Hint, hint! Guess where I’m going? Beach… State of origin of the artist who sings my favorite version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”… Still clueless?
Yes, Hawaii!!! Tomorrow morning at O-dark-thirty, I’ll be heading to the airport. I should be in Honolulu sometime mid-afternoon after losing hours due to the time zone changes. I dread the flights. But I’m sooo looking forward to the trip. It’s part business, part pleasure. I’ll sight-see while I’m there, but I’m also participating in a writer’s retreat, along with my sister, Elle James, Susan Stoker, and J. M. Madden. We’re planning on getting some serious words under our belts while we’re there.
Yeah. That’s the plan, anyway. We’ll see whether that beach just outside our window proves too much of a distraction. 🙂
While I’m away, I have writers scheduled to keep you entertained. Be sure to stop in and say hi! And I’ll post photos from Hawaii on my Facebook page!
While I’m away, remember, I have two complete cowboy series I recently released. If you haven’t read them, now’s the time… Just click on the covers!
The Triplehorn Brand

Texas Cowboys