UPDATE: The winners are Colleen, Pat, and Debra!
Summer’s nearly here! I’m excited. I’m planning to stick close to home. No travel. Just work, swimming, and maybe a little junking (flea-market shopping—one of my favorite pastimes!). I’m also making plans for several mass giveaways. Some will happen here. Some will be conducted through my newsletter. So, if you aren’t already subscribing to my newsletter, look to the left where it says “Get My Newsletter” and subscribe!
Today, I’d like to remind you that I have a ton of short stories, very reasonably priced, and very, very sexy. My favorite series inside a series is my Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team series. If you love a quick read with military heroes and love ménage stories, this one’s for you! Currently, there are five stories in this subset series, but there will be at least one more. At the moment, I’m working on Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Client—an ultra-hot office-slave shorty. Be watching for it!
I’ll give away a short story to three commenters—any short story from my Short Story page, so go take a look at my offerings! Recently, my site was updated, so take your time looking around. 🙂
To win your choice of short story, answer me this…
What are your summer plans?
With His SEAL Team
When Sara’s stepbrother surprises her with an early return from a mission, he brings two of his Navy SEAL teammates along…
Of course, there are more stories in this series. Think I could write just one?
Click on the covers to learn more about these stories!

Read an excerpt from With His SEAL Team, Part 1…
“Baby, ready to get down and dirty? I’m gonna make you so wet…”
I didn’t have to fake my enthusiastic, “Oh, please, daddy. I’ve been waiting so long for your call…” Andrew was one of my regulars, and thankfully, all he ever wanted was straight up, shared masturbatory sex with just a touch of domination. After “spanking” the old man whose wife thought he was sick because he couldn’t get it up unless he was punished, and stroking the ego of a dude with a whiny voice who claimed to be hung like donkey, but who likely had a teeny weenie, I was ready to have some fun.
Just one of the perks of my new job. I blew out a deep breath. “Lord, it’s hot in here.” I fanned myself, something he couldn’t see, but which helped me make the roleplaying real.
“Maybe you should take something off…”
“Mmm…” I glanced down at my thin tank and cotton shorts. They didn’t exactly fit the fantasy we were about to enact. “You caught me just as I stepped out of my shower, daddy. I took a cold one.” I pulled my shirt over my head, careful not to jostle my headset, then walked to the sink. I turned on the faucet, letting cool water run over my fingers. Then I stroked the water over the tops of my breasts. I rubbed away the moisture with my castoff shirt. “Oh!” I gasped. “I can’t stand it when a towel scrapes my nipples.”
“Are they aroused?” he asked, his voice deepening.
“Into tight little points. Umm… My towel hurts,” I said, injecting some little girl crankiness into my tone. “Wish someone was here to lick them dry.”
He groaned then chuckled. “Let me help. How about you do exactly what I tell you?”
As he continued, telling me how much he loved it when I “minded” him, I walked to a dinette chair, slid off my shorts, and sat, spreading my thighs. Sure, we were only role-playing, but I liked to add a touch of realism, liked to come—if the dude wasn’t totally disgusting. Tips were generally bigger when my callers really believed their exceptional prowess made me come. And Andrew had taught me from his first call that he could tell when I faked an orgasm.
“Mmm…” I said, tossing back my hair and letting my eyelids drift downward. The better to forget where I was, the fact I was alone. “I’m sitting now, on a hard chair, my legs spread wide. Tell me, daddy. Tell me how you want it.”
“Move that ass to the edge of your chair,” he said in his deep, graveled tone.
He had a nice voice. I liked imagining he was young and handsome. Closing my eyes, I scooted to the edge then leaned back against the spokes of the chair. “I’m there. Right at the edge. Do you like it?”
The sound of him drawing a deep breath hummed in my ear. “Baby, I love your smell.”
“I didn’t use any perfume, just like you like it.”
“Did you shave?”
“No, daddy. I know you like to pull my hair.”
“Can’t wait. I’m rubbing my face in your pussy, getting your juices all over my mouth and chin.”
I rubbed the flat of my palm over my pussy, pushing at the top of my folds to put pressure on my clit. “Your face is soaked. Gonna lick me now?”
“Don’t get ahead of me.”
“Sorry, daddy. I’ll be good.” Already, I could hear him stroking himself, the slick sounds coming at only a moderate pace. “Tell me what to do,” I said, my voice thin and mewling. Not a stretch because my pussy throbbed.
“I’m sticking two fingers inside you and swirling, pumping them in and out, like I want to fuck your pussy.”
I pushed two fingers inside me. “I’m rocking against them, loving the way your fingers reach so deep. Fuck, I’m wet. Can you feel how wet?”
The slick sounds quickened. “Uh-uhn, baby. I’m pulling out. Don’t want you coming too fast.”
I rolled my eyes. No way would I come faster than him. But I pulled out.
“Now…” The smacks of his hand choking his cock grew louder, faster. “Now, I’m spanking it. One, two, three. Baby, count for me.”
I liked this, him telling me what to do, him listening to me as I spanked my wet pussy and counted. I made sure the slaps were sharp so he could hear, and soon, the stinging heat worked its magic. My pussy tightened and burned, and I squirmed on my seat, my arms pushing my boobs together. As I spanked, I slid on my chair, my bottom so wet now I glided effortlessly forward and back. “Oh, I want some of that cock. Please, daddy, give me that great big cock.”
“Spread wider. Get ready.”
He made a grunting sound. His strokes came so quick, I couldn’t keep my slaps moving in time with his.
“Almost…there.” He groaned.
I forgot about pleasing him. I was close, too. I forked my fingers at the top of my folds and pulled upward, exposing my clit. I slicked my fingertips with spit then rubbed vigorously on my distended little nub. “Daddy, tell me. Tell me when.”
I heard those noises, the ones that weren’t so sexy, of him squeezing out a moan as his hand stilled.
“I’m rubbing my come all over your pussy,” he said, his voice sounding strained.
I made a face he’d never see, scrunching my nose in disgust. “Thank you, daddy.”
The session was over. I stilled my hands and let my pussy cool.
“Your service says you’ll be away for a few days.”
The bastard didn’t even bother to ask me whether I’d come. Breathing hard, I placed my hands on my thighs. I’d end the call quickly, and then take care of my own orgasm. I’d sailed past my mandatory four minutes, which meant every second of our conversation would put money in the bank. Something I needed to hold up my end of the mortgage.
“Mariska’s hot. I like her a lot,” I said, forcing breathiness into my tone. “She’ll treat you right. Maybe when I come back, we could do a three-way?”
He grunted. Static crackled for a second. He must have been changing hands. One was probably cramped. “Maybe you could give me your real phone number. I could call you, and we could skip the whole middle man. I’d send you money.”
Inwardly, I groaned. Next, he’d ask me for a date. A real date. But I didn’t need a boyfriend. Even one who wasn’t completely skeevy on the phone.
I ended the call as quickly as I could then stood. Before I had a chance to let the service know I needed a break, my headphone beeped again. Sighing my frustration, I touched the earpiece, connecting with the call. “Hello, this is Demi Dix.”
I heard a snort behind me at the same time a voice in my ear, said, “Demi, honey. I love your voice. Would you talk to me while I fuck Veronica?”
I heard the words, but alarm shot through me. I wasn’t alone. I spun and lost my balance. As I reached out to catch the side of the table, arms slid around me from behind—arms bearing a tattoo in grays and black. I squealed.
The sound of the caller hanging up didn’t really register. I turned inside Hunter’s embrace and hopped up, winding my legs around his waist, and kissed his cheek, his jaw, his nose…his mouth.
But he drew back his head sharply. “The headset,” he bit out.
“Oh!” I reached up, tore it off, then tossed it toward the table. It slid across the top and fell to the floor, but I didn’t care. Hunter was home.
Only, he didn’t seem as happy to see me as I was to see him. His eyebrows were lowered, and his cheeks were flushed.
“How long have you been home?” I asked in a small voice.
“Long enough to watch you spanking yourself with your new boyfriend on the other end of the line. And to hear you take another call. Who the fuck are these guys, and why the fuck are you calling yourself Demi Dix?”
I couldn’t help it. I laughed. “Oh shit,” I said, then bent to hide my face against his shoulder, because he didn’t look as though he had much of a sense of humor at the moment.
A throat cleared. Not Hunter’s. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Summer plans… reading… doing little tasks around the house and yard…
I will spend time doing yard work instead of reading (boo), working off and on at my part-time job, doing some painting inside and out, and spend time with my 4 grandkids (my real joy). Plus a dear friend is coming north from Arizona for the summer so I am looking forward to seeing her as much as possible. I will cram as much reading as possible in the rest of the available time.
I just moved and so my plans are to get settled and explore the area.
Congratulations, Colleen, Pat and Debra! You are the winners of your choice of one of my short stories! Email me with the title of your choice from my Short Story page at delilah@delilahdevlin.com!!
Thanks Delilah!!! Email Sent! 😀