Y’all may not know it, but my sister is a cover artist. She creates most of mine! We’ve been debating about the cover for the next Boys Behaving Badly anthology we’re working on and we could use a little help. Here are the three options she’s been working on. Which do you prefer? Feel free to leave comments, if you like, describing what you like or whether you think we should start all over again.
Thanks for your help!! And be looking for this book in early 2017!
I’m a long time reader of your books and I love reading them! Merry Christmas!
I definitely like version 1 (far left) the best; next would be version 3 (far right). The vibrant colors in #1 are attractive, not to mention the nice deep sweaty tan on the man.
Number 1
I like them all, but #2 is probably my favorite. I like his skin tone better than #1. Looks more natural.
I’ve seen so many chests that I’m inclined to go with the black and white. But…..because I’m a smutty, horndog romance reader, I would grab the glistening abs on door number one. It’s more vibrant and sweater looking. Sorry, if TMI. *:-* ????
I likey #1. 😛 I voted.
I like #3 because he actually looks like a “Blue Collar” worker. The others are hunky models in a blue chambray shirt – very everybody-does-it. Also with the clouds and construction in the background, it just feels more like “blue collar.” My humble opinion – for what it is worth. Thank you for allowing me to voice it.
I like #3 because he looks like a blue collar worker.
The skin tone in cover 2 has a blue/grey base which makes him look unhealthy, like he isn’t getting enough oxygen. Cover 1 has the color of a hardworking man who works outdoors and he’s wearing your blue collar. If you do decide to go black & white, you might take this one to grey scale rather than Cover 3 which has no collar, much less a blue one.
#1 attracts my eyes more
Although I like a half dressed man as much as anyone, I would pick option 3, it is more in-line with the theme, I would add a bit more colour though.
Cover #3 looks less cluttered and I like that the title stands out more.