UPDATE: The winners are…Reina Torres and Elysian Fields!

Now, this is important. YOU CANNOT POST ANSWERS TO MY QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS. If you do, you’ve done the work and shared the answers with everyone else, and what’s the point? You don’t want competition for the prize do you? NO! Send your answers to me PRIVATELY at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
Scavenger Hunt
Here are the questions…
- What stories are currently up for pre-order on my Upcoming Books page?
- At the very bottom of the Upcoming Books page is a list, without cover pictures, of titles I’m thinking about/working on. Which interest you?
- Which series on my By Series page would you like to see more of?
- Which series on my By Series page has the best set of covers?
- Tell me which story on my Short Stories page you’d most like to read. (You might get a surprise!)
And the prize? How about a download of your choice from among my recent releases?! But, hey, everyone wins, right (see #5!)?