So, vacations are great and all, but knuckling under once you’re back is hard. But it has to happen. I have too many irons in the fire. Don’t you love that phrase? Too many irons in the fire. Be right back—have to know where that comes from…
I found this explanation on Answers: “…the origin of ‘irons in the fire’ relates to the battlefield surgeon, from at least medieval times, who kept a fire going with a number of different cauterising irons in it at all times. The irons were used to cauterise wounds and stop people bleeding to death. A surgeon with many irons in the fire was prepared to treat any size or shape of wound.”
Huh. I have to admit, I thought the explanation would have something to do with cowboys and brandings. 🙂 But back to my irons…
December looks insane. I have to finish editing Soldier Boy and get it loaded for its 12/5 release.
I have to finish writing Wolf Moon Rising, which releases 12/12—yeah, I’m really cutting that one close.
I owe you all the last installment of Sara & Hunter’s story—the wedding! Have no idea how that’s going to go.
I have to re-edit and re-publish Artic Dragon for release toward the end of the month.
Oh! I have the last 4 chapters of the next Delta Heat story to write.
And I have to write a short sequel to Reaper and Carly’s story for their Kindle World appearance in January. Sound like there’s enough on my plate yet? (Wait, on my plate… Nope, not going to look that one up right now…)
Then, how about the two books I have to edit for two other writers and the FREE Write 50 Books a Year workshop I have to lead?
So, yeah. December’s nutty. And all that Christmas stuff? All my gifts are bought. I’m letting my daughter wrap them all!
(These two stories are already up for pre-order!)
The Question
My question to you…
Does your December look just as nutty as mine?