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Archive for December, 2016
Sunday, December 18th, 2016
I never thought I’d be a writer. As a child, I had an active imagination and did make up stories. I had friends for whom writing was a cherished pastime, but it wasn’t something I was interested in.
I was a reader, and books were one of my favorite gifts. I was also crazy about horses. Since I was born and raised in the middle of town to parents who had no use for equines, getting a horse of my own was a fantasy.
I hounded them year after year, for birthdays and Christmas and cleaned stalls at a nearby stable to pay for riding. Every time they’d ask what I wanted, I’d answer, “A horse.” They were all-mighty sick of hearing about my dream, but being my parents, they loved me anyway. They bought Breyer toy horses, cowgirl outfits and all the western books they could find in an effort to appease me.
When I was fifteen, I wore them down. My dad came home with an appaloosa—quarter horse cross that I named Gypsy. He was a two year old, unbroken colt. The fact that I didn’t have a clue how to train him didn’t make any difference.
I had a horse and life was great.
Over the next thirty years, I learned from two of the best barrel horse trainers in the country, Larry and Kay Davis. I was fortunate enough to have some great horses that made me look good. I married a cowboy. Didn’t get much better than that for this girl.
Through everything, I was a reader. A romance reader, and I devour books like chocolate chip cookies. Well, I did until I started writing them. One day about seven years ago, I read a Western Romance where the main character was a barrel racer. As the heroine was preparing to go to the National Finals Rodeo, she fell in love with the hero, a man who knew nothing about rodeo.
The author also knew nothing about rodeo and hadn’t bothered to do her research. The romance part of her book was well written, and I’m sure to someone who hadn’t rodeoed it was fine, but to me, it wasn’t authentic. What I couldn’t get past was the way she portrayed the horse training, barrel racing and rodeo scenes. They couldn’t have been more unrealistic if she’d tried, and really, all she needed to do was ask. Most barrel racers love to talk about their sport and their horses.
Well, really, how hard can it be to write a book? I decided to write one the way it should be done. That first book was read by my mother and only my mother—she loved it by the way. With that book, I discovered how hard it is to write well.
There’s an old cowboy saying. “Training a horse is like looking at a solid wooden fence. Good trainers find a knothole, look through and discover all they’ve got left to learn. Most people don’t even find the knothole.”
The saying applies to writing, too. Many years later, after countless classes, with seven books written and four published, I think maybe I’ve found the knothole. Now to learn more about what’s on the other side of that writing fence.
In most of my books, either rodeo cowboys or ranchers play a featured role. They’re filled with small towns and quirky characters. Radio Rose is still my favorite. The hero, Adam Cameron, is a Bareback Bronc rider and the heroine, Rose Wajnowski, is an all-night DJ at a small radio station. They work together to save their town and themselves.
Have you ever been to a rodeo or watched one on TV? For a chance to win your choice of any of my books, tell me your favorite rodeo event.

Radio Rose knows Martians aren’t real.
As a DJ for a late night talk show about aliens, she’d never admit to being a non-believer. Talking to crazies all night isn’t the perfect job for most people, but she’s happy with her solitary life. Until a middle of the night car crash and a blow to the head has her mistaking a stranger for a real life extra-terrestrial.
Adam Cameron, raised by his narcissistic grandfather for most of his childhood, made his escape from Tullyville, Colorado the day he turned eighteen. Forced to return ten years later for the reading of his grandfather’s will, he’s about to be pulled into a contest for a vast fortune and the future of a town he’d just as soon forget.
The small town of Tullyville is right next to Trinidad, Colorado, known as the sex change capital of the world, something neither Rose or Adam realized, but use to help their cause.
Relationships aren’t one of Rose’s strong points. Hell, she mistook the hot stranger for an alien the first time they met, but Adam needs help and she’s the woman to help him–maybe. In a town filled with new- found friends, Rose has to decide how far she’s willing to go to trust the loner.
I’m working on the sequel, but for now, Radio Rose is on sale for only 99 cents right now.
Amazon https://amzn.to/2h54VwP
Barnes & Noble https://bit.ly/2gFQsGD
Kobo https://bit.ly/2hyw3bi
IBooks https://apple.co/2h592cu
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Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Debbie Watson -
Saturday, December 17th, 2016
‘Tis the season, and all that… 🙂

I’ll be giving away a story to my newsletter subscribers as a Christmas gift, very very soon. Pretty cover, isn’t it? If you’d like a free copy and ARE NOT already one of my newsletter subscribers, head to this URL to sign up: Newsletter Sign-Up
It’s a 12,000-word novelette. Very spicy. If you want your friends to get this gift too, share the link! The story will go up on Amazon very soon as well. So, if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can pick up your free copy there, too. Soon.
New topic. Are you finished with your holiday shopping? I think I am. My dd ran to the store to get me a bunch of gift bags because I know I’m not going to have the time to wrap everything. Wouldn’t it be crazy to have all the shopping done early and not get the gifts looking pretty in time?! That would be me. Of course, I wouldn’t have everything already bought if not for the miracle of the internet and my dd. In the past, I was that harried shopper hitting the mall on Christmas Eve with my entire list. Yeah, that was me, red-faced, sweating, arguing over the last Cabbage Patch doll left on the shelf with another last-minute shopper! But no more. I think it, I surf for it, I buy it. Magic!
Tagged: Free Read, historical Posted in About books..., Contests! | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Armenia Fox - ButtonsMom2003 - Lisa J - Cynthia -
Friday, December 16th, 2016
I have a secret. I have a BIG secret I’ve been keeping forever! And I finally get to spill it!
OMG I’m so excited! *bouncy* Okay, drum roll please……………………….
I have a new series.
A new kink series.
A series I’ve had plans to write for YEARS!
And I finally found time to write it, and I found the perfect publisher to send it out into the world to be devoured!
The publisher is Totally Bound Publishing, and they’re publishing the Hot Wife Series by me! The first book is Our Rules and the cover made me swoon. It’s dark and decadent and flirty, and I love it sooo much!

The series is all about the Hot Wife subset of kink. A wife gets to do all sorts of dirty and yummy things with other guys with the complete support of her husband. The RULES are different for each couple, and the needs and reasons behind why they need this are unique to each of them. Some come from having nothing. Some come from losing everything.
Our Rules is about Tabitha and her husband Michael and them finding their way back to each other and rediscovering what it means to be his hot wife.
I won’t lie. This is one of the most gut-wrenching books I’ve ever written. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more proud of a story or two characters. It comes out in March!
There are currently 3 more books planned in the series, and you meet almost everybody in the first book.
In honor of the above awesomeness, I’m going to have a HUGE giveaway! Two full book sets and lots and lots of other swag and kinky goodies!

Look at all the awesomeness you could win!! So tell me some of your favorite kink series that you absolutely love? I haven’t had a chance to read in forever and am looking for something to jump back in on! I’ll pick a winner on Monday the 19th!! Good Luck!!
Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

About the Author

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – Newsletter – The Decadent Divas– Amazon Page
Facebook – Facebook Author Page – Twitter – Goodreads – Pinterest
Tagged: Guest Blogger, kink Posted in Contests!, General | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Brandi S. - Kristin Reh - Angel - Kate -
Thursday, December 15th, 2016
By November 2016, I decided the words National Novel Writing Month were a jinx. First the end of June, right before Camp NaNo began, my main laptop went poof. Since it had done the same thing once before and my nephew solved the problem by restoring it to an earlier date, I thought I’d go with a pro. I called the man that had replaced the keyboard earlier in the year.
I pulled out my smaller one and began working on it.
All prepped ready to write, I began on Saturday July 2, 2016 to write my Camp NaNo novel using my smaller laptop. The central air conditioning unit froze and the house was not cooling down. I thought maybe I should replace the filter. I closed the lid to the laptop, raced out the door planning to go to Wal-Mart and buy one. I spoke to my neighbor, and he gave me one of his. Thank you, I didn’t have to buy one. I struggled and wrestled until I got the filter in place.
With a sigh of relief, I sat back down ready to write. When I opened the laptop, it says in big bold letters, UPDATING BIOS PLEASE WAIT. I waited, and I waited—nothing changed. I sent a text message to the nephew—SOS HELP—and told him what it was doing. I packed it into the carrying case and ran over to his place. He tried to get it working, but nothing worked. I talked to the Best Buy Geek people, and they printed pages to help. Took the pages to the nephew, it still didn’t work.
I picked up the first laptop after July 4th and figured I would put the little one in the shop this coming February when I have extra money. I was so happy to have the computer back. Trying to match the writing back into the started pages was a nightmare, but I managed.
Everything worked fine. I put aside the writing for October for another writing challenge. I started a new story, which I had worked out ahead of time. Near the end of October, I began to think about the book I wanted to write for NaNo this year. I needed to do some research along with creating character information. Then four days before NaNo begins, the computer restarts itself saying it encountered an error. Okay, fine. I went back to work. It did it again. And then several more times. I worked with it until Saturday. I put some words on the page, packed it into its case and headed to see the nephew again. He managed to convince it to work. The laptop lasted until Tuesday night when up pops the same message. Okay, whatever is what I was feeling at this point. But when it restarted it had a different message with two options. First option-restart, second option-advanced options. I clicked restart over and over. It came back to the same page. Sigh. Took it to the nephew again.
Dug out the Kindle, but couldn’t remember how to get the Office program on it to work. I went with my Galaxy tablet and downloaded Microsoft Office 365 to it, which apparently, Kindle doesn’t play with. I tried to pair the Bluetooth keyboard I had for the Kindle with it. They refused to speak to each other. I resorted to using the onscreen keyboard then, fine. Slow, but I was still writing. I decided there had to be a better method. I looked online and discovered there are other Bluetooth keyboards out there. I asked the nephew, who works at Wal-Mart, whether they carried any in the store. He replied, “Yeah, a funky one.” I checked online some more and still didn’t see anything I could afford at that point. I went to the store and looked at the keyboard. It wasn’t bad, I liked it. I bought it and ordered a Bluetooth mouse online.
So, for NaNo 2016, I still managed to write 50,153 words using all the above tricks. On December 1st, I bought a new computer. If you want to see my set up for November go to my Facebook page.
Here’s the link for the personal page: https://www.facebook.com/KHAKIakaKathy.crouch
And the author page:
My website is more of a sort of blog. I like hosting book reviews on the blog. https://ckcrouch.com/
C.K. Crouch
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Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -
Wednesday, December 14th, 2016
People react to a crisis in differing ways. Some freeze up. Others take action immediately. Still others wade out of the deep water and stand on the shore to glimpse the big picture—assuming they’re not bleeding to death.
In my most recent story, Caryn runs away to a remote safe place to lick her wounds. And figure out what to do next. Have you ever done that?
It’s a natural response. There’s no shame in tucking yourself into a secure or neutral zone, physically or mentally. There’s nothing stupid about hiding out until you make a plan to get what you need.
Revenge? Time to heal? Time to let go of what your past has been and start a new page?
The problem for many of us is the fear of the unknown. If we let go of what we know, this thing that hurts us and makes us hide, what if the unknown thing is worse? What if it hurts too much to let go? After all, our hopes and dreams have been invested in what we’ve known.
The problem is that if we don’t let go, we’ll never know what might have been. That’s the point Caryn reaches in the story—does she dare take the leap? Read Christmas Hideaway to find out.

Giveaway: Here’s a coupon code for Christmas Hideaway that’s good until Dec 18th—four days from now—MR35W. Take this code to Smashwords and nab your copy of this holiday novelette. And may all your days be merry and bright!
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - ButtonsMom2003 - Tamara Hunter - Lizzie Ashworth -
Tuesday, December 13th, 2016
So many of you said you loved Sara and Hunter and their extended SEAL family that I put the next installment at the top of my TO DO list. Check out Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With HIs SEAL Team, Part 3! Once again, it has everything you loved in the first two With His SEAL Team stories: a super-hot, dominant stepbrother, who just so happens to be a Navy SEAL, and a menage with his best buddies! And you were worried about Harley, their injured friend. Well, now you get to meet him! Thanks to everyone who told me they wanted to see more of this very sexy couple. Hope you love the new installment!
With His Seal Team, Part 3 is just $0.99!
If you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can pick up a copy for free!
In fact, every story in this post could be yours for free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription! Think about that! In the meantime, don’t miss the CONTEST information below!
You’d think my life would be busy enough, living with and satisfying three Navy SEALs, but there’s room in my heart–and my bed–for one more. My steplover won’t mind a bit if I seduce one more of his best friends, not when it’s Harley…
Harley thinks he’s been left behind. That the wounds that shattered his body and ended his career will also end my attraction for him. I’m scared too that I can’t offer enough to lift him out of his darkness. However, I’m every bit as stubborn as these big studly men. Harley doesn’t stand a chance…
My already complicated life is about to get a whole lot hotter…
Purchase at Amazon!
With His SEAL Team
An Amazon #1 bestselling short story!
When Sara’s stepbrother surprises her with an early return from a mission, he brings two of his Navy SEAL teammates along…
Purchase at Amazon!
With His SEAL Team, Part 2
Sharing my life with three virile Navy SEALs would be exhausting for most girls. But I’m not most girls. They’re high-drive, high T guys, competitive as hell, and I’m the one who reaps the rewards when they’re ready to blow off a little steam. I’m Sara. I belong to Hunter. Our relationship is a little complicated…
Purchase at Amazon!
For a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card, answer me this…
What sort of adventure would you like Sara, Hunter, and the gang have next? Would you like to see them treat her to a night at a BDSM dungeon? Take her on sexy vacation? Have her meet the moms? 🙂 You tell me!
Tagged: SEAL, short story, stepbrother romance Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Janet - Laura - Kate - Rhonda - Jen B. -
Monday, December 12th, 2016

That’s right, the crazy cat lady has struck again. For any of you who frequent Delilah’s blog, you might remember me as the writer who broke my ankle tripping over my cat right before my story, Sanctuary, released in the Crazy Cat Ladies anthology. Well, I’m here to report that my ankle has healed remarkably well, and to look on the bright side, the injury gave me tons of writing time.
During my recovery, I had to accept certain facts: 1) I am not an island – I both need and must accept help (graciously when possible 😛 ), 2) mom’s really do have a magic healing touch, 3) Gilmore Girls is just as good, if not better, the third time around, and 4) my cat needed a playmate.
So, enter my new fluff-ball, Morris. Well, okay, technically not my new fluff-ball. He’s actually my cat Posie’s new fluff-ball. How many times can I say fluff-ball in one paragraph? #gifted
Does the fact that I got a cat for my cat make me extra crazy?
Who knows, but isn’t he cute? Posie thinks so, too.
This little guy has been keeping me company through revisions on Sanctuary Part Two, and I have to admit, there’s nothing quite like kitten cuddles. He’s not nearly as well behaved as Loki, the lion in the story, but he’s more portable and less likely to maul the livestock.
So, with a little help from Posie and Morris – head-butts, purrs, and some sandpaper baths – I’m officially finished with Sanctuary Part Two, and it’s ready to be released into the wild.
If you’re into a rough-and-tumble man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to show his woman how special she is, a heroine with quirks galore and a serious drive to succeed, and enough steam to keep you frosted in all Christmas break, this might be the holiday read for you. Just be sure you check out the first part of the story in the Crazy Cat Ladies anthology!
Come say hi anytime:
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/SukiesNewsletter
Facebook: @SukieChapinAuthor
Twitter: @SukieChapin
Email me!! sukie@sukiechapin.com

To preorder Sanctuary Part Two:
Amazon: https://bit.ly/SanctuaryTwo
iBooks, Nook, Kobo: https://www.books2read.com/u/bMGXVA
For Sanctuary Part One in Crazy Cat Ladies anthology:
Amazon US – https://bit.ly/CCLAmzUS
Amazon AU – https://bit.ly/CCLAmzAU
Amazon CA – https://bit.ly/CCLAmzCA
Amazon UK – https://bit.ly/CCLAmzUK
iBooks – https://bit.ly/CCLiBooks
Nook – https://bit.ly/CCLNook
Kobo – https://bit.ly/CCLKobo
Goodreads – https://bit.ly/CCLGoodreads
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