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Archive for August 18th, 2017

Jennifer Kacey: Man’s Best Friend (Giveaway)
Friday, August 18th, 2017

I’m not just talking dogs here, and I’m not just talking dudes. I want to talk about all creatures big or small that fall into the pet category. And that’s for every man, woman and child out there.

I love writing animals into books. I think they’re wonderful and comforting and familiar. Sometimes even nostalgic.

One of my favorites I’ve ever written is Voldemort the cat in No Place Like Home.

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I got to throw “the Dark Lord” jokes in the book and “meow” for conversation and picture how warm and cuddly he is with a tiny character named Addison.

One of my favorite animals I’ve ever had was named Oscar. Also a cat. He had some of the most beautiful striped markings I’ve ever seen. And he used to stand on the counter and meow at me until I stood in front of him so he could hug me. He was an awesome cat!

Currently I have a 60-gallon freshwater fish tank with around 40 fish in it. Some of them glow under black light, and we also have a 14” sucker fish who is…..hmm……..9 years old.

So I want to hear about your pets! 4 legged or two, furr or feathers, cluck or bark! What do you have now, what do you love, what would you LOVE to have??

Let’s have a giveaway with an AWESOME bag of goodies for one lucky poster! Three print books and lots and lots of other swag and kinky goodies! Plus a tshirt and a pretty purple WIP bag to hold it all!

**GIVEAWAY – US ONLY** – Just look at all the awesomeness you could win!! So tell me the story of your favorite animal!!

I’ll pick a winner on Monday the 21st!! Good Luck!! PS –It’s always great to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you! Hate not being able to give winners their goodies!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

About the Author

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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