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Archive for December, 2017
Sunday, December 31st, 2017

Where did 2017 go? Dang, for me, it was a really short year! Must have been busy.
I hope you all stay safe tonight! I’ll likely be snoozing by the time the big apple or peach drops since I’ve been up since 3:30 AM—darn insomnia!
And just because I love to celebrate my accomplishments (who else will?!), I’ve posted last month’s releases, in case you missed them, and I’m giving you the great big list of all my 2017 stories. Prepare to be amazed. LOL!
Now, go stock up on champagne and noise-makers!! See you in 2018!
A Quick Recap of December!

Soldier Boy
Texas Cowboys, Book 3
Just home from war, Mac McDonough is in a world of hurt only a woman can cure. Her jealous stalker doesn’t stand a chance…
Fresh from war, “Mac” McDonough wants just two things: whiskey to drown the pain in his damaged leg and a woman. But one look into Suki Reese’s haunted eyes, and he knows she needs the kind of muscle only an ex-soldier can provide.
Mac’s brooding gaze and hard body leave Suki Reece breathless and disturbed. The rugged ex-soldier won’t listen to a word she says until Suki distracts him with a sexy striptease. That gets his attention. Suki may have gotten the upper hand, but Mac is going to be on top.
Get your copy here!

Wolf Moon Rising
In Jefferson Parish, deep in the bayou, is a place called Bonne Nuit. Off the beaten path, isolated by swamp and connected to the sea, there the Beaux Rêve Coven thrives.
Five witches…Too many demons to count…
Aoife is the flightiest of the sister witches, and she has a secret, one her mother warned her to keep close to her heart. Her father was a fairy—which explains her quirkiness and her affinity for flowers. She lives in a cabin on stilts that juts into the bayou, and one of her demon guardians is a werewolf. She’s attracted, but how would he feel if he married her, fathered a child, and that child disappeared into the land of the fae?
Desperate to find a solution to her dilemma, she flees her guardian’s protection. Her last hope is to enlist her father’s help. Plead her case. Her happiness, and that of her one true love, Sigurd, depends on whether she can escape this fairy curse.
Get your copy here!

Arctic Dragon
Escaping her destiny for a day in the human world, a snow maiden, is rescued after her horse bolts, and then is brought to an isolated cabin by a recluse—a handsome, gifted artist, living alone in an arctic wilderness…
Headstrong, and seeking a little respite from a suitor’s relentless wooing, Queen Larikke rides the arctic wind far beyond the bounds of Northland, only to have her horse bolt at a shot from a hunter’s gun. Her rescuer is a handsome, mysterious man who lives alone in the wilderness, his cabin filled with erotic images of women. Rather than fearing her fate, Larikke sets out to seduce him, hoping for one last fling before she settles down to do her duty and wed.
Thinking he was saving a life, Drake dragged a very strange woman home, stripped her, and warmed her by his fire. Now, he finds his long, self-imposed isolation may have made her allure impossible to resist, and Drake fears he’ll harm her if he shares his special kiss.
Get your copy here!
45 for 2017! Uh, actually more!
This is the list for 2017! I’ve highlighted my personal favorite stories in red. And note that numbers 29 and 30 are multiples, so my actual total sits at 51, I think. So, I don’t blame you if you haven’t caught up! 🙂
- 01/24/17 – RIDE A TEXAS COWBOY, reissue
- 01/31/17 – SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT, Texas Billionaires series
- 02/14/17 – HARD SEAL TO LOVE, Uncharted SEALs series
- 02/19/17 – FUN WITH DICK AND JAYNE, reissue
- 03/11/17 – BEGGING FOR IT, reissue
- 03/24/17 – SWEETER THAN HONEY, reissue (Indie)
- 03/31/17 – SADDLED, reissue
- 04/08/17 – RAW SILK, reissue
- 04/11/17 – WHO’S YOUR DADDY, Texas Billionaire Club series
- 04/18/17 – BAD TO THE BONE, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 05/06/17 – UNBRIDLED, Lone Star Lovers series, reissue
- 05/16/17 – UNFORGIVEN, Lone Star Lovers series, reissue
- 05/20/17 – NERD’S BLIND DATE, short story
- 05/27/17 – JANE’S WILD WEEKEND, reissue
- 06/02/17 – FOUR SWORN, Lone Star Lovers, reissue
- 06/08/17 – BIG SKY SEAL, Uncharted SEALs series
- 06/13/17 – BLUE COLLAR, Boys Behaving Badly series
- 06/16/17 – BREAKING LEATHER, Lone Star Lovers series
- 07/07/17 – HEAD OVER SEAL, Uncharted SEALs series
- 07/14/17 – FOUR-GONE CONCLUSION, Lone Star Lovers series
- 07/18/17 – ON FIRE, Anthology with Cleis Press
- 07/26/17 – LOVE & WAR, Texas Billionaire series
- 07/28/17 – TWO WILD FOR TEACHER, Lone Star Lovers series, reissue
- 08/10/17 – REINED IN, Lone Star Lovers, reissue
- 08/15/17 – LONG HOWL GOOD NIGHT, Night Fall series, reissue
- 08/21/17 – * DELTA BLUE series x 5, reissue
- 08/21/17 – * DELTA HEAT series x 3, reissue
- 08/24/17 – HANDY MEN, reissue
- 08/31/17 – FAMILY VALUES, Lone Star Lovers series, reissue
- 09/08/17 – FIRST KNIGHT, Night Fall series, reissue
- 09/14/17 – ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, Beaux Reve Coven series, reissue
- 09/21/17 – SEAL ESCORT, Uncharted SEALs series
- 09/27/17 – THE BOUNTY, short story
- 10/12/17 – WEARING HIS BRAND, Texas Cowboy series, reissue
- 10/19/17 – UNDER A BLOOD MOON, Beaux Reve Coven series, reissue
- 11/02/17 – THE COWBOY AND THE WIDOW, Texas Cowboys series, reissue
- 11/09/17 – BIG BAD WOLF, Night Fall series
- 11/14/17 – REAPER, Montana Bounty Hunters series
- 11/21/17 – WITH HIS SEAL TEAM-PART 5, Stepbrothers Stepping Out series
- 12/05/17 – SOLDIER BOY, Texas Cowboys series, reissue
- 12/12/17 – WOLF MOON RISING, Beaux Reve Coven series
- 12/20/17 – ARCTIC DRAGON, reissue
Posted in About books... | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -
Saturday, December 30th, 2017
Just one more day until we party like it’s 2018! Woohoo! Do you have big plans? A party? We’re still on grandma duty, so likely, we’ll raise our glasses early before my dd heads to grandma’s, and I bed down on the sofa at her place to watch the kids, while my SIL’s watching over restless prisoners at the county jail. Well, they do say you should start the year the way you intend it to go. We’re thankful for jobs, thankful to still have grandma with us, and I do love spending time with the kids, so there you are!
I’m busy still looking at this last chaotic year and making plans for 2018. Plans that include new stories for you! And, hopefully, a few of trips. I’ll be in Nashville in March for a readers’ conference, Hawaii in April for a writers’ retreat (!!!), July in central Arkansas for another writers’ retreat, and lastly, I plan to be in Florida in October for a big writers’ conference. Four trips! I feel guilty about the expense and the time away—don’t most mamas feel that way, too?
Anyway, below are three stories dropping into Kindles very soon! Bound & Determined is coming January 9th! The other two are February releases. Drool away!

Click on the covers to reserve your copy!
For a chance to win a free download of one of my recent releases—your choice—tell me what your New Year’s Eve plans are!
When the DJ’s speaker set crashed to the floor as the first women to arrive rushed the tables nearest the stage, Tara Toomey scrambled for a replacement and chalked the mishap up to high spirits.
When one of the volunteers carrying a tray of Jell-O shots tripped, and cherry and lime gelatin slid in glistening trails down his face and naked chest, she laughed as eager women offered to lick him clean.
However, it wasn’t until one of her staff whispered in her ear that she knew she was in for a long night. The main attraction had yet to arrive.
She crushed her dog-eared copy of the “Hook-up” program in her fist and headed toward the old-fashioned, double swinging doors, ready to stomp all the way to Redbone Ranch to drag his butt to town.
As she passed excited, tittering women her smile felt strained, and her nerves stretched taut. The “Annual Honky-tonk Hook-up” had always been a good time, but this year she wished she hadn’t been so quick to volunteer her bar again. Sure, it was good for business and many of the “blow-ins” from Houston, San Antonio, and San Angelo returned throughout the year because they enjoyed the event and Paraiso’s authentic western ambience.
But Tara wished she could return home, crawl into bed, and pull the covers over her head. The last thing she felt ready to do was watch one particular cowboy strut his stuff across the stage and land in some other woman’s clutches—even if it was just one night, completely innocent, right, and for a really good cause. The fact he might blow off the auction pissed her off almost as much as the thought of the spectacle he’d cause if he did finally make an entrance.
If anyone thought splintered speaker casings or a little spilled Jell-O were trouble, they hadn’t seen a room full of women erupt in the wake of one seriously sexy cowboy. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: anthology, bounty hunter, excerpt, Montana Bounty Hunters, pirates, short story Posted in About books..., Contests!, Real Life | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Elysian Fields - Misty Dawn - Jennifer Beyer - Colleen C. - ButtonsMom2003 -
Friday, December 29th, 2017
Want 2018 to be fantastic? Yasmine’s Room wants to help you invite more Love, Pleasure & WellBeing into your life!
Thank you, Delilah for the opportunity to write and share with your audience!
The new year is upon us once again. With the beginning of every new year, we immediately create a list of goals, or resolutions on how to change and better our life. How many resolutions did you fulfill last year? How many have you listed for this coming year? Do any of your listed resolutions allow you to love yourself more, find more pleasure daily, increase your wellbeing?
We want to suggest scrapping the whole resolution thing, and make yourself only one promise that will change your life. It doesn’t cost a thing, and really works.
Here’s how you begin: look at yourself in the mirror, make eye contact and say the following promise to yourself outloud:
“I pledge to invite and allow more love, pleasure and wellbeing into my life, every day, starting today.”
Write this down, post it in places you will see it every day, say it outloud to yourself every morning.
“Because you yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha
Here’s how to put the above promise into action!

Love yourself. Many women go through life looking for love, looking to receive love and to share love. However you can’t experience love fully until you love yourself completely. Here’s a technique to start the process and receive the love that is waiting for you.
Again, look in the mirror. Look deeply into your eyes and say to yourself, out loud with feeling:
I love you. I am worthy, strong, beautiful, capable and deserving of all that is good and waiting for me.
This may be hard for some of you, but make this a daily morning practice (combine with the promise above for quicker results!) As you begin to get comfortable with declaring love for yourself, your daily life will begin to change. You will be more open to receiving love, and your decision making will be based on your needs and which choice will contribute to your wellbeing. You will begin to subconsciously make yourself a priority.
For more tips on self care and allowing more love into your life, download our free Self Care Guide here.

We deny ourselves pleasure all the time, but pleasure is essential to living a happy, joyful life. Pleasure is not about having that second muffin, or that extra drink. Pleasure is about feeling happy, satisfied, and joyful. The feel of soft sheets on a cool bed is pleasurable. The feel of your lovers hand on your arm is pleasurable. Laughing with friends is pleasurable. When we feel pleasure, we release oxytocin, our feel-good hormone. During sex and orgasm, we release endorphins, hormones that contribute to feelings of euphoria. Make a list of what brings you pleasure, and incorporate one or more into your everyday routine.
Click here to read our blog on 10 Things that can give you Pleasure right now!
We’ve got a lovely shop of luxury adult toys, lubricants, massage oils and more. For being a valued member of Delilah’s audience, use coupon code LUVDELILAH for 20% off! Click here.

Our focus at Yasmine’s Room is on the wellbeing of the whole woman, inside and out, head to toes. Holistic health is impossible without exercise, sexual wellbeing and a positive outlook. So how to accomplish such a tall order?
Start with mindfulness. Bring yourself to be here, now. What is it about this moment that you enjoy? For me it is the sound of my pen on the clean sheet of paper, writing these words you read now, in other words, creating.
Another way to increase your wellbeing is to have a good night’s sleep. If you are having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling refreshed when you awaken, then it’s time to create a sleep hygiene routine. The better you sleep, the better you will feel, the healthier you’ll become. All this will add up to you feeling happier.
Read our blog to help you create your own sleep hygiene routine, “Want to feel better? Get a good night’s rest.”
If you’ve enjoyed this guest blog, you’re invited to join us at Yasmine’s Room here. You will receive monthly information on health, sex, and overall wellbeing, plus alerts on specials, and access to free romance stories, chapters and erotica in your inbox.
Are you a Romance or Erotica author?

Are you a romance or erotica author that would like some extra exposure for your novels or short stories? Contact us! You may get featured on our Bookshelf, and gain new readers! View our Submission guidelines here.
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Thursday, December 28th, 2017
I have a pathological fear of writer’s block! The very idea of joining the ranks of pantsers—those that write by the seat of their pants—gives me waking nightmares. I’m an ardent planner. I like to detail every scene, then move on to the research, and end by checking that my character development and arcs are complete. This works because when I start the actual writing of my novels, I can focus on the creative process without panicking about what is going to happen next.
To say that things didn’t go as planned when I finally sat down to write Gray’s Promise, is like Nora Roberts saying she likes to write a bit of Romance—an understatement of note! I hadn’t even reached the end of Chapter One, when I realized Gray and Zoey’s journey to their happily ever after was going to be so painful and intense, and so darn beautiful, that a complicated suspense plot was only going to distract from their explosive relationship. Without hesitation (but after two shots of Tequila), I threw out my intricate suspense plot that had taken me months to plan and research, and replaced it with an evil much closer to home. But this still wasn’t enough. I decided to also rework the physical relationship between Gray and Zoey because their sexual chemistry might have been as combustible as dynamite, but it was also intricately linked to their long and unbreakable bond to each other. Complicated emotional factors (clear in the story when you read it) determined I delay the actual consummation between them. This presented a huge challenge because I had to find a way to make their sexual encounters smoking hot without them actually doing the deed until the final chapter of their story.
Yowza! The love scenes between Gray and Zoey ended up being the hottest scenes I’ve ever written, most likely because the emotion between these two complicated characters is intensely raw, but also because Gray is just that darn hot!
I hope you enjoy the blurb and the short excerpt I’ve selected that gives you just a hint of the heat between Gray and Zoey.
Wishing you all an awesome festive season…and hours of happy reading.
Anni x
Gray’s Promise

A jealousy that destroys everything in its path…a love that refuses to die.
Zoey Morgan seems to have it all as a successful surgeon in Boston. However, perfection lies only on the surface. Plagued by nightmares and amnesia from a tragedy that ripped her family from her fourteen years ago, she finds the courage to reach out to the only man who can make her feel safe. She’s buried the memory of their love, but her heart—and her body—responds to the ex-marine in ways that are all too familiar.
Grayson “Gray” Walker’s heart shattered when Zoey chose another man over him. Since then, he’s built an impenetrable wall around his emotions. But from the moment she implodes back into his life, her vulnerability breaches his defenses. His skills as an elite member of the King Security team cannot shield him from the devastation of learning he might have left Zoey high and dry when she needed him most. Now, Gray must navigate the tripwire of helping her heal while protecting himself from being hurt again.
As the embers of their potent love reignite, an old threat awakens, leading to greater danger than ever before.
The porch door was open, letting a soft breeze move through the cottage. I breathed in the dewy dampness, and a faint pain echoed near my heart. If I closed my eyes, I could almost hear Mama chattering to my dad in the kitchen. She always got up early to make breakfast. The memories were buried but when they surfaced, they were mine to treasure. I drank my coffee and washed down the last of my cinnamon roll. And with it, gently nudged the memory away.
The breeze gusted and I brushed away a curl of hair fluttering in my face. Gray was cracking eggs now and a wave of lust crept over me. His easy—and mostly naked—confidence in the kitchen was weirdly heady. An image of his face when he came last night slipped into my mind. The dampness in the air transferred to my skin and I shivered, goose bumps prickling up my arms. Jeez. He was so sexy. Even more than I could have ever imagined. Rubbing at my goosies, I peeked at him through my lashes. A vague heaviness fluttered in my tummy. He was confident and seductive as hell, but he was also holding back. He might have had reason last night, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with it for long. Gray’s running days were coming to an end. Soon.
“Butterfly.” His sexy growl demanded my attention. He was sipping coffee, his electric gaze focused on me. “You wearing panties?”
Amazon.com – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077KRRX15
Amazon.uk – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B077KRRX15/
Nook – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/grays-promise-anni-fife/1127486541?ean=2940158745911
Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gray-s-promise
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/grays-promise/id1315176273?ls=1&mt=11
Bookstrand – https://www.bookstrand.com/grays-promise
The Wild Rose Press – https://wildcatalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-erotic/5486-gray-s-promise.html
Luke’s Redemption (King Security Book 1)
A RONE Award Finalist for Steamy Contemporary
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Lukes-Redemption-King-Security-Novel-ebook/dp/B01M4ITMS7
Start Date – 8 December 2017
End Date – 8 February 2018
3 x eBook copies of Gray’s Promise
ENTER Gray’s Promise Release Giveaway!
You can be a lucky winner of one of three free copies
of this #Must Read new release. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Anni Fife is an exciting contemporary romance author who has already made her mark in the popular genre of Steamy Romantic Suspense. Her debut novel, Luke’s Redemption, has been acclaimed by critics and readers and was a Finalist in the 2017 RONE Awards. Anni says she credits Kristen Ashley as her guiding inspiration, and strives to make her characters equally as heart-wrenching and unforgettable. She is currently working on Eva’s Peace (King Security Book 3).
Last year, Anni closed the door on a successful career in television production to fulfill her lifelong passion, writing. In the space of a month, she shut her business, packed up her city life, and moved to a small seaside village. When she’s not writing, she can be found on the beach searching for pansy shells, or drinking red wine and gabbing with her gal posse.
If you want to know when Anni’s next book is releasing and be first to get regular updates and BONUS TREATS, visit her website and sign up to join her POSSE.
Anni is published by The Wild Rose Press, and is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA).
You can read all about Anni on her website, and join Anni’s Posse to get regular updates and Bonus Treats—www.annifife.com
Or LIKE Anni on Facebook—https://www.facebook.com/AnniFifeAuthor/
Or follow Anni on Twitter—https://twitter.com/AnniFifeAuthor
Amazon— https://www.amazon.com/author/annifife
Goodreads— https://www.goodreads.com/AnniFife
BookBub— https://www.bookbub.com/authors/anni-fife
Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, romantic suspense Posted in Contests!, General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anni Fife - ronnie c -
Wednesday, December 27th, 2017
When I was six years old, 1950, we lived on an island in the middle of the mighty Snake River near Ontario, Oregon. At six, I was going to the first grade. But there was a huge hurdle I had to walk every day to go meet the school bus. There was a huge train 3-span bridge stretching across the Snake River. And I had to walk it.
I don’t know if you can imagine this but my Scorpio mother taught me how to walk across it BY MYSELF after she showed me how to do it. There was a big problem: I was dizzied by the brownish/green water far below me if I looked down. And I’d lose my balance. The chances of me falling off the bridge were very real. Consequently, I learned to walk those trestles above the water WITHOUT LOOKING DOWN, which increased exponentially, my miscalculating and stumbling and thereby, pitching off the bridge, falling into the water and drowning. Even at five, I understand all of that! In 1950, there were no safeguards on bridges for anyone, much less a 5-year-old little girl.
My mother worked, so she too had to walk across that bridge twice a day, too. She would park our car on the bank, near the bridge, and walk across to our home on that island. She taught me that if a train came? I was to lay down in the middle of the tracks, flatten out and keep my arms and legs within the rails while the train passed above me. That way, I’d survive. Otherwise, I wouldn’t.
Now, it’s 2017. Can you imagine ANY mother doing that nowadays with a 5-year-old, much less a child of any age under 18? I’m sure you wouldn’t. She did NOT accompany me across the bridge after that—I was on my own. She was already at work and couldn’t do it even though she wanted too. My stepfather was too injured from the war to do much walking, so that was out, too. BUT….we had Blackie, an older Border Collie, who we found on the island when we moved into the house. He adopted us.
And he would accompany me to the bridge, stand watch, but not go across it because he was frightened of it, too. So was I. My greatest fear was not hearing a train coming behind me and then having to do my safety thing to survive it. That scared me more than walking across the three-span bridge. Blackie would then meet me in the afternoon when the school bus dropped me off and I had to walk the bridge to get back home.
I loved that dog with my life. He sensed how frightened I was of that bridge, sensing that if I looked down, I’d get dizzy, lose my balance and fall in and drown in the Snake River. He was my guardian.
I wanted to write a book about a Border Collie based upon my childhood experiences with Blackie. I wanted to honor him and his breed. So, there’s lots of wonderful emotions I was able to write into BOXCAR CHRISTMAS and I know my readers will feel it as they read Freya’s story of survival. And how she helped her 2 humans immensely and in important ways after they rescued her.
I went through a LOT of stock photos to find Blackie. I wasn’t sure I would, but as luck would have it, I did. And now the Border Collie on the book’s cover looks EXACTLY like my beloved Blackie. Every time I see that cover, I smile and my heart expands with love for my guardian angel dog who met me every day for a year when I had to walk that train bridge over the Snake River ;-).

One train car. Two lost souls. Five adorable puppies.
Travis Ramsey is back in Hamilton, Montana, after 10 years serving as a Delta Force operator in Afghanistan. Now responsible for his dad’s fishing guide business, Travis has to deal with his increasingly distant and difficult father, and guilt over his brother’s death. His life takes a turn for the better when he meets Army vet Jesse Myers. Jesse is taken with his grandparent’s quirky boxcar cabin and wants to rent it. Taken by her beauty, and the familiar haunted look in her eyes, he makes her a deal. He will rent the boxcar to her for free in return for her help in making renovations.
Get your copy here!
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, military romance Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Susan Saxx - Mary Marvella -
Tuesday, December 26th, 2017
We’ve just whizzed past Christmas. It’s on to the New Year! Here are a couple of things you might want to check out!
Over on the my collections website, I’m giving away this free read!
If you’d like a copy, here’s where you go!
My Collections Website
The Bounty

This story was so much fun to write! It first appeared in Blue Collar, and so inspired me that I had to start a new series of books centered around Montana bounty hunters. Check out the first story in that series, Montana Bounty Hunters: Reaper.
About “The Bounty”…
After bucking her trainer’s orders during a takedown, a female bounty hunter proves she’s more than ready for the job..
This message is for any authors or aspiring authors who might be interested in some intensive help developing their next stories.
Don’t let that word “intensive” scare you away; I’ve led newbies, as well as multi-published authors, through our plotting process numerous times. Everyone comes away with new knowledge and insight, or at the very least, some terrific brainstorming support!
While lessons and exercises will be posted throughout the month of January, this is truly a self-paced class. We all have busy lives, and the workshop is designed to accommodate any schedule. Enjoy the pitch below!
Dates: January 8 – February 2, 2018
Last date to register: January 8, 2018
Cost: $50.00—cheap, considering everything you get!
Your DI (Drill Instructor): Delilah Devlin
Offered through: www.rosescoloredglasses.com
What you can expect:
LOGLINE (Lunges)
PREMISE (Pushups)
CHARACTER (Strengthening exercises)
Breaking through the STORY STRUCTURE stronghold
Battling the PLOT LINES
We do more in one month than some people do all year! Get tough! Get motivated! Get plotting!
Join your Drill Instructor, Delilah Devlin, to learn a methodical approach to harness your creativity in order to produce an in-depth plot for your next novel.
Sound scary? It is!!!! Especially when you’re staring at an empty page without a compass and a map to guide you through the novelistic jungle. Your DI will lead you through four weeks of tactics, exercises, and training that will help strengthen your abilities. Delilah will accomplish this with weekly lessons, bi-weekly chats, and daily online communication. Join her for bivouac in January!
Join this elite force now!
For those who don’t know, my sister and I co-founded the website for writers called Rose’s Colored Glasses in 2004. From that site, we run a critique group and provide workshops—some free and some for pay. In January, I will be leading a month-long plotting bootcamp. It’s a great time to join—something you can do to kick off the New Year! Join me if you can! ~DD
How’s our workshop different from every other one out there? I’ll provide feedback and brainstorming every step of the way!
Interested? Follow this link to sign up:
And feel free to pass this along to anyone else you think might be interested with my thanks!
Posted in Free Read, On writing... | Comments Off on Finishing up the year… (FREE READ & Upcoming Class!) | Link
Monday, December 25th, 2017
Here’s wishing you joy for the holiday…

…from my family to yours! ~DD
Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - Delilah - ButtonsMom2003 -