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Archive for August, 2014
Saturday, August 16th, 2014
I have a head cold again. Never fails. If I travel, I get sick. I went to bed last night after taking NyQuil, woke up at nine, ate breakfast, and then back to bed I went. My body aches from resting so much, but the dreams have been amazing. Mostly half-naked, unconsummated scenes. Is it the NyQuil? If so, I need another bottle.
So, when I dream, I’m my pretty young self. Or I’m someone completely different. Sometimes, I’m even a man. And I dream in color. Usually lots of turquoise, sunny yellow, tangerine orange and spring green. If I sweep into a house, the room has niches in the walls with statuary. The beds look like something out of Hansel and Gretel—big four-posters with thick duvets. A lot of my dreams are set beside the sea or on a boat. Of course, the boat never rocks, so I’m never queasy.
I have a dream dictionary I consult whenever I have a particularly vivid dream, but it falls short quite often. How would you interpret alabaster-skinned aliens without sexual organs falling naked from the sky? Or basement swimming pools where the steps descend into a lighted grotto?
I suppose I’ll have to stir from this chair and go get a shower. Maybe the last of the NyQuil haze will clear. If I press “publish” now, will I regret it later? 🙂 What sort of dreams do you have?
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal - Gemma Juliana - Ginger Robertson - Mary Preston - Lisa J -
Friday, August 15th, 2014
Thank you, Delilah, for letting me chat here today. I’m going to keep this pretty short and sweet. For those who don’t know me, I’m Qwillia Rain and I write erotic romance with BDSM elements. I started my published author’s journey through Loose Id, LLC in 2007 with my first book, Santa’s Elf. Little did I know that a single, simple scene in the story would spawn an entire series – The Diablo Blanco Club.
I loved that people wanted to read about Mattie and Bryce after being introduced to them in Santa’s Elf.
It was interesting, too, when a quick run to McDonald’s ended up becoming a 45-minute drive so Vance Justiss could get his and Ben’s story off his chest and I could write my very first m/m romance. (Trust me, I tried hooking them up with some very nice ladies, but they just weren’t having it. The only lady they wanted was no longer available.)
Then there was the response I received for Mike and Lyssa’s story. I’m glad people actually got where Lyssa was coming from, and the depth of dedication Mike had to her. My favorite review was a 4-star review at Miz Love Loves Books that the reviewer left a note saying: “24 hours after writing this review, I’m still thinking about Lyssa…” especially since she didn’t like Lyssa when she first read the book.
Now I come to the problem child of the series and the reason his story is still not done after four years of trying and over 200,000 words written and deleted…Richard Bennett. See, Rick was never supposed to have a book (that may be the cause for his stubborn refusal to talk). Not that I planned on any of the characters having a book other than Dayton and Elf and Mattie and Bryce. No, Rick and Becka’s story was just information tossed on the page to act as a foil for Bryce and Dayton. Until I rewrote Santa’s Elf after getting my rights back to it in 2011. Then a different image of Rick emerged which had me wondering, what could have possibly happened between his ménage with Mattie and Bryce and his meeting with Dayton in the revised story to make Rick go from mild to deadly?
Sometimes secrets should simply stay secret. Unfortunately, the cat is outta the bag and as I’m slogging through the edits on the 92,000 word I-Don’t-Know-What-Number rough draft, I have to wonder what the readers are going to think of him. All I do know is, he’s not someone you want to mess with when he’s angry. And don’t even think of touching Becka without his permission.
I have no estimated release date for this story. Sorry. But I do know it will be done this year. If I have to tie Rick to a St. Andrews cross and flog him for information.
Born in California but raised in Las Vegas, Qwillia Rain embraces fully the independent spirit of the West she grew up in, even if she currently resides in North Carolina—after brief sojourns to Alaska and Montana.
Over the years she’s worked at a diverse mix of jobs including: casino change person, bill collector, book and video store clerk, and computer teacher to Kindergarten through 8th graders. Throughout it all, writing has always been part of her life.
In 2007, her first book (revised and self-published in 2011) Santa’s Elf, was published, opening a whole new world where she can play with her characters and get paid for it. Her curiosity and tendency to ask “What if” is sure to keep her occupied with ideas while she keeps her wanderlust at bay. Her books can be found on-line at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks, or through her publisher, Loose Id, LLC (www.loose-id.com)
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ronnie c - Barrie - Pansy Petal - Qwillia Rain -
Thursday, August 14th, 2014
Hello! I appreciate the invite and opportunity to acquaint readers with my newest historical romance ebook, A Kiss of Promise and the story behind it. A Kiss of Promise, a story of betrayal, greed, sacrifice and love, is a sequel to the Blackstone brothers’ saga introduced in my first Regency, Regal Reward (available in print and ebook).
In Regal Reward, York and Martin Blackstone’s father, a lord of the realm, is falsely accused of treason, imprisoned, and his family tossed to the streets of London. Eventually orphaned, the boys survive among beggars and thieves until they become adept as highwaymen, stealing from the wealthy. Regal Reward tells of York’s obsession to clear his father’s name and regain titles and lands lost to him as the eldest son.
Excerpt: “His feelings for Marielle were just that, feelings. Feelings could be harnessed and controlled. Eventually they would diminish or at least be kept at bay, but he’d made her his own. He couldn’t think of that now. Another day, another time…”
In A Kiss of Promise, younger brother Martin attempts to escape his family’s scandal and his wretched past. Since he was the youngest when his aristocratic family was destroyed, most of his childhood was spent surviving peril. Unlike his brother, who is now the lord of his late father’s holdings, Martin has the freedom to do as he pleases. He chooses to voyage to America, leaving the beautiful Alaina Craymore behind. He refuses to consider that his inability to commit to a relationship and his need for wild adventure is an escape from his own brokenness.
Alaina is the daughter of the villain in Regal Reward and continues to be victimized by her father’s illegal ventures in A Kiss of Promise. A stranger appears at her door with evidence that can be used to send her brother to prison unless she cooperates in one of her father’s unfinished business deals. She succumbs to his blackmail, sacrificing her reputation to save her brother. When Martin hears that she is in danger, he will face death to save her. He must not only deal with a dangerous scoundrel but also come to terms with his past before he can offer Alaina what she needs the most, his love.
Excerpt: “She wanted his love, not his pity. She had brought ruin upon herself and now she must pay the price.”
I loved including secondary characters from Regal Reward in A Kiss of Promise, giving them new issues to resolve, humor to lighten their stories, and satisfying resolutions. A Kiss of Promise also gave me the opportunity to research and write about the hazards of ocean travel while my characters journeyed to new environments and fear-filled futures.
My books are available at most online venues and on my website. Read more about them at https://www.elaineviolette.com or purchase all from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Elaine-Violette/e/B008H5NKQQ
Elaine is a veteran English teacher and holds a BS in English Education from the University of CT and an MS in Educational Leadership from Central CT State University. She presently teaches public speaking part time at a local community college. Her debut regency novel, Regal Reward, finaled in the NJRW Golden Leaf contest. Her second regency, A Convenient Pretense, illustrates her ability to create emotional depth in her characters and plot as well as her ability to write poetry that can be both heart-wrenching and humorous. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, CT Romance Writers (CTRWA) and Charter Oak Romance writers (CORW). She resides on the Connecticut shoreline and especially enjoys being a wife, mother, and grandmother to six grandchildren.
Thank you once again, Delilah, for hosting me. I’d love to hear comments from readers!
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Pat Freely - Elaine -
Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
Many writers have a particular style of music they like to listen to while they write. Hard rock, classical, pop, country…each genre has its diehard fans that swear they write better, faster and hotter because of what they listen to. For me, it tends to change with each story I write. It’s like I have a theme song for each book that runs through my head the whole time the story is coming together, whether I am actually working on it or just thinking about it.
When I was writing Tell Me Lies, it was Fleetwood Mac’s Sweet Little Lies. For A Rapture of Centuries, it was Michael Buble’s rendition of Fever. My upcoming release, Released By Moonlight, used Come on Closer by Jem for it’s inspiration.
My most recent release, Instruction by Seduction, follows the story of Leah, a young college student floundering in her life until along comes Hale, a mystery man who catapults her into making her dreams a reality with his erotic life lessons. For this story it was America’s You Can Do Magic that inspired me. The song’s description of a woman who can have anything she desires with her “magic” made me cheer for Leah throughout the book. It also reminds me that when each of us “spell-casts” with our thoughts throughout our daily life, we too can make our dreams a reality.
Is there a particular song that inspires you to create? Or a song that has its own music video that plays in your head each time you hear it? Share in the comments! I’ll pick a random commenter to win a digital copy of their choice of Tell Me Lies or Instruction by Seduction. The winner will be selected from comments posted by noon EST on August 19th.

You do not open the box. The box opens you.
When Leah picks up an ornate box at a flea market she knows it’s special. But she has no idea how her life as a sexually disappointed college student and grocery store cashier will be transformed.
Through forces unknown, the box summons Hale—a man who knows Leah inside and out. He uses their no-strings-attached sexual escapades—which include a hot threesome and light bondage—as lascivious lessons to teach Leah what she needs to succeed in her job, education and relationships.
With each sexual encounter growing more and more extreme, Leah comes away challenged and questioning everything. But will Leah listen to her new instincts and embrace the life of her dreams or will she continue to hide in her old and comfortable but self-defeating ways?
Buy Instruction by Seduction today!
Ellora’s Cave | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Adrian Ennis has only known the life of organized crime, having been trained to be a mob assassin from age eight. Crime king pin Ezra Drake is more like a father to Adrian than her boss and is one of the few people she feels she can trust. But on the evening of her 29th birthday when Ezra orders her to kill Tony, her friend and lover, Adrian’s perception of who is and is not her friend becomes a blurred line of blood and bullets.
When Adrian makes an unlikely ally in Atlanta PD detective Damon Wyatt she learns the truth about her past, an unsavory web of murder and deceit that includes the destruction of her entire family. With an innocent life hanging in the balance – Tony’s ten-year-old son – Adrian has an opportunity to amend for the wrongs of her past and to bring those who destroyed her life to justice…her way.
Buy Tell Me Lies here!
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Toni Whitmire - Pansy Petal - Ashley - Jessica Shin -
Tuesday, August 12th, 2014
This is the last day of my trip. We’re in Tennessee and stopping at an outlet mall (shopping for school clothes) before committing to the final hours of our journey.
Already I’m dreading all the catching up I’ll have to do when I arrive home—laundry, mail, email, updating plans. But that’s okay. I’ll simply be happy to sit at my desk with my “things” all around me.
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Last 5 people who had something to say: ronnie c - Delilah - Lisa J - Gail Siuba -
Monday, August 11th, 2014
Take a girl who is obsessed with YA (young adult), Harry Potter, medieval fantasy, kick-butt heroines, and hot bad boys and what do you get? For me that answer is my debut series THE BLACK MAGE.
To be honest I’ve had this story line floating around my head since the 7th grade. At the time the vision wasn’t very clear –all I knew was that I wanted a boy and girl as rivals who were secretly starting to fall for one another despite their own wishes. See, unlike the TWILIGHT fans out there I’ve always been drawn to the aloof/arrogant/misunderstood bad boy-types of characters. Romance in real life is almost always sweet –or at least predictable, when I read my novels I want spicy.
Enter Prince Darren. He was born with a bit of a chip on his shoulder. To start with he is second-in-line to the throne so he already feels like has something to prove. His obsession with being best leads him to alienate many people with his biting sarcasm and condescension. When he meets the protagonist he is torn between disdain and an unbidden attraction that leads him to help her later on despite his own nature.
Enter Ryiah. She was born dreaming of a better life than the lowborn one she was brought into. Hot-headed to match her scarlet red locks, she tries out for the faction of Combat and finds her biggest rival in the school prodigy, Darren. He seems to go out of his way to insult her, yet as time goes on she finds herself unwillingly drawn to him anyway.
Anyway, that is just the beginning of their tale. For more check out my excerpt and trailer below, or better yet, buy the book!
TRAILER LINK: https://youtu.be/noRhabNFJqk

Before the age of seventeen the young men and women of Jerar are given a choice –follow tradition, or pursue a trial year in one of the realm’s three war schools to study as a soldier, knight or mage…
For 15-year-old Ryiah the choice has always been easy. Become a warrior and leave the boring confines of her lowborn life behind. Set to enroll in the School of Knighthood on the eve of her next birthday, plans suddenly shift when her twin brother discovers powers. Hoping that hers will soon follow, she enrolls with Alex at the Academy instead –the realm’s most notorious war school for those with magic.
Yet when she arrives Ry finds herself competing against friend and foe for one of the exalted apprenticeships. Every “first-year” is given a trial year to prove their worth –and no amount of hard work and drive will guarantee them a spot. It seems like everyone is rooting for her to fail –and first and foremost among them Prince Darren, the school prodigy who has done nothing but make life miserable since she arrived.
When an accidental encounter leads Ryiah and Darren to an unlikely friendship she is convinced nothing good will come of it. But the lines become blurred when she begins to improve –and soon she is a key competitor for the faction of Combat… Still, nothing is ever as it seems –and when the world comes crashing down around her, Ry is forced to place faith in the one thing she can believe in –herself. Will it be enough?
Magic just got a whole lot harder.
Rachel Carter lives in Placerville, California with her fiancé and their two spoiled pets: a feisty feline named Charlie, and Zoey, the Australian Shepherd who gets jealous of her own shadow. She loves to organize –and when she is not color-coding her closet she is always looking for the next good book. She grew up reading about magic, hot bad boys, and lady knights. The Black Mage, her debut series, is a tribute to all the things she never stopped loving.
THE BLACK MAGE: FIRST YEAR is the first book of Rachel’s four-book YA fantasy series with Astraea Press. Rachel invites you to visit her author page at www.facebook.com.theblackmageauthor. She loves to hear from other aspiring authors or readers via email at rachelcarterauthor@gmail.com. Follow her on twitter @blackmageauthor and read her blog at https://theblackmagegirl.wordpress.com.
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Sunday, August 10th, 2014
I could spend this entire post talking about how wonderful Delilah Devlin is. But I won’t. If you’re here you already know as much. I’ll just say, “Thank you, DD, for your compassion, encouragement, and sharing your imagination with us, your revenues throng of eager readers.”
Why is it a book is not a book until it has a cover?
You see, I recently unveiled three new covers, all my very own. No, I didn’t design them. But the words they guard the door for are mine. All mine! Yet, the words didn’t seem real until that sentinel stood tall before them. Almost 200,000 words, and they didn’t seem real. Crazy right? Then again, not.
Though the words make the story, it’s not a marketable product without a cover. The good. The bad. The Oh my gosh, what were they thinking! You still need it to make a book. When I think back to some of my favorite novels none are the ones with the most beautiful cover. This doesn’t stop me from having cover crushes. My current lady crush is Delilah’s Once in a Blue Moon. My current man crush is Parker Kincade’s Borrowed Cowboy.
Who are your current cover crushes?
I’ll leave you in the capable hands of these three hotties. Baine. Law. Ryan. Maybe they’ll be list contenders.
When you’re done ogling hop on over to www.meganmitcham.com. Sign up for my newsletter. I’m always running contests and giveaways! Currently running: $10 Amazon gift card giveaway to one of my lucky subscribers when we reach 200! Last week they got a sneak peek at these fellas, and two weeks before five received advanced reader copies of Enemy Mine.

The Base Branch Series
Serve in the name of honor. Battle in the name of love.
Known by few as the Base Branch, the United Nations’ Special Operations Forces provide globe defense against any who threaten the fragile balance of peace.
When friends become enemies and enemies become lovers.
Born in the blood of Sierra Leone’s Civil War, enslaved, then sold to the US as an orphan, Base Branch operative, Sloan Harris is emotionally dead and driven by vengeance. With no soul to give, her body becomes the bargaining chip to infiltrate a warlord’s inner circle, the man called The Devil who killed her family and helped destroy a region.
As son of the warlord, Baine Kendrick will happily use Sloan’s body, if it expedites his father’s demise. Yet, he is wholly unprepared for the possessive and protective emotions she provokes. Maybe it’s the flashes of memory. Two forgotten children drawing in the dirt beneath the boabab tree. But he fears there is more at stake than his life.
In the Devil’s den with Baine by her side, Sloan braves certain death and discovers a spirit for living.
For justice. For country. For love.
One takes control. One finds balance in letting go.

Megan Mitcham was born and raised among the live oaks and shrimp boats of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, where her enormous family still calls home. She attended college at the University of Southern Mississippi where she received a bachelor’s degree in curriculum, instruction, and special education. For several years Megan worked as a teacher in Mississippi. She married and moved to South Carolina and began working for an international non-profit organization as an instructor and co-director.
In 2009 Megan fell in love with books. Until then, books had been a source for research or the topic of tests. But one day she read Mercy by Julie Garwood. And oh, Mercy, she was hooked!
Megan lives in Southern Arkansas where she pens heart pounding romantic thriller novels and window-steaming erotic romance.
Author links:
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