I know f/f isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I’ll tell you, sometimes the sexual orientation of a story doesn’t really matter. It’s the story. Straight up. Even if it’s short. Catnip is a lesbian paranormal that I wrote originally for the anthology, She Shifters. I like to joke that it’s one part Practical Magic and one part Josie and the Pussycats. The story’s just plain fun and naughty. And isn’t that what you want from one of my stories?
I’m nearing the end of my Friday spree of short stories. Just three more to go. I’m thinking I might want to continue with a monthly release after that, but I’ll need to write new stories. And I’m thinking, I should write some naughty taboo stories. You know the kind… The young heroine has been dying to do her stepfather, and now that her mom and daddy are divorced, well… Or he’s my cousin, and if it ain’t illegal it ought to be because it’s so damn hot we’re gonna burn the barn down…
Okay, so I’m just thinkin’ about tawdry ideas. And they’d be all about the sex, which is something I love to write. Man, I could write the hell out of those! But in the meantime, I hope you’re enjoying my series of shorts. It’s been fun revising/revisiting the stories. I wanted them all to be at least 5000 words so no one would feel cheated by the word count. Next Friday, it’s a sexy prison short, Pitch Black.
A cat-woman doll found at a garage sale reveals a lonely woman’s magical destiny…
Note: This 5000-word short story was previously published as part of the SHE SHIFTERS anthology. It may be short in length, but it’s not short in passion!*~*~*~*~*
Excerpt:Mallory set “Miss Kitty” on the bookshelf beside her computer. She’d brushed away as much dust as she could before sponging away the grime. She’d reattached the tail with tiny stitches.While she’d worked, she’d admired the craftsmanship of the strange little doll. The fur suit was seamless and molded to the figure. The small face wasn’t hard plastic, but something softer, with the texture of real skin. The lips, with their cat’s cleft at the center, were parted with a row of individually attached teeth beneath them. She’d stroked her thumbnail over the soft lashes surrounding those shining eyes–each lash appeared to be embedded in the lids.Perhaps there was more to the doll than what she’d originally believed. Promising herself to do a little Internet search in the morning, she turned off the bedroom light and climbed into bed.Her head no sooner hit the pillow than she heard something drop to the floor. The sound was soft, but solid.
She sighed and reached to turn on the bedside lamp. Glancing in the direction of the sound, she scanned the floor, but found nothing out of place. Only mildly perturbed, Mallory reached for the light then paused. Her gaze flicked to the bookcase. Her new doll wasn’t on the shelf where she’d placed it.
Dammit. She’d never sleep until it was back where it belonged. She crawled from the bed and searched the floor beneath the shelf. Nothing. She pulled out her desk chair to see if it had somehow tumbled beneath her desk. “Weird,” she said under her breath as she pushed the chair back into place.
A skittering sounded in the closet beside the shelf, and her heart rate accelerated. “What the hell?” The sound was too small to be a hidden intruder. Wary, she approached the closet. The door was open only a crack. Did she have a mouse? The mystery over the doll was forgotten as she worried how she’d trap it. Inching the door open, she reached inside for the string attached to the lamp on the ceiling.
A loud thump came from the back of the closet, and Mallory jumped back. Too freaking big to be a mouse. Fuck! She backed up two steps, and then ran for the bedroom door.
Before she’d gone three steps, something pounced on her back, taking her to the carpet. Hands wrapped around her wrists, pinning them to the floor. Mallory bucked, panic making her breaths come in short, shallow sobs.
“Don’t be afraid,” purred a feminine voice from right beside her ear.
The raspy quality of the voice caressed nerves Mallory chose to ignore. “Get off me,” she ground out.
“I think I’ll stay here for a moment. I don’t want you bolting again, because I wouldn’t like to hurt you. You smell good.”
“What the fuck were you doing in my closet? What do you want?”
The body covering her back resettled, curves molding to Mallory’s. “I’m not sure why I’m here. Are you a witch?” The woman’s hips undulated, grinding against Mallory’s ass.
Which made it very hard to think. “Am I a wha–”
A snarl sounded. “Just shut up a second. I can’t think.” A rumbling purr vibrated against her, growing louder as the woman on her back nuzzled her neck.
“What are you doing?” Mallory asked in a very small voice, wondering if she was going to be raped by the woman and why that thought didn’t terrify her more.
“Mmm… I’m doing what I couldn’t when you groomed me.”
The Contest
Hope you enjoyed! Leave an answer to the following question in the comments and you’ll be entered to win a copy of any of the shorties in the Amazon carousel below EXCEPT Catnip. That one, I hope you’ll purchase on your own!
So if I decide to write some really naughty, taboo stories, what themes would you love to read? I’m taking orders! 🙂
Good morning ms dd
Thank u so much for all your work and your reworks and your thoughts …
I’m so torn ..I’m all over… you’re so good and detailed …
two married persons ..each married to separate people
they want to be together so badly ..naturally ones more in love with other.. if you had a clone of one of them and then the two can somehow be together in every way ..cause ur juicy bits are so yummy… meanwhile the one that is cloned can feel what’s good on with both women until something comes out of the situations…
Confusing huh .. did that make any sense ?
Hmmm… Are you talking about an affair? Or wife-swapping?
An affair but can be as close to reality as can be … the family gatherings may get awkward since it’ll be his twin.. the f/f’s are soooo good… as a twist… his twin would be more into the voyeur part where the f/f can come in and if you wanted at the end to make it any combos your heart desires .. I love all your taboos .. the wifeswappings definitely aconsideration…

You are a naughty, naughty person!
Would prefer to really be one or at least as bright as one besides when just thinking and dreaming … hope that doesn’t affect the way you may like me ms dd
Nope, jc–you belong here! 😈
Oh to be accepted in your group and be with you all
🙂 sighs
How about wife with wife and husband with husband ? That would be interesting.
My favorite taboo stories are the stepbrother/stepsister ones.
MMF menage stories are also favorites but not sure if they fall into the taboo category.
Catnip was an interesting and sexy story. Didn’t really think FF would be for me but I did enjoy reading this one and I liked how it ended.
Don’t enter me in the contest; I already have your shorties. 🙂
Your suggestions for the really taboo sounded pretty awesome, especially the stepfather thing. I also enjoy stepbrother/stepsister, stepbrother/stepbrother, etc.
Kind of like the idea above about wife/wife and husband/husband. That could be really interesting. And potentially hot as hell.
Another favorite of mine is stepmother/stepson. Haven’t read many of those, but the ones I have read were pretty good. I’m sure you could really spice them up.
Ooh! Sexy stepmom stories. Yum!
I can see the stepfather thing, especially if there’s not a more than 15-18 year difference. I think 20+ might be gold-digger territory. 😉 I like the m/m, f/f, m/m/f is ok too. 🙂 Ok so I’m game for whatever you write. 😀 I’m going to grab Catnip after I finish this post. 🙂
Happy St. Patrick’s Day