I love charm bracelets. I have two, and I’ve been building both of them for a while.
One I use to celebrate my writing accomplishments. The initial charms stand for publishing houses, for example, “E” is for Ellora’s Cave. The other charms stand for the genres I write in. And looking at it, I realize my poor little bracelet is in need of an update…
The other is my travel bracelet. I love this bracelet. My sister gave me the silver bracelet with the tag inscribed “Lori” when I graduated from college (Lori is my family nickname). I carried it throughout my travels, adding charms when I visited new places.
What got me thinking about charm bracelets was the fact I had a hard time coming up with a birthday gift for my daughter—until I decided she needed her first charm bracelet. She loves animals. Cats and dogs. In the past year and a half, she’s rescued and rehomed over thirty animals. She also has four cats and seven dogs of her own. So I made her a “crazy cat lady” bracelet.
Charm bracelets are very personal things and they tend to reflect something about the persons who wear them. I’d love to know if you have a charm bracelet, and if you do, would you like to send me a picture to include here? (Email me at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com.) I’ll add them as I get them!
From Shirley Long:
Here’s what she said about them…
I actually have 2 charm bracelets. First one I got for my birthday at 14 with a birthday charm. Throughout school, charms were added for events like 8th grade graduation, May Queen 1963 (telling my age here), basketball, school emblem, UIL typing medal. Sitting here looking at it brings back huge memories.
The 2nd one was more in my high school years ~~ birthday charms for 17 & 18, district champs for the football team, Christmas 1967, graduation day May 23, 1969, one from the guy I was dating on my 18th birthday. One is gold & one is silver & I cherish them both. Don’t wear them much anymore but they are both very special to me.

Another of mine…
I forgot about this one. It’s my “inspiration” bracelet. It’s one of those European bracelets with the slide on charms. I have a treasure chest, mermaid, fairy, suitcase, lovebirds, a skull, etc. for inspiration for stories and I added a turtle, because hey, the turtle may be slow, but he gets places because he doesn’t stop. 🙂 Not sure why I added the pig, other than the fact I live in Arkansas and couldn’t find a razorback, and hey, I live in Arkansas—square in the middle of the Bible Belt—but still manage to do what I do…
From Linda Richter:
Note from Linda…
Lincoln charm—his birthplace; 3 grandsons and daughter charms; poodle—I love them; last 4 have been rescued; alligator for Louisiana; hat for Texas, etc. Have to find my Christmas one. Need to add all my great grands now.

From Jeri Westerson:
Here’s a note from Jeri, and be sure to check out her website at: www.JeriWesterson.com.
This was made for me by a gal who is starting her own business of crime jewelry for mystery writers. Since I write medieval mysteries, she put all sorts of medievally things on it.

From Beth Caudill:
Here’s Beth’s note…
The first picture (CharmNecklace.jpg) is actually a necklace. My mother-in-law gave me this Origami Owl necklace for Christmas one year. The inside charms are a baseball, I heart books, a dog, a heart shaped family icon, and two birthstone charms for my sons. The two pearls are colors for my husband and I.
The second picture features my current charm bracelet. (I had one as a kid but it only had 4 charms on it. I didn’t appreciate it when I was younger.) This charm bracelet represents my life with my husband. It features places we’ve been together and our kids. My latest addition is the Sorcerer Mickey hat. Sadly in DisneyWorld they only had Pandora charms, I had to order the hat charm online to get something to represent our recent vacation.
This is a great idea for a blog post. Thanks for the opportunity.