UPDATE: The winner is…Tracy Howard!
Hello, all! Thank you first of all to Delilah for being such a gracious hostess. Visiting here with you all is always a lot of fun.
So…birthday gifts. My birthday is this weekend. I joke about not counting the numbers anymore, but still wanting the cake and presents, but really, I do still count the numbers, even if they’re daunting. This birthday will be the first without my dad, which is not so much fun. But I have a birthday dinner date with my husband this weekend, so that will help, and my boys will come bearing gifts, but I’ll have to get my own cake, I think. Something decadent and pretty, maybe.
But I’ve been thinking about birthday gifts lately, not just because my birthday is so close, but birthday gifts in general, and from previous birthdays. To be honest, I don’t always keep track of whether a gift was for a birthday, or an anniversary, or a holiday. I only know if it’s something extra-special to me. Sitting here at my desk, I can see several gifts from previous occasions, and I know a few were birthday gifts–a little stuffed dog covered in pink hearts, a small orange traffic cone that says “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” (my husband has a sense of humor about my writing and my love of western movies), and a candle that makes my office smell like pineapples when I light it. None of these are big gifts, but because of the thought behind them and the gift givers, they are special to me and make me smile when I look at them.
As a kid, my favorite gifts were books, no matter what the occasion. Yes, I loved if I got a new doll or something pretty, but the books were the best for me. They’re still one of my favorite things in the world.
My birthday gift to myself this weekend (besides a cake), will be a visit to the eye doctor, which is several years overdue, and an hour on the massage table. And probably some reading time, which is an all-year-round gift to myself, if I’m being honest.
In a manuscript I’m working on, the heroine has never really had anyone make a big deal over her birthday, but the hero’s family always celebrated birthdays in a huge way, so when he surprises her with a party on her birthday, she doesn’t quite know what to make of it, but it does make her see him in a very different light. How can she not fall a little more in love with him after that, even if he is totally unsuitable?
I’d love to know about some of your favorite birthday gifts from birthdays past (or present). Something you always wanted? An unexpected party? Just some alone time, maybe? I have a signed trade paperback copy of Hunting Medusa to give away–everyone who comments with their favorite birthday gift by midnight on Saturday, July 28 will be entered into a drawing for the book.
And if you’re celebrating a birthday soon, or just celebrated recently, happy birthday to you, too!
About the Author
Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was old enough to read. She read her copies of Little Women and the Little House series so many times, the books fell apart. As an adult, her book habit continues. She has a room overflowing with her literary collection right now, and still more spreading into other rooms. Almost as long as she’s been reading great stories, she’s been attempting to write her own. Thanks to a fifth grade teacher who started the class on creative writing, Elizabeth went from writing creative sentences to short stories and eventually full-length novels. Her father saved her poor, callused fingers from permanent damage when he brought home a used typewriter for her.
Elizabeth found her mother’s stash of romance novels as a teenager, and-though she loves horror- romance became her very favorite genre, making writing romances a natural progression. There are more than just a few manuscripts, however, tucked away in a filing cabinet that will never see the light of day.
Along with her enormous book collection, Elizabeth lives with her husband of more than twenty years, though no one else in the family reads nearly as much as she does. When she’s not at work or buried in books or writing, there is a garden outside full of herbs, flowers and vegetables that requires occasional attention.
Hunting Medusa
The Medusa Trilogy, Book 1

Ever since the original Medusa ticked off Athena, her cursed daughters have been paying for that mistake. To this day, successive Medusas play cat and mouse with the Harvesters.
When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.
Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind—together.
Though there attraction is combustible, her impending PMS (Pre Magical-Curse Syndrome) puts a real damper on any chance of a relationship. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester tracking Andi, and they must cooperate to stay one step ahead of a ruthless killer before they can have any future, together or apart.
My favorite birthday present was what my brother and sister bought me and that was a Golden English Cocker Spaniel puppy.
Hope you have a great birthday Elizabeth
This is a trilogy. How very exciting. thanks for introducing me.
My favorite birthday gift was two baby iguanas
My favourite would have to be the beautiful strand of pearls my parents gave to me for my 21st birthday.
A puppy! That sounds like a great gift, Tracy. We always had a dog or two when I was a kid. 🙂
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen baby iguanas, though I like adult iguanas. I bet the babies are adorable, Joy. 🙂
Oh, Mary, that sounds lovely! 🙂
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday present was my first 2 wheel bike…. many, many years ago. The sense of flying and freedom of riding a bike for the first time is unique!
That’s awesome, Mary! I remember going with my dad to pick out my bike, then having to wait while it was assembled, and training wheels added. lol
I know I’ve gotten a lot of great gifts over the years but one I remember the most was Carole King’s Tapestry album that I got for my 16th birthday back in 1971. I’d never heard of her music when a friend gave it to me but I loved and played that record so much I wore it out. Many years later I bought a new copy on CD and I eventually got to see her in concert in 2010 (I think).
I don’t recall any single best birthday gift, Elizabeth, but I love the birthdays celebrated with friends, usually with a great shared meal 🙂 Happy celebrating to you–hope you enjoy the cake and reading! (Yay on taking care of yourself! We’re heading to the optometrist soon ourselves!)
Music as a gift is so awesome, and when it turns out to be music you love, even better, ButtonsMom!
FLChen, I think those are so wonderful, with close friends and family. Good luck at the optometrist. My new glasses will be much stronger than the old. 😉
I just came back from RandomResult.com, and it looks like the winner is Tracy Howard! Congrats, Tracy! Please email me at elizabethandrewswrites @ gmail.com (minus the spaces), so I can get your info and get your book to you! 😀
And thanks to everybody who shared their favorite gift stories. I loved them!
Congrats, Tracy! Elizabeth, thanks for hanging out! And yes, I do anticipate needing a stronger prescription this year–I’ve been able to slide by for a few years now, but I’m noticing more squinting lately, alas! 😉 Enjoy your new specs!