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Archive for August, 2017
Thursday, August 10th, 2017

Hey, I’m Viv. Thanks, Delilah, for letting me come in here and couch-surf in your pretty online space. I write sexy sci-fi romance and just recently started working on a new book and thought, hey, this nascent end of the book-writing process might be interesting to some people. Maybe? Hopefully. 🙂
The Dreaded Blank Doc of Oh No You Can’t
A Love Story
It’s just a straight line, blinking in a backlit sea of white. It doesn’t speak, doesn’t laugh, doesn’t even present a memeable visual. Yet it mocks me.
“Hello, cursor at the head of a brand new book,” I say brightly.
“Hey, now, that wasn’t necessary. We’re pals. I mean, aren’t we? After last year, we ought to be.”
We wrote two full-length books* together in 2016, this computer and I, and we revised another.** I stroked these keys, teased magic from them, warmed them with the friction of creation and the ballsy lack of a cooling fan.
“What sort of answer is that? Can we at least talk this out? I kind of thought we had something, you know, special.”
White is not a pretty color. An artist pal insists that in an additive situation like a computer screen, white is the presence of all colors. When it disguises itself as a story, trust me, white is the absence of all hope.
“Okay, fine, yeah, I might’ve ghosted or mumble-mumble-didn’twriteformonths-mumble. My bad. But! I never stopped thinking about you. Swear. Check out this notebook full of research nibblets and theme notes and character descriptions and story beats. I effing dreamed about you.” Whew. Just managed to hold back the expletive there.
If you’d asked before today, I would have sworn a blinking cursor could not look patently disbelieving or just a little bit pissed.
And yet.
It gives the minutest of pauses before the next blink. Sarcastic little turd.
“Look, I’m okay with a reboot on this relationship. How about… I dunno, a hundred words today? They don’t even have to be good words. Just a start. What say?”
I don’t wait for an answer, just type***.
Nina struggled to give each a proper space in memory, but all the thousands of worlds blurred together. On one, a red-dust surface and giants who exhaled fire. On another, twelve-legged mothers beneath a canopy of blue leaves, stringing cradles for their newborns and slinging poison to the hunters who came for them in the longest night. A moon of blood-veined ice and people who sang to stars, hoping for rescue and receiving annihilation.
Blindly, apologetically, with a backbeat of I-missed-you and a promise of it-will-get-better. Just hang in there with me.
Failures. Every world she’d visited had been a failure, and she’d watched trillions suffer punishment for their sins.
Cradles, falling. Giants, weeping. Hunters in the dark.
The blinks come faster now, as if the document pants, strung taut and ready for the next word. I long to make it breathless, unable to stand even a moment disconnected from my hot little fingers, and suddenly I’m swimming in hope.
This is what it’s like to start a new book. This is how it feels. At least, for me.
And I love it so hard.
* One of those books is Perfect Gravity, available November 7, 2017 and pre-orderable now.
** Wanted and Wired, a sexy cyberpunk action story with lots of kissing (actually available).
*** Complete typing vomit, first-draft nonsense not even read by my critique partners. (Hi, you guys. This will be coming at you soon. Promise.)

Tagged: Science Fiction Romance Posted in General, On writing... | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Katherine Smits - ButtonsMom2003 -
Wednesday, August 9th, 2017
So, I have this goal every year that I won’t miss a single day posting something new on this blog. It’s maybe a silly goal, but a girl has to shoot for something. Anyway, I was up so dang early today—5:45—that I didn’t get a chance to post before I left because I had to get to my dd’s. I promised myself I’d post once I got there, but then I was covered up in kids and dogs, and I only got home a few minutes ago. So, here I am!
Some of you may remember the 7-year-old, now 8, who’s had cancer in her leg twice. Well, today was her latest six-month check-up, which was why I was holding down the home front while my daughter zoomed up to Little Rock for her appointment at Children’s Hospital. After the last time her cancer appeared, she had her tibia removed and replaced with a donor bone. Then it was filled with her own bone material in hopes it would grow with her. The center of the top of the bone filled in nicely, but the ankle area wasn’t progressing as well. Today, the doctor says there’s been progress—slow, yes, but enough so that when she goes to school next week, she doesn’t have to be in a wheelchair. She’ll wear a “clam cast”—one she puts on and takes off—to protect her, and she’ll use a cane, but she’s on her feet! Which also means she’ll be able to ride the bus—something she’s yearned to do.
That’s my “real life” news. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to remain at my desk long enough to get some actual writing done. We’ll see. There’s always something.
And don’t forget. I posted a contest yesterday. It’s still open, so be sure to check it out. And tonight after midnight, Reined In releases! So be sure to get your copy! Good night and thanks for all your support! This tired woman’s heading to bed. ~DD
Posted in General, Real Life | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Charlotte - ButtonsMom2003 - Shirley Long - Delilah - Gayle Lazur -
Tuesday, August 8th, 2017
On August 21st, all kinds of yummy goodness will release all over online bookstores. That sound a little too graphic? Well, that was on purpose, because the stories in both series, Delta Blue and Delta Heat, are hot, raunchy sexfests that include BDSM and menages with friends. Both were previously released with Samhain, but have found new homes with Entangled. So, if you haven’t read them before, you’re in for a treat! And if you have, no worries because there’s more to come!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, answer me this…
Which is your preference for hero? Blue or Fire?
Delta Blue
Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!

Delta Fire
Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!

Tagged: BDSM, Delta Blue, Delta Fire, menage, police Posted in About books..., Contests!, New Release | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Tamara Kasyan - Debra Guyette - Jennifer Beyer - Gail Siuba - Toni Whitmire -
Monday, August 7th, 2017

The hero, Dare Logan, is in the midst of a tropical tempest, on a cruise ship. His ex is on the small tropical island he’s just left. And he can’t stand where he is.
The storm was a bitch, approaching near gale.
Dare leaned into the railing around the hurricane deck, his fingers white-knuckling the cold metal, the relentless wind buffeting him and forming his jacket and pants so hard against his body they were like a second skin.
Freezing. He was so damn cold.
The wall of wind, unyielding.
He sucked in a breath through his nose, lips clamped together. He’d opened his mouth a moment ago, and airborne spray and some marine concoction had hurtled in as the torrent of air had whipped his breath away. No, thanks.
He stared, gaze narrowed, at the boiling sea. Watched the waves dancing crazily, froth bursting into life then gone from existence the next second as new sections of briny ocean reared. Strained to see the island he’d left just a few short hours ago, and made out the grey shapes of palms in the distance bowing in the ferocious wind.
“A mess.” One of the crewmen appeared at his side, and he felt strangely comforted by the presence of another human. “Captain wants everyone inside.”
Dare didn’t answer, just kept his eyes straight ahead. A thousand possibilities cycling through his mind. Considering.
The relentless storm. What the gale force winds were doing to the water. Heaving it, slashing it into sharp lines that could cut.
How a bunch of tiny humans could protect themselves on land against Mother Nature’s evil bitch step sister. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt, romantic suspense Posted in Contests!, General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Tamara Kasyan - Debra Guyette - ButtonsMom2003 - Toni Whitmire - Susan Saxx -
Sunday, August 6th, 2017
Thanks Delilah, for having me.
We’re snowbirds. Every year when it gets cold up north we head for the sunny south. Our resort has multiple activities and crafts. Each year I try something new – watercolor painting, ukulele, and two years ago I tried glass fusion, and now I’m addicted.
Glass fusion is the technique used to join at least two glass pieces together by partly melting the glass at high temperature in either a small kiln or a large kiln.
I started by making earrings. I thought they would be easy. I learned to find a design, pick the glass and the colors. Since you need at least two pieces of glass it’s usually a color plus a clear piece either on top or underneath. You need to find or make a pattern and the two pieces have to match up when placed together. For jewelry they are placed in a small kiln for over four hours. After they cool down you add the backing or posts.

Last year I advanced to trays, serving dishes and bowls. The process is the same, just on larger surfaces. I’m a panda person so my favorite piece is my panda plate. I used a decal which you put on prior to fusing. I do it for fun, but many people do it and sell their pieces. I didn’t use glass fusion in my last book but I’m considering adding it to a new one. My latest book, By Design, came out in June. By Design is about cloning.
By Design

Nurse Evie Dalton succumbs to greed and a chance to work with sexy Dr. Adam Marsden. She accepts a position at an isolated hospital with an onsite animal farm, screams in the night, and mysterious limos arriving in the dark. People disappear and turn up dead. There’s no way to leave and no communication outside the town.
Dr. Adam Marsden left his past behind. Now he has it all; a great job, money, and a chance to buy his own hospital. But he hadn’t counted on Evie Dalton. Because of him, she’s at risk and might be the next victim.
A slender woman, maybe in her mid-thirties, wearing a simple, but very expensive designer black suit and hat, stepped out and tripped up the stairs in her four inch heels. Diamonds flashed on her wrist and her ears.
The driver closed the back door.
When she reached the top step she turned toward the driver. “Charles, check with my husband in about a week. I should be ready by then.”
“Yes ma’am.” He nodded, slid back behind the wheel, and turned the key. The engine purred quietly as it slid down the driveway. The taillights disappeared into the night.
Grethe Byrne watched the car fade away.
“You have what we want?” the woman asked.
“Of course, that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” Nurse Byrne snapped.
“No. I mean exactly. Do you have exactly what we ordered? White blonde hair, sky blue eyes, IQ of at least 130?”
“Yes. Don’t worry. It will be exactly what you ordered. Did you bring the balance of your payment? In cash and small bills?”
“Yes of course. I’ve kept my part of the arrangement. You had better keep yours.”
Buy Links:
Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, romantic suspense Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Marvella - Beverley Bateman - Melissa Keir -
Saturday, August 5th, 2017
UPDATE: The winner is Jennifer Beyer!
* * * * *
Next Thursday, Reined In , Book 7 in the Lone Star Lovers series, releases—again. Yes, it’s another of the stories I got the rights to from Samhain when they closed their doors. If you’ve never read it before, then you can pretend it’s brand new. 🙂
This one’s a standalone, so you don’t have to have read any of the series to fully enjoy it. I’ve included an excerpt below to tease you. You’ll get to know my heroine and her two cowboys pretty well by the time you get to the end of the chapter, and then you can imagine what sorts of games they play as they rush toward their Happy Ever After!
If you’re curious about the rest of the series, just click on the covers!

For a chance to win one of the stories above, answer me this:
Do you think you could love living on a ranch?
Reined In

Who says a cowgirl can’t have it all?
Stormy is a rancher’s daughter through and through, and although she went away to college, her soul is firmly rooted in home ground–and the cowboys she grew up tormenting. When she hears her father might be selling the ranch, she packs her bags and high tails it for home, terrified she might never get another chance to lasso the heart of one of her cowboys before the hands scatter to the four winds.
For Cam and Joe, foreman and wrangler on the ranch, Stormy was a pain in the seat of their Wranglers. But when she roars back onto the ranch, the spoiled brat they remember emerges from the cloud of dust in skin-tight jeans and spike heels and all grown up.
It only takes a hot second to figure out she’s hell-bent on seduction. But if she thinks they’re going to make it easy for her to pick which cowboy she wants most, she’s sadly mistaken. And who says she has to choose one?
Pre-order your copy here!
Excerpt from Reined In…
The little red Miata ground to a halt, kicking up caliche to pepper the porch’s underskirting like shrapnel.
Joe Halloran suppressed a grin and tipped up the cowboy hat riding low over his brow with a lazy finger. Minutes ago, when the sound of an engine had screamed down the long private drive, he’d groaned because this was his first break of the day and he really wasn’t up for company. But as soon as he’d seen who it was, he settled deeper into his rocking chair.
Trouble had arrived. And about damn time.
Without moving from his chair, he slid his boots inches to the left on the porch railing to get a better view as the driver ground the gearshift into park. Joe glanced to the side. “What the hell do you suppose she’s doin’ here, Cam?”
Seated beside him, his buddy grunted from beneath the hat he had dipped low enough to shade his entire face. “Not a clue. Suppose her old man let somethin’ slip?” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: erotic romance, excerpt, Lone Star Lovers, Texas, Western Posted in About books... | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Jennifer Beyer - Tamara Kasyan - Toni Whitmire - Delilah -
Friday, August 4th, 2017
At the beginning of August, it seems like there’s a lot of summer left. An entire month of hot, sleepy days of summer. (At least in my corner of the globe!) Yet the stores try to remind us that it’s not too long until Autumn with back to school sales and Halloween displays.
Instead of worrying about the future, let’s take a moment to stop. Just breathe. Smell that sea air as the wind whips it around your face. Listen to the ocean waves as they crest against the shore. Feel the sand beneath your feet, a gentle massage that might be a bit too hot against your soles.

I’m very lucky that I live here in New Jersey – yes, I said New Jersey. I know my state gets a bad reputation, but there are many things I love about my home, and being so close to the beach is one of them.
There’s nothing more restorative to the soul than taking a moment to stare at the horizon, knowing that the world goes beyond what you can see. I like to step on the boardwalk and just watch the ocean and just be. I get some of my best ideas while watching the water.
So I wrote not one, but two stories about the beach. One, a short story, you can read for free on my webpage! https://ccbridges.net/shore.html

In The Shorehouse:
Vince invites his two best friends to his family’s house down the shore for Memorial Day weekend, with plans to set the two of them up.
However, thanks to some magic cookies and honesty, he finds out that three is sometimes better than two.
Note: This story is mmf
One of the nicest things about living here is being able to go to the beach in the fall and winter, after the heavy tourist season dies down. It’s during this season that I set my novella “Love in the Time of Hurricanes” which is my love letter to the Jersey shore.
The night Nick Henderson storms into Martelli’s Pizzeria, he’s just looking for something to eat. Along with dinner, he finds Lou Martelli—pizza cook extraordinaire and Jersey Shore native. Nick is renting a Shore house for the winter while taking classes at the local community college as he devises a way to escape the accounting major his father chose for him.
When Lou offers to show Nick around, heat flares between them as they realize they have more in common than domineering families. But it’s not all fun and games on the boardwalk. Hurricane Sandy blows ashore, changing the place Nick was starting to think of as home. His peace is shattered, and it will take everything he has to keep his relationship with Lou from being torn apart by the storm brewing around them.
States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.
Buy Links:
Dreamspinner: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/love-in-the-time-of-hurricanes-by-cc-bridges-8262-b
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Time-Hurricanes-States-Book-ebook/dp/B06WP7DXXX/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487819184&sr=8-1&keywords=love+in+the+time+of+hurricanes
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-in-the-time-of-hurricanes-cc-bridges/1125793547?ean=2940157413507
Books a Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Love-Time-Hurricanes/CC-Bridges/Q767430428?id=6878192726616
About the Author
CC Bridges is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. When she’s not busy solving puzzles in an escape room, she can be found diving into comics or binge-watching superhero movies. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, and a long-suffering husband in the state of New Jersey.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccbridgeswriter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccbridgeswriter
Blog: https://blog.ccbridges.net/
Website: https://www.ccbridges.net
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, menage Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -