“I don’t want to wear a pink bow!” the 5-year-old yells, and then she runs to get the “perfect bow”—a gargantuan blue blow that makes her look like a cartoon character, but hey, she’s happy.
“Lala, you’re going to be late!”
“I’m not finished braiding my hair!”
“J, have you brushed your teeth?”
By the time they’re walking down the long drive to meet the bus, I’m sitting back, sipping on my coffee, and secretly laughing my ass off, because I didn’t have to do squat—been there, done that.
My dd comes back from seeing the little one up the bus steps and says, “Hey, before you go back to your office, wanna watch Deadpool 2?”
Of course, I was in. I LOVE superhero movies. She wanted to pre-screen it before she decided if any of the kids could watch it, because we saw the first one, and Ryan Reynolds has a potty mouth (not that I mind that so much—I prefer kids being exposed to bad words and a little flesh as opposed to violence, blood, and guts). So, we settled in to watch.
All I can say is I’m glad we watched it at home because I would have been “That Woman”—you know the one who laughs too loud and has to make comments all the way through the movie. Loved Ryan Reynolds (I have a crush on him), loved Josh Brolin as Cable. Laughed myself silly over Matt Damon’s cameo as the redneck talking about Wet Wipes and toilet paper and Deadpool with the little baby legs. The parachuting scene?! HaHaHa! The soundtrack was fun as well. I laughed again when a Céline Dion song played, because it so wasn’t suited for the movie, but was somehow still perfect.
After the credits rolled, I had to find the video. Céline’s music isn’t my music. I don’t have a single song of hers on my iPod, but this is fun! Hope you enjoy it! Loved Deadpool in high heels. 🙂
If so, which are your favorites?
Oh we saw it in theaters and now we’re getting the Blu-ray. Loved and the super extended is so much funnier. I love all comicbook movies even bvs 😘
I love superhero movies! Even watch anime versions… I am a big Batgirl fan, but movie wise, love the Marvel movies!!!
I love superhero movies and have seen most of them but I haven’t seen Deadpool. I need to correct that! Ant Man and the Wasp was the most recent one I saw and I loved it.
I also love Celine Dion and hope to see her in concert one day. 🙂