The beginning of a new year. I sat down after Christmas and thought about all the things I would like to accomplish in 2017. So many things changed for me personally and professionally in 2016 that I couldn’t possibly think how or what I could do to possibly top 2016.
I met so many new people and have done so many things I could’ve never imagined I would do before I retired from the Army. My life had been my family and my Army family, and now I have my Book family.
How lucky can I get?
How possibly can I make 2017 better?
Organize and expand.
What do I mean by that?
Organizing my life and how I plan and produce my stories. Right now and in the past, I have always been what the writers refer to as a pantster. Meaning I just sit at the laptop and write whatever comes out of my little pea brain. To most a scary thought indeed. (insert evil laugh) but it is how I have always done it, but now I am trying to retrain myself to start taking notes and outlining stories.
Expanding my world. When I say I am expanding, I mean I am expanding the world, the one I created in my series Warranted into a series of novellas, as well as, and here is the NEWS—a series of paranormal characters that are separate from Warranted but intertwined as well.
Basically, in 2017, one of my characters will experience some changes, I won’t say now how or when, but it’s gonna happen. (insert evil laugh)
So to start off 2017, my first A Warranted Novella release is called Snowed In.
The story of a Brewery heiress and the Special Forces Sergeant First Class on leave while he is recovering from injuries. They meet in the mountains of Colorado and not in the typical fashion but in the most interesting way and fall for each other because you will only find HEA in my stories.
An Excerpt from Snowed In a Warranted Novella
The Bryant’s of Milwaukee, Wisconsin were famous for their wealth, their brewing skills and the exploits of their oldest son – the infamous Andrew Bryant, Jr. Andrew was the heir apparent to the family business and fought the title every chance he got. Doing anything he could by any means possible to avoid becoming his father he did the opposite of what they wanted. His parents had always planned that Andrew Jr take over just as Andrew Sr had. His parents plan- once Andrew Jr graduated from college, they would retire and enjoy their life knowing the family business would be in their son’s capable hands and would continue for many more generations.
Andrew Jr. had plans of his own, it was just his parents didn’t know them yet. He, like his grandfather, would join the Army and run as far away from the brewery and his family as possible.  The problem was leaving his younger sister Annabelle; although, he knew Annabelle would be ok she was a Bryant for God’s sake and a Bryant through and through. Annabelle, a strong-willed and intelligent girl with a mind of her own. It seemed Janice and Andrew Sr. had raised the independent thinkers they had so desperately wanted. But for Andrew Jr leaving Annabelle to face their parents alone was not the easiest decision he would have to make he didn’t know it yet. When the day arrived, he had to be selfish and do what made him happy not what made his parents happy.
They had had a great childhood; everything a kid could want. Enjoying many trips to Colorado but particularly enjoying the trips to the cabin in the mountains for Christmas. It was the only time the siblings would have their parents Janice and Andrew Sr all to themselves no one worked during the holiday.
Andrew Jr. cherished those memories especially as he sat waiting for his friend SSG Jackson Tolliver outside of physical therapy at Womack Army Medical Center. Andrew Jr. and Jackson were stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina they were members of the elite 9th Special Forces. Tolliver had been injured during an ambush in the mountains of Takur Ghar region of Afghanistan. The same attack that two of their buddies had been captured and tortured.
That ambush was always on his mind. Recently, more than usual but with everything that had happened on the post. It was appearing as though they would be re-visiting the ambush. The massive investigation that had been started after a series of thefts on the post, and a massive fire at the warehouse, a warehouse that belonged to the 9th Special Forces. They would meet up with their old unit leader Chief Warrant Officer 3 Raleigh Fitzgerald and his associate SGT Samantha O’Hara for interviews.

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Warranted Desires, Book 2 of A Warranted Series Releases the End of Feb 2017 (fingers crossed) and it continues the story of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Raleigh Fitzgerald and SGT Samantha O’Hara. Will fate continue to shine on their relationship or will the terrorists they have been on the trail of find them before they find forever?
An excerpt from Warranted Desires Prologue
As the sun peeked through the curtains, Sam stirred and stretched in the large king sized bed, rubbing her eyes, her fists clenched as she scanned the room for Raleigh. Her entire body still ached from the beating she had received by Saheed Al-Balshera, the terrorist that Raleigh had riddled with bullets just a few days before. New Orleans was turning out to be the hotbed of terrorist operations, and they had stumbled smack in the middle of it. One simple investigation for missing equipment transformed into mischief, murder, and mayhem.
They needed to wrap things up here and get back to Fort Bragg. Finish interrogating Jared Thompson, they suspected he still had the information they needed. Thompson was the primary witness in the investigation that brought Sam and Raleigh together- missing equipment, money laundering, assault and murder this simple review had it all covered. There was a big problem, though, Jared and Raleigh had history, a long and involved one. The biggest of which was they were Best Friends about as close and Best as you can get.
Jared was Raleigh’s best friend, had been since childhood, they were buddies in high school, hell they had joined the Army together, served years together in a Special Forces and captured together when their unit got ambushed on a mission in Afghanistan. It was during this captivity that Jared had turned his back on his fellow soldiers and became an operative for Al-Qaida and the Taliban. Jared Thompson and his wife Semeana would face justice at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the military and civilian court system. And Raleigh would be the one to bring that justice to his Best Friend and serve up the rest of the remaining terror suspects in a cute little bow to the Attorney General of the United States. Before they could leave New Orleans, they had to make sure all the suspects from the raid on the port were processed. They would see their day in court and more than likely be sent to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to serve out their sentences then be deported back to their own countries.
But once it was all said and done where would that leave Sam and Raleigh? Would they continue their forbidden relationship or would they chalk it up to a sinfully good time? That was a lingering question. They both had thought about it but hadn’t expressed it out loud or let alone to each other. What would the future hold for them?
Sam reached for the remote and sat up, propping herself onto the multitude of pillows that lay scattered upon the bed and the floor next to her. Flipping through the channels until she came to CNN coverage of the raid. CNN had covered the strike for a few days now; it was big news. The raid had recovered millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, stopped a terrorist organization from implanting any further into the United States and they had solved two murders. Every time coverage came on Raleigh would spout something like All in a day’s work for a stud like me. They would laugh and continue with what they had been doing before he pounded his chest like Tarzan.
I want to thank Delilah for allowing me to take up some of y’all precious time. I would be honored to get to know all of you, and I would be honored and love it if y’all joined my group or added me as a friend whatever makes y’all comfortable. Thank you so very much for your time.
If y’all have any questions, etc., feel welcome to hit me up check out my website, sign up for my newsletter all the links are below. #militarysupportingmilitary #MSM