular basis. FB has actually put me in contact with cousins that I lost contact with as we graduated and got married.
I don’t write many letters, although I did write to some soldiers for a while, but they moved around quite a bit and we had to stop. My Christmas card is usually a picture card of the dog with Santa, but no brag letter. I do send birthday cards to a few friends and family members.
I’m not a FB person, just have no interest or do anything worth mentioning, so that’s out for me.
I don’t write letters, but I do send out Christmas Cards. I think its a nice way to touch base with friends and family. Last year I even signed up for a blogger Christmas card exchange. It was fabulous. I just love the feeling I get when I receive a package or letter in the mail that has nothing to do with someone wanting payment from me.
Not so much anymore. The hands don’t like holding the pen, and it is so much easier to type. But, once up on time, I too was an epic letter writer.
Hi Delilah
Yes, I send holiday cards. Also, I send out thank you cards when I’ve won a prize on Facebook or blog contest.
Yes to holiday cards and thank yous. Very few notes or cards otherwise… 😉
😆 🙂 😉 😀
I always send out Christmas cards,I just start writing them in november so I have time to get them out,and I write letters to close friends,facebook aquaintences I just send an email too because i don’t know their address’s and I always send a letter if Im sending a picture so they can enjoy the picture without having to look for it on the computer lol