Zebrina, the heroine of my latest release The Cyborg’s Secret Baby, becomes a Mom during the story (this isn’t a spoiler – grins – it is right there in the title).
She becomes a Mom. She doesn’t merely become a heroine with a child.
As most Moms know, there’s a huge difference between these two roles. A Mom heroine is a Mom on every page, not merely during the scenes with her child. Her child might not be physically with her but he/she is always emotionally with her. Decisions include the child. The child is considered whenever the heroine takes action.
Being a Mom changes Zebrina’s thinking. She no longer puts her wellbeing first. Her child is now her priority. Instead of living in the moment, she has to contemplate the future. She can’t leap before she looks. She has to consider repercussions.
Zebrina isn’t a perfect, Leave It To Beaver Mom. (laughs). She’s far from that. She makes mistakes. She gets angry and frustrated with her child. She says the wrong thing and hurts her child’s feelings. But she loves her child, lives for her ‘baby’, would sacrifice any hope at a forever love to ensure her child has the best chance at happiness.
Because being a Mom heroine changes the romantic relationship. In a child-less romance, the relationship between the hero and heroine (or whatever the relationship construct is) is the MOST important relationship. Every other relationship is minor.
In a romance with a Mom heroine, her relationship with the child is as or even more important than the relationship with the hero. The hero’s relationship with the child is equally important. Most single Moms I know would never consider a love interest who couldn’t bond with their children.
Zebrina can’t merely think about who is the best love interest for her. She has to consider who is the best father figure for her child.
Who is your favorite Mom heroine? What book does she appear in?
The Cyborg’s Secret Baby

A fierce cyborg warrior and his curvy human female share a no-longer-so-little secret.
Stealth, a K Model cyborg, knows his passion for Zebrina, the commander’s human daughter, is forbidden, yet he can’t resist the curvy female. He craves her touch, cherishes her sounds of pleasure, would do anything to keep her safe.
When he’s faced with the choice of protecting his fragile human or living to see the next sunrise, he chooses her, always her, sending Zebrina halfway across the universe to safety. He doesn’t realize their stolen moments had consequences neither of them believed possible.
After hearing her warrior died in battle, Zebrina focuses on the last gift he gave her. Doing what is right for their child is her sole priority. She will put their son’s happiness first, even if that means choosing another male over the love of her life.
The Cyborg’s Secret Baby is a STAND-ALONE story loosely connected to the Cyborg Sizzle series.
It is also a Second Chance Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, often-violent universe.Buy Links:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Cyborgs-Secret-Baby-Stars-ebook/dp/B07F2NK6D4
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cyborgs-Secret-Baby-Stars-ebook/dp/B07F2NK6D4
Apple/iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-cyborgs-secret-baby/id1404800721
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-cyborgs-secret-baby-cynthia-sax/1128976169
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-cyborg-s-secret-baby
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/870968
About Cynthia Sax
USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes SciFi, contemporary and paranormal erotic romances. Her stories have been featured in Star Magazine, Real Time With Bill Maher, and numerous best of erotic romance top ten lists.
Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled release day newsletter and visit her on the web at www.CynthiaSax.com
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Newsletter: https://tasteofcyn.com/2014/05/28/newsletter/
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Blog: https://tasteofcyn.com/
Thank you so much for hosting me today!
(tackle hugs)
I really appreciate it!
Just one? Molly Weasley? 🙂 This sounds fabulous, Cynthia!