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Archive for May, 2014
Friday, May 16th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner (chosen by a random number generator) is…bn100!
Congrats, bn! I’ll be in touch shortly to arrange delivery of your prize!
* * * * *
Next Tuesday, the last of my Delta Heat books releases! Yes, I know—there are some of you out there who will be very sad to see the last of my merry band of Memphis PD cops. I had fun writing the five stories in this trilogy, but all good things must come to an end. But don’t you worry. You will very likely be seeing these same characters floating through a new series of stories I’ll be writing about a Memphis firehouse, so don’t cry too hard. 🙂
Now, if you’ve missed the prequel books to Once is Never Enough, there’s no time like now to catch the heck up. Over the next few days, I’ll be spotlighting scenes from the prequels and offering chances for folks to win a free book—nope, not Once! And if you’ve already read all the prequel books, I’m sure there’s a downloadable book somewhere on my backlist you might enjoy. So y’all come play!
Post a comment today, and you’ll be in the running
to win a free download of Five Ways ‘Til Sunday!

“FIVE WAYS ‘TIL SUNDAY was an awesome read…”
4.5 Stars, Night Owl Reviews
“Delightfully quick read, you are so consumed in the story it is difficult to put it down…”
Sensual Reads
Sometimes a man’s just gotta call for backup…
Marti Kowalski is all wrong for Officer Jackson Teague—he just won’t listen to reason. She didn’t finish high school, runs a bar. Has a tattoo and a blue streak in her hair. Yet he still wants to marry her? She can’t say she’s not tempted, but she’s got a bucket list to complete before she ties the knot.
Not just any bucket—more like a fifty-five-gallon drum of sexual wishes so explicit, there’s no way one man, even Jackson, can fulfill them all.
When Marti turns him down again, Jackson doesn’t give up, he insists on knowing why. That’s when she shows him her list. He takes it, thinks about it—and calls on the only men he can trust: four buddies from his academy graduating class.
Between the five of them, he’s sure they can come up with a plan to check off every item on her list in one wild, wicked weekend. That is, if she has the nerve to follow through—and if he can bear to share her.
Warning: Five men on a mission to break down the resistance of one determined woman. Author suggest readers keep their significant others on speed dial. Not responsible for accidental 911 calls.
Marti Kowalski waved a hand blindly behind her at her desk, swiping the inventory sheets she’d slaved over for the past two days and her telephone to the floor. She didn’t care about the mess—or by the crunch—the loss of her phone. Right this moment, she had Jackson where she wanted him—too far gone with want to worry what damage he might cause.
That his body was hard and his expression carved to a lustful edge, promised the kind of sexy interlude she preferred—something spontaneous and surprising.
Even after all the months they’d been seeing each other, he managed to surprise her. Like now. He’d pulled her from the door of the ladies restroom and goose-stepped her with her arm bent behind her back to the manager’s office, growling menacingly into her ear about the wicked things he’d do to her.
Ma’am, keep quiet and I won’t hurt you.
She’d shivered at the menace in his voice, but he’d rubbed her hip gently to remind her this was just a game.
She had to hand it to him. He knew what made her hot.
Jackson bent her over her desk and shoved up her blouse. His head ducked to pluck a nipple with his lips, and then he bit it.
“I wasn’t expecting you,” she gasped, her fingers digging into the rigid Kevlar armor he wore beneath his dark shirt. “You’re on duty. Thought you didn’t cross that line when you’re wearin’ the uniform.”
His head reared back. His dark eyes flashed. “Shut up, ma’am. You draw any attention, and I might have to get rough.”
So he was still playing the role. She widened her eyes. “Please, sir, I’ll do anything.” She tried to infuse a little angst into her voice, but inside she was laughing uproariously.
A glint of humor in his gaze might have just been the reflection of the overhead light because it quickly extinguished. He bared his teeth. A hand snuck between her thighs. A finger tucked beneath one side of the crotch of her panties and tugged. Elastic stretched and gave. His palm crammed against her bare pussy.
There was no hiding how turned on she was. Not when cream smeared his hand.
“Fuck, you’re hot.” He drew back, gripped her by the waist and gave her a little shake—just to remind her who was in charge here.
Her head bobbed backward. Her heart skittered at the strength in those large, hard hands. He could so easily hurt her, but was careful to give her just the right kind of pain.
Nostrils flaring, he did a good impression of a criminal intent on doing her bodily harm. She guessed he saw enough of them in his line of work to mimic the look.
He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Sure this is the way you wanna play it?”
“Baby, don’t stop now,” Marti moaned.
His grunt accompanied the tightening of his hands on the corners of her hips. He gave no warning and whirled her around, then pushed gently on the back of her neck until she folded over her desk.
Her short leather skirt lifted. Hands gripped her cheeks and squeezed. His mouth pressed against her skin.
She huffed. “What kind of a rapist are you?”
“One with an ass fetish.”
She giggled and reached back to push him away, wriggling on the desk like she wanted to escape. “Stop,” she whispered huskily. “Stop or you’ll be sorry. My boyfriend’s a Memphis PD cop.”
Another grunt was his only response. He straightened, his hard body rubbing against the back of her thighs and ass. An arm clamped over her lower back, holding her down. A zipper scraped. His cock nudged against her folds, thick, insistent—lord, Jackson was completely into this naughty game. He found her entrance and drove deep inside in a single, merciless thrust.
Her body arched off the desk. “Oh shit!”
“Did I hurt you?” he muttered, deeply embedded, but unmoving.
Didn’t he know how to play this game? “You’re gonna pay, you bastard,” she said with an edge of a sob in her voice, but she wiggled her butt to let him know it was okay to proceed.
He withdrew slowly then stroked deep again. This time his hands slammed the wood on either side of her shoulders. “Stick it up higher, slut,” he growled. “My balls are bangin’ the desk.”
Slut? He’d never called her that before. She held back a chuckle, hoping the playacting wouldn’t end too soon. Jackson could only keep his focus up to a certain point. Not that she’d truly mind it when he dropped the act. Knowing she was the reason he couldn’t stay in control gave her deep satisfaction. She rose on tip-toe and tilted up her ass.
His cock crowded through juicy, engorged walls, filling her up like no man ever had before. Maybe he really was that big, or maybe she’d never been so excited. Jackson was the best lover she’d ever had—the most adventurous with the most stamina. That his body was ripped like a bodybuilder’s only added to his dangerous appeal.
She gave a short, throaty groan. “Ohmygod, that feels incredible.”
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal - Becca B - bn100 - j c - Delilah -
Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
I think I always knew I’d be a romance writer. I can remember thinking about it when I went to bed at night. For several years in my early teens I’d think up stories about dark prince heroes who were misunderstood by society, but who would and could be healed through the power of my love. I dreamt about being kidnapped in a coach as I was taken to my palace, held for ransom and then falling in love with my captor, and never wanting to leave him. I saw the face of a dark-haired man in my dreams, like it would become my future. And in a way, it did.
I don’t know if this is what every young girl dreams about, but I did. I was drawn by the power of love and how it made people become better people, how it transformed everyday existence into something miraculous.
Stories such as Beauty And The Beast and Phantom are filled with a similar sister fantasy. The power of love takes a hulking power dark individual and reveals in them their true higher self, the beauty of that special part of them that allows love to warm their doorway. Gives them the courage to act with integrity, to do the right thing in the end. The Beast allows Belle to go, and she decides she loves the strange creature who will sacrifice his own future to assure her of one. The Phantom, driven by his obsession with Christine, finds it in himself to free her when she confesses her true love for him.
In my Navy SEAL stories, I try to portray an elite warrior, trained to the highest of combat readiness, one of a handful who can pass the tests physically and mentally, who are driven to do what they do for the love of their country, the men they serve with, and the innocents they strive to protect. They are driven to do the right thing, even when it costs them their lives. Because they have that ethos, that love of life and the bond of brotherhood, anything is possible. The highest calling to them is that juice of life that makes them want to be the best of the best.
We get criticized often for our simplistic stories of love and the Happily Ever After we write. Almost like there is something more noble about writing “the way it is,” instead of writing about the fantasy of what could be. As romance readers, I know you would disagree with that. You’d probably smile and feel sorry for the person who said such folly.
But no one can dispute the facts that over 50% of all the books that are sold are romance novels. And far from being a fad, the trend is spreading throughout the globe. What a fantastic time to be a romance writer.
What about you? Do you believe in the transformative power of true love?
Sharon Hamilton
Life is one fool thing after another.
Love is two fool things after each other.
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Monday, May 12th, 2014
My Royal Pride series is based in a small farming community in Pennsylvania. There are several factors that made me pick this setting for my books, but the main reason is that I love small towns. It’s much different living in one versus a city. I’ve lived in both and here are the top ten differences I’ve noticed.
In a small town…
- There’s often only one diner, one drugstore and one fancy restaurant. (Fancy is defined as having a menu, whether it’s a paper or a laminated one.)
- There are multiple bars, sometimes one on every street.
- When you walk into any business, people welcome you be name.
- Dating your best friend’s ex-girlfriend is common and acceptable. So is running into multiple exes in any given day.
- The best person to ask for gossip is usually the mailman.
- Discussions on everything from world peace to the local chili contest can be had at the local diner.
- You don’t have to worry about getting locked out of your house. It’s rarely locked and if for some reason it is, your neighbor has a key.
- People will notice a change in your routine immediately and question you about it.
- If you get in trouble, everyone will find out and never let you forget it.
- And finally…when you need help, there’s always somebody there to give it to you.

Favorite Obsession
Nancy Corrigan
Book 3, Royal Pride
Centuries after what should have been a blessing from a goddess, Mira has gone from the chosen daughter to a woman shamed. She’s found a tentative peace among her family and the females they’ve chosen to mate. And despite the potentially fatal consequences, Mira has found the one thing she never thought she’d have—love. Josh is the only male she’s ever wanted, desired and burned for, and he’s the only man she can never hope to keep.
One glance into Mira’s exotic feline eyes and Josh is lost. She’s everything he never knew he wanted and loving her becomes a passion he can’t deny. The obstacles keeping them apart seem insurmountable, but Josh knows he’s the man Mira needs. With every passionate encounter, every stolen touch, his certainty that he and Mira belong together grows. He’ll defy every shifter decree and fight to his dying breath to convince those around them of the truth—Mira belongs to him, mind, body and soul.
A Romantica® Paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Forbidden love…Undeniable passion.
Author Bio
Nancy Corrigan believes in unending love and epic tales with a paranormal flare. She enjoys transcending the boundaries of reality to take her readers on an erotic, emotional and romantic journey.
She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children. When she’s not weaving sizzling fantasies, she works as a chemist in a pharmaceutical lab.
Purchase Links:
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Youtube trailer
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Snarky Mom Michelle - Nancy Corrigan -
Sunday, May 11th, 2014
Chico Burnside is one of the two heroes in my new release from Samhain, Hungry Heart. It’s my eighth novel set in Konigsburg, Texas, and Chico has shown up (or at least been mentioned) in five of the eight. He was always a secondary character, the bouncer at the Faro tavern, best friend of one of my heroes (Tom Ames in Brand New Me), part-time employer of one of my heroines (MG Carmody in Fearless Love) and all-around stand-up guy.
But I always wanted to do something else with Chico. He had so many possibilities. He was a Very Big Guy, to begin with, a type I’m partial to. He had a dry sense of humor, and he knew when to use his slightly terrifying presence for maximum effect. The more I played around with Chico as secondary character, the more I knew I wanted him to have his own book and his own heroine. But it took me a while to figure out who that heroine would be.
Readers made a few suggestions, but they were always along the line of the woman Chico dated in Brand New Me—tough girls who’d been around who seemed to be the type to show up with somebody like Chico, or somebody like the man Chico had seemed to be in the other books. But I knew there was more to him than that. And I wanted to give him a Significant Other who’d shake things up a bit.
Enter Andy Wells.
Andy is another recycled character since she showed up briefly in Long Time Gone. Andy’s an administrator with the Texas Department of Environmental Quality. I enjoyed the idea of a shy scientist and a bouncer, particularly a bouncer who had a lot of hidden talents and a large, curious family. Nobody in Konigsburg expects these two to be together, but they are. Andy has a little trouble dealing with that, but Chico knows he’s struck gold.
I loved dealing with Chico again, and I loved giving him someone who really appreciates him, which Andy definitely does. In fact, she becomes the only woman in history to refer to him as Hon, a fact that seals her status as his One True Love.
Here’s a bit of their first real date:
“We’re here,” she said.
He looked up. His truck was parked at the curb. Her porch light gleamed in the darkness. A couple dozen steps, and she’d be home. He pushed the front gate open, then followed her through.
Okay, you’ve got this. No problem. Except, of course, that he didn’t. He hadn’t felt this awkward since middle school.
She turned on the top step, looking down at him, or as down as she could look when they were basically nose to nose. “This is where I say I had a great time and thank you. Which is true. I did have a great time. And I do thank you. But it still sounds sort of weird to me.”
He frowned. “Why weird?”
She gave him a slightly rueful smile. “Because it’s such a routine thing to say. I feel like I should come up with something better.”
He shook his head. “I’ll take it.” His right hand moved to the back of her neck, almost without his thinking about it, and he drew her lips down to his.
Random thoughts drifted through his mind. She was so soft, so warm. How long had it been since he’d touched a woman like this? Kissed a woman when it wasn’t just a prelude to something else, when kissing was the main event?
He moved his hand up to the back of her head, let his fingers slide into her hair, trace the shape of her skull. He changed the angle of the kiss, brought his tongue to her mouth and tasted her.
Honey. Sweetness. A hint of fragrance. Gracious Lord above.
And here’s the blurb for Hungry Heart:

Peace, love, and barbecue—with a big order of sexy on the side.
Konigsburg, Texas, Book 8
Sous chef Darcy Cunningham is less than entranced with small-town Konigsburg’s obsession with barbecue. But her future career as a chef de cuisine requires expanding her culinary horizons, so she talks the Barbecue King, a.k.a. Harris Temple, into taking her on as his apprentice.
However, learning Harris’s professional secrets wasn’t supposed to include falling for his spicy blend of smoky sexiness and laid-back charm.
Chico Burnside specializes in flying under Konigsburg’s small-town radar, but lately life has been going a little too smoothly, even for him. Hoping to shake things up a bit, he talks Harris into teaming up for Konigsburg’s first barbecue cook-off. But once shy scientist Andy Wells catches his eye, Chico’s got more on his mind than brisket. Like enticing her out of her shell to show her just how tenderly a big guy can love.
As the competition ignites, so does the romance. Until a natural disaster threatens to derail Konigsburg’s dream team before the grills even get good and warmed up.
Warning: Contains hot sauce, hot sex, and a whole lot of smokin’ action.
Samhain Store | Amazon | Barnes and Noble
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Saturday, May 10th, 2014
I’ve thought a lot about that as I’ve written my Cowboys of Chance Creek novels. First and foremost, I think it’s his pride in his work. We all know a lazy cowboy won’t remain a cowboy for long. Ranch work requires long hours and backbreaking labor in all kinds of weather. A cowboy can’t be a wimp and he can’t be a slacker, either. And a hardworking, honest man never goes out of style.
A cowboy’s rugged individualism adds to his draw. He can work with a crew to bring in the cattle or build a barn, but he’ll never be dictated to and he’ll never back down from his principles. A man with a mind of his own will always be sexy.
All that hard work develops muscles, and let’s face it—we love muscles. Cowboys don’t get those puffed up steroid-induced he-man muscles, either. They get the real deal: long, lean, rock-hard biceps that can help lift a hay bale or fix a fence, or pick you up and carry you to bed.
Last but not least, let’s not forget his sense of humor. It’s quiet, it’s dry, and it’s lurking when and where you least expect it. Getting a smile out of a cowboy is enough to set your heart a-flutter. But getting a full-on laugh out of one brings joy you can hold onto for a rainy day.
I love cowboys and I love writing about them. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about them just as much. Check out my Cowboys of Chance Creek series which starts with The Cowboy’s E-Mail Order Bride (Free!) and ends with my latest release—The Cowboy Rescues a Bride. Check out my follow-on series, The Heroes of Chance Creek, which begins with The Navy SEAL’s E-Mail Order Bride (available now in the SEALs of Summer Box set and available on May 20 as a stand-alone novel).
Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: LINDA RICHTER - TIFFANY M -
Friday, May 9th, 2014
I love country music. Love the sounds, the stars and the lyrics. In the car I can resist turning up the volume and belting out the words at the top of my lungs. (One of the things that I love about it is that I can actually understand the lyrics and I’m not totally embarrassed to sing them in front of my kids.) It’s a newfound love for me – growing up in New York City, you don’t hear much country. But since I move to Maryland, the northern tip of the South eight years ago, I’ve become a big fan. (I’ve also gotten into NASCAR, but that’s another story. Literally –I wrote about NASCAR in my debut release Revving Her Up :)).
Why do I love country music so much? It’s about real life. Situations that we all face. Problems and triumphs everyone can relate to. So many times I’ve found myself nodding while listening to a song on the radio. I know what that feels like. That’s happened to me. I enjoy listening other kinds of music – alternative rock is my fave for dancing around the living room – but no styles speaks to my life the way country does. And I can’t count the times that I have listened to a country song and thought I could write a story about that.
And I have! My latest release Nashville Trio, A Music City Ménage follows the passions of Ashley Ford, Rob Porter, and Ty Monroe through the highs and lows of love and passion in Music City, USA. Nashville Trio combines both friends-to-lovers and second-chance storylines into a romantic and sexy m/m/f novel, which I had a blast writing.
Nashville Trio was inspired by my overall love of country music, as well as some of its greatest recent hits. More than any other story I’ve written to date, Nashville Trio had a very definite soundtrack that kept me pumped from the first page to the last. (And if Rob Porter reminds anyone of a certain New Zealand/Australian country crooner and part-time American Idol host, that’s not a coincidence). Here’s a list of some of the songs and stars that helped me bring Nashville Trio to life:
- Country Girl (Shake It For Me) – Luke Bryan
- Famous in a Small Town – Miranda Lambert
- A Modern Day Prodigal Son – Brantley Gilbert
- Boondocks – Little Big Town
- The Good Stuff – Kenny Chesney
- You Gonna Fly – Keith Urban
- I Hold On – Dierks Bentley
- Whatever It IS – Zac Brown Band
- Stuck Like Glue – Sugarland
- Come Back Song – Darius Rucker
- Redneck Woman – Gretchen Wilson
Country music fans will recognize those names and probably most of the songs too. If you’re not familiar with country music, but want to learn, this is a great list to start with.
Here’s more about the novel inspired by those songs, Nashville Trio, A Music City Ménage, available now at most online e-book sellers:

Music City, USA.
After years of hard work country music duo Sweet Talk is on the verge of success. Singer Ashley Ford swore off the romantic entanglements that cost her mother her musical career, but her playing has fallen flat. She needs a spark.
Where inspirations strikes
Co-singer Rob usually find his pleasure with men, but when Ashley runs back to the arms of her ex lover Ty, he realizes that he’s no longer content being only a friend.
A tangled trio
Pride kept Ty from pursing Ashley to Nashville. When Ashley returns to his bed, Ty vows not to give her up again, even if it means sharing her with a man he finds aggravating – and surprisingly attractive.
When secrets and ambition seem poised to destroy her chance to be a star, Ashley must decide if she’s willing to risk it all for a Nashville Trio.
Thank you Delilah for letting me share my crazy country passion and my new release!
Now let’s hear from y’all – love country or hate it? Who are your fave singers? What songs make you crank the volume and sing? Time to confess!
About the Author:
Joy Daniels writes romance that’s Smart, Sexy and Down-to-Earth. She loves erotic romance because it allows her to expose her characters completely – strengths, flaws and scars. She’s originally from New York City, (and still a loyal Yankees fan!), but since moving south, she’s developed passions for NASCAR and country music. Both feature in her recent stories. In addition to writing (and reading!) she enjoys yoga, belly dancing, and growing veggies in the Washington, D.C. area with her scientist husband and two curious kids. She loves to hear from readers so drop her a note at authorjoydaniels@gmail.com, stop bywww.authorjoydaniels, or find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/joy.daniels.author.
Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anne - Pat Freely - LINDA RICHTER -
Thursday, May 8th, 2014
First, thanks to everyone who purchased Her Only Desire. I hope you’re busy reading it, and when you’re done, I hope you’ll leave a review or tell a friend about it. I’d love to be able to write more books in that series, but it really depends on you! If you love it, you’ll tell someone about it!
I’m busy starting a new project today. I spent yesterday drafting brief descriptions of the stories in a new series. Something to follow the Delta Heat cops books. This series will follow a group of firefighters at one firehouse. More sexy fun, I promise! So, while I craft that opening scene, here’s a question for you…
Of all the simple little pleasures you enjoy in life, which do you enjoy most of all?
I can tell you, my simple pleasure centers around a cup of tea… I love spending time with my daughter’s family. It’s a nearly nightly thing, meeting for a cup of tea, talking about our day, playing with the kids, and maybe watching a movie or surfing Pinterest for fun jewelry or craft ideas. We know life is fleeting, so we do our best to stay closely connected. At the center of it all is that cup of tea. There’s something magical and calming about sharing it.
Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anne - Lisa J - Rachelle Lerner - Christy Bedsole - Pansy Petal -