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Archive for December, 2014
Wednesday, December 10th, 2014
This is my favorite time of the year—the warm, fuzzy afterglow that comes after winning National Novel Writing Month. (You thought I was going to say something about Christmas, huh?)
I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo every year since 2006, and every November has been an adventure since. NaNoWriMo is thirty days and fifty thousand words, with the additional challenge of crossing the finish line with the challenge of writing over the Thanksgiving holiday. This year I was fortunate to have the additional support of the Chicago-North RWA chapter, who word warred with neighboring chapter Windy City RWA.
It’s always a little easier knowing that other authors are struggling beside you, toiling away at their own novels. Writing is usually a solitary thing—it’s you, the keyboard, and if you’re lucky your muse shows up too. But NaNoWriMo lets us toil together, united in our struggle to defeat the dreaded Word Count.
I have four published NaNo novels now. My 2013 novel Sunsinger is my next release, out December 23rd. It’s sort of mindboggling how last year’s NaNo is now a real, full-fledged book. (With an awesome cover, no less. Kanaxa always does fabulous work!)
So this December, while visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of most people, revisions and edits will be in the minds of NaNoWriMo authors. And since Santa is bringing me a new book release this year, I hope that he brings one to all those good NaNoers next year, too.
Website: https://www.robynbachar.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobynBachar
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRobynBachar

Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.
The lord.
The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.
The assassin.
Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.
The slave.
Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.
The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.
Warning: Contains a blushing, virgin lord, a sexy geek, and an empathic assassin who always brings lube on a mission.
Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Enikö - Sharon Chalk -
Tuesday, December 9th, 2014
Well, Burnin’ up Memphis is (or will be shortly) available on sites today! I can hardly wait to hear from you. I hope you love it. I hope you love my guys. I have an inkling where I’ll go next, but it’s always nice to hear which fella struck your fancy.
The countdown contest winners have been chosen and notified! Congrats to all! The only thing I have left to say is this: If you love the book, please let someone else know it. You can tell a friend or post a review. The only way I can stay a success and writing full-time is through your continued support. I’m very appreciative of everyone you do.
Enjoy release day! DD

She’s the one fire he may not be able to control.
Firehouse 69, Book 1
When a roof collapse kills his best friend and his girlfriend clears out his apartment and leaves, firefighter John Cooper knows he shouldn’t sit alone in his empty apartment. But when he accepts an invitation to Club LaForge, his feet get colder with every step he takes inside.
The sights, sounds and smells of the BDSM club make him sweat, and not because he’s turned off. Yet he can’t bring himself to admit—to himself, or to his luscious guide, Moira—that this lifestyle might just be what he needs.
An experienced BDSM trainer, Moira senses that Coop is not only a Dom in the making, but exactly what she’s been looking for. A man to be her lover and her Dom. The only problem is, Coop isn’t looking for anything complicated.
Moira’s willing to start slow and easy, but even once there’s enough trust to bring Coop into her world—and to her Dom—she’s still worried he’ll look for the nearest exit.
Warning: Do you smell smoke? Don’t worry, it’s just a hot and sexy firefighter getting down and dirty. Contains BDSM scenes, ropes, floggers, some spanking, some sharing, and some five-alarm sex.
Buy it now! Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
Tagged: BDSM, Firehouse 69 Posted in About books..., News | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Enikö -
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Update! Savonna is the winner of the free download!
* * * * *

One more day. Not even that. Likely if you’ve pre-ordered, the book will hit your Kindle just after midnight. The story’s a novella, not long. You can have it read before the sun comes up. Okay, so maybe I’m just anxious to hear back from you. 🙂
I love the start of a new series. It’s all fresh promises and new people to crawl inside of—five firefighters, in addition to two you’ve already met, Aiden and Billy, from the previous books in the Delta Heat series:
Knox Triplett, lieutenant
Noah Turner, firefighter
John Cooper, firefighter
Gage Eastwood, firefighter
Luke Harris, rookie
The first is Coop’s story. I think Noah’s will be next. Each will be very, very sinfully delicious. Read another tease below…
Post a comment today to win a free download of your choice
from among any of my Samhain novellas!
With her heels digging into the backs of his shoulders, Coop knew Moira was right fucking there. So was he. He grimaced as he slammed his hips forward, forcing her to withdraw her hands. With one hand cupping her rump to hold her the height he needed, and fingers still pumping into her ass, he was a little too busy to concentrate. Ambidextrous, he was not. It was hard to keep on task.
Calling her slut had made her expression soften, her lips poutier. The word had done something to him too. Made him powerful and then immediately remorseful, shamed for feeling that way. She wanted it, but he wasn’t comfortable giving it. His upbringing, which required that he always treat a woman like a lady even when she wasn’t behaving like one, might be a little too ingrained.
Still didn’t soften his dick one iota. Gazing down at her, he found he was searching her face for clues, looking for indications he was getting this right, giving her what she needed. Something he usually took for granted with his partners because what he brought always seemed to be enough.
With Moira, he wasn’t sure. For one thing, she wasn’t sinking her nails into him. Her hands were curled beside her head, her gaze clinging to his face, begging him silently. He wanted to ask her what she needed but sensed she didn’t want to direct him. He’d have to figure this out himself. Go with his gut.
Only once had his gut failed him.
He swallowed, halting his motions. He stared down at her and a drop of sweat trickled from his hairline down his cheek to his nose and then plopped on her cheek.
Moira angled her face and swiped the droplet as it veered toward her mouth.
Sexy as hell. He was driving into two of her three orifices, staring at the third. She was his. He could take her any way he wanted. And she was waiting….to see whether he was worthy? Whether he’d figure her out?
He remembered the dude on the stage at La Forge. The one with the ridiculous saw-blade hair. He’d been in control, and while he’d paddled the woman, burned her skin, he’d never been too crude about it. Never made her an object. His tone had remained intimate, respectful, even when he’d called her slut.
He’d given her what she’d wanted—no, needed—and never taken a thing from her, except perhaps the pleasure of knowing he’d given Britney pleasure.
Coop wanted to be like that. Wanted to see Moira’s eyes flare with pleasure and respect. He wanted her to trust him. For her to know that if she fell through the roof, he’d catch her.
He bowed his head, dropping it to lie against her shoulder to hide his face, seeking privacy while he came to terms with his emotions.
Grief was still there at the fleeting, unwanted thought of that roof and the black cloud of smoke that had burned his eyes to tears. He hadn’t failed Danny. He knew it in his heart. Danny’s death had been out of his control. Lack of control was the crux of his problem.
The woman beginning to quiver beneath him was a gift he didn’t deserve, but one he wasn’t about to refuse. She was giving him the means to take back control, if only for the short time they’d come together. She was willing to let him take charge, take her wherever he wanted in any way he desired. She’d offer him only her unequivocal submission.
The thought was combustive to his libido, but also a sweet balm to his soul.
* * * * *
Pre-order here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
Tagged: BDSM, Firehouse 69 Posted in About books..., General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Ginger Robertson - Charlene - Delilah - Kathy Mayeux -
Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Update! Ellen Blakley is the winner of the free download! DD
* * * * *

Two more days. I can hardly wait. When you read it, you’ll get back to me, right? Let me know what you thought. Tell me who you want center stage in the next story…?
This book’s about more than just the sex. Yes, there’s tons of sex, but it’s about a firehouse that’s hurting too. No one more than Coop. I’m sharing the opening of the story with you below so you can see the demons he’s fighting. Coop’s a little bitter and closed off. You know what he needs.
And if you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy…
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
Post a comment today to win a free download of your choice
from among my Delta Heat titles!
The opening…
One of the crappiest shifts of firefighter John “Coop” Cooper’s life took another nosedive when his lieutenant caught him before he’d even had a chance to drop his turnout gear after their latest run. With sooty sweat stinging his eyes and his suspenders half-up half-down, he sighed as the LT curled his fingers, beckoning him over.
Coop knew exactly what this was about, and despite his fatigue, his mind zipped through all the possible excuses he could muster to escape.
“You’re the last one,” Lieutenant Knox Triplett said, his face hard and his hazel gaze narrowing on Coop.
Used to be that Coop cared about pleasing Knox. He’d strove to be first to his gear and into the truck, first in the door of a burning building, and was careful never to fuck up a room-to-room search. He’d cared about being the best firefighter he could be. But lately, he’d just been showing up, going through the motions. Doing what he had to do to get through the shift.
Knox had been patient, his gazes merciful and sympathetic. But it looked as though he’d reached the end of his tether so far as Coop was concerned.
Coop wished he could feel anger or shame. But all he could muster was irritation. He wanted out of the station. The shift was nearly over and he had to dodge this bullet one more time. “The last one? You sure about that?” Coop asked, not bothering to look Knox in the eye.
Knox tapped his clipboard. “I asked for a hundred percent cooperation with the internal investigation, with the NIOSH assholes. Don’t know what it is with you guys. This should be the easy part. The counselor’s here to help you.”
Coop raked a hand through his hair. “That’s the point, LT. I don’t need his help. I’m tired of talking about it.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ronnie c - Angel M - Jackie Hernandez - Reba Newman - Savonna -
Saturday, December 6th, 2014
Update! Janice is the winner of the free download! DD
* * * * *

On Tuesday, the first of the Firehouse 69 books releases. If you loved the Delta Heat cop series (5 Ways ‘Til Sunday, Fournicopia, A Perfect Trifecta, Twice the Bang, and Once is Never Enough), and were sad to see it end—well, it didn’t. The Firehouse 69 books are an offshoot of that series, and some of the characters from the first five books will appear throughout.
Rest easy. My firemen are every bit as kinky as my cops were. 😉
If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, here’s where you can go to rectify that oversight: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
And if anyone out there would like to host me on their blog to talk about this book or share excerpts, I’ll bring prizes and promo the hell out of it! Just email me.
Post a comment today to win a free download of your choice
from among my Delta Heat titles!
* * * * *
Burnin’ Up Memphis

She’s the one fire he may not be able to control.
Firehouse 69, Book 1
When a roof collapse kills his best friend and his girlfriend clears out his apartment and leaves, firefighter John Cooper knows he shouldn’t sit alone in his empty apartment. But when he accepts an invitation to Club LaForge, his feet get colder with every step he takes inside.
The sights, sounds and smells of the BDSM club make him sweat, and not because he’s turned off. Yet he can’t bring himself to admit—to himself, or to his luscious guide, Moira—that this lifestyle might just be what he needs.
An experienced BDSM trainer, Moira senses that Coop is not only a Dom in the making, but exactly what she’s been looking for. A man to be her lover and her Dom. The only problem is, Coop isn’t looking for anything complicated.
Moira’s willing to start slow and easy, but even once there’s enough trust to bring Coop into her world—and to her Dom—she’s still worried he’ll look for the nearest exit.
Warning: Do you smell smoke? Don’t worry, it’s just a hot and sexy firefighter getting down and dirty. Contains BDSM scenes, ropes, floggers, some spanking, some sharing, and some five-alarm sex.
Okay, so this excerpt’s a little raw. Enjoy!
So here she was, edgy and needy. So excited she was afraid she’d be a useless lay because she’d come like a rocket. And she wanted to be the best he’d ever had. Wanted him to want her even a fraction as much as she wanted him.
Watching him play with his friends, watching as he’d been hammered time and again for his inattention and then watching those spurts of power and speed had proved he was in some damn shape. All hills and hollows and oodles of stamina. And now she knew how hard the muscle was cloaking that tall, angular frame. She wanted everything he’d bring to bed.
When they reached the parking lot, he dragged her straight to his car. “We’ll get yours later.” All during the five-minute drive to his apartment, his hand remained on her thigh, anchoring her there, claiming her in a way. Something that kept her hot.
Moira waited silently beside Coop as he fumbled with his keys at the apartment door. Her whole body felt tight and hard. And she was shivering despite the heat. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: BDSM, Firehouse 69 Posted in About books..., Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Eniko - Tina S. - Reba Newman - Savonna - Delilah -
Friday, December 5th, 2014
I’m so delighted to be a part of the eighth What to Read After Fifty Shades of Grey boxed set, which includes squirm-inducing, edgy erotic fiction. My fictionalized memoir is part of this set.
Check it out:
One woman’s journey into the contemporary kink underworld, Perilous Play is Suz deMello’s explosive personal account of her experiences with BDSM. Engaging and honest, this groundbreaking memoir will grab you and never let you go.
Trapper’s first word to me was, “Kneel.”
I obeyed, more excited than I had ever been.
He collared me, of course, then buckled wrist and ankle cuffs on me. I went down on him for a long time, with him showing me how he most liked to be blown. Nevertheless, he didn’t come, and I was frantic about that. Last time, he’d lavished praise on my oral skills. And now…?
I stood to pee, and he followed me into the bathroom. When we were both done, he wrapped his arms around me in a full-body embrace.
I had never felt so cherished in my life. Trapper’s hugs were all-consuming, his kisses magic.
Then, without warning, he swatted my bottom. Hard.
I yelped.
“Don’t yell in my ear,” he growled, and slapped my ass again.
I buried my face in his shoulder and emitted a squeak.
The spanking went on and on, with Trapper holding me tight and determinedly slapping my rump until, quivering, I could do nothing but gasp, “Please sir, please sir, please sir, please…” my usual refrain.
Then he wanted me to cry. For him. But as distraught as I was over the emotional situation, I couldn’t drag forth even a single tear.
He hooded and gagged me. Using metal loops embedded in the black leather cuffs, he tied me to the four-poster bed spread-eagled, face down.
I shook with anticipation. He was going to spank me some more, and boy, I needed that. Needed the pain that would blossom into sweet pleasure when he entered me with his cock. Needed the fierce orgasms that would tear through my body, leaving me limp.
Here’s where you can buy this excellent boxed set:
Kindle US – https://amzn.to/1BS3Q3L
Kindle UK – https://amzn.to/1zHXlM5
iTunes – https://bit.ly/1zHXjnr
Nook – https://bit.ly/1BS3Q3N
Kobo – https://bit.ly/1yvWnBC
About Suz deMello:
Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello, a.k.a Sue Swift, has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, comedy, historical, paranormal, mystery and suspense, plus a number of short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. A freelance editor, she’s held the positions of managing editor and senior editor, working for such firms as Totally Bound and Ai Press. She also takes private clients.
Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.
A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US over a dozen times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.
–Find her books at https://www.suzdemello.com
–For editing services, email her at suzdemello@gmail.com
–Befriend her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suzdemello
–She tweets @Suzdemello
–Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/suzdemello/
–Goodreads: https://bit.ly/SuzATGoodreads
–Her current blog is https://www.TheVelvetLair.com
Tagged: BDSM Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sharon Chalk - Suz deMello -
Thursday, December 4th, 2014
I want to give a super huge THANK YOU to the fabulously talented and amazingly generous Delilah Devlin for hosting me today. To celebrate, I’m giving a lucky commenter his/her choice of any one of my titles + a $5 gift card.
I must confess to being a rabid Delilah Devlin fan since reading Fournicopia in July of 2012. Fournicopia was the first *official* BDSM romance I ever read, and I got seriously hooked on Ms. Devlin’s stories as well as reading – and writing – in the sub-genre. In fact, I just released Grace, the third novella in my Heartache and Hopeful series. These novellas, as well as my full-length novel Shattered Trust, incorporate elements of the BDSM lifestyle.
With the holidays upon us, I’m reminded of the old lesson that it’s better to give than to receive. But what about giving instead of taking? One of the misconceptions swirling around the kink lifestyle – and one that I myself, as a vanilla, was guilty of holding – is the assumption that a D/s relationship is just about the power; about someone taking control away from somebody else. It’s not. There’s a line from the Rihanna song, Stay, which I think lends itself perfectly to the dynamics of a D/s bond: It’s not just something you take, it’s given.
Nothing says it better than that. A submissive gives his/her control to the Dominant – the Dominant doesn’t take it. To be brutally blunt, when a person’s control or power is ripped from them, it’s assault, or worse rape.
That line from Stay became the crux of a pivotal love scene between Grace and Seth. Seth has the choice of submitting to Grace; she doesn’t force him. For one, she can’t because he’s much bigger and stronger. But if even if that wasn’t the case, there’s no satisfaction for a Dominant or Top if he/she has to coerce a submissive or bottom. It’s my understanding that part of the pleasure for the Dominant/Top comes from knowing the submissive/bottom trusts them. Trusts them enough to relinquish their control. And that trust must never be violated.
Are you a reader/writer of BDSM romances? If so, what are your thoughts concerning the nature of a D/s connection? Also, share your favorite BDSM authors – I’ve shared one of mine! And remember, leave a comment for the chance to win one of my titles and a $5 GC…
Thanks again to Delilah for letting me hang out today!

On the Corner of Heartache and Hopeful…
Revenge is a dish best served cold—and according to Grace Harrington, while wearing three inch stilettos and wielding a flogger. No longer the bullied, nerdy kid she was in high school, Grace is now a take-charge corporate lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska. She’s also a take-charge Top in the bedroom. The last thing she wants to do is go back to the small town of Tatum, but to save a treasured landmark from destruction while exacting retribution on the guy who ground her heart to dust? Hell yes!
Seth Reisner never wanted to leave Tatum. He thought being a country lawyer slash gentleman farmer would be the perfect life. But his agricultural kingpin uncle had other ideas. And when dear uncle foots the bill for law school plus signs your paycheck, you suck it up, alter your plans and move to Dallas, Texas. Now Seth divides his time between litigating on behalf of his uncle’s company and trying to find his “Mrs. Right.” When the opportunity to return to Tatum comes up, he’s grateful for the chance to go home.
Grace and Seth end up on opposite sides both in and out of the courtroom. Grace is determined to get her vengeance while Seth only wants to make up for his unintended past transgressions. When the verdict is read, who will win—and at what cost?
GRACE Excerpt:
Grace took hold of his wrists and molded his palms to her breasts. The feel of his calluses tightened her nipples into stiff buds. How does a high-end lawyer get calluses? “Did you like being tied up?”
His body tensed. “Why are you asking?”
She rose up slightly then settled back onto his thickening cock. “Don’t beg the question, counselor. Answer it. Did you like it?”
He frowned and averted his gaze. She lifted off him then kept herself suspended over him with his tip just inside her cunt. He growled and thrust his hips up. She hoisted herself higher to keep him from embedding himself inside her. His fingers flexed around her breasts. He thrust harder, but she stayed out of reach.
“Answer me,” she cooed. “Did you like it?”
His face crumpled with palpable aggravation as the tendons in his neck protruded. “Yes,” he finally gritted out.
“And you’re not happy about liking it, are you?” She kept a nonthreatening tone.
“Not particularly.”
She rewarded his truthfulness by lowering slowly onto his cock. “Don’t you like giving up control?”
“Does anyone?”
“If done right, it can be very freeing. Can you honestly tell me that you didn’t come like a fire hose before?” She circled her hips which elicited a gurgled groan from him.
“Then let go. Trust me, baby. I’ll keep you safe.”
She freed his hands. He kept them on her breasts for a long count of five, then slowly raised them over his head…
About Lynda:
I’ve always loved stories, especially romances. For me the only thing better than reading a romance is writing one. That and drinking red wine while eating dark chocolate.
My romances are full of passion, with heat levels that range from hot to sizzling! I’m proud to have been a 2010 finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart®. Please join me for laughter and love, and where the good guys always win in the end.
I live in Reno with my husband of thirty+ years and our two pampered pooches.
Stalker Links…
Website: https://www.lyndabailey.net
Blog: https://www.lyndabailey.net/category/blog/
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/LyndaBaileyRomanceAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorlyndab
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/baileylynda/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6472849.Lynda_Bailey
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Lynda-Bailey/e/B007UQHW9E/
Tagged: BDSM, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Melissa Keir - Pansy Petal - Lynda Bailey - flchen1 -