UPDATE: The winner is…Michelle Levan!
My coffee’s cold…again. I need one of those cupwarmer thingies on my desk, because once I start working, I forget to drink it before it cools. Then I have to stop, head to the microwave, and… Well, I guess I just want to whine about something, and that’s the first thing I thought of. What else can I talk about to procrastinate a little while longer…
My dd met with all the kids’ teachers last week. The 5-year-old had the most glowing report, naturally. She’s a little leader in her class. She’s kind to other kids and listens. She’s smart as a whip (whatever that means). No worries there. The 9-year-old is doing SOOOO much better, behaviorally (she spent the last day of last year in ISS), and her teachers love her. Got to love those ADHD drugs. The 14-year-old girl is doing very well—and she made it into some kind of choral group. There were 700 kids who auditioned in the area, and she was one of 40 selected. Man, we were floored, because we thought for sure she couldn’t sing a note. The 14-year-old boy…? Yeah, he needs a kick in the ass to get his school work done, so we’re knuckling down on how he spends his free time…
Enough procrastinating yet?
I have two editing jobs I need to get out the door soon, because I have three more that will hit any day now. I can’t seem to get motivated unless I’m drowning in commitments. Adrenaline gives me focus—or, at least, that’s my excuse.
And as for new words for new projects of my own? I have three chapters of Wolf completed. I just need to edit them to remind me what I wrote months ago, then push forward to finish the story. I really want to get a Stepbrothers short story done, too. The cover is just too sexy not to find a story to go along with it, don’t you think?

Hey! So, maybe you can help me figure that one out. Give me ideas for a story to go along with the cover. Maybe I’ll use it as a jumping off point. I’ll give away a free copy of any of my recent releases to one commenter! Your idea doesn’t have to be wonderful, just have fun with it!
In the meantime, I need to make a trip to the coffee pot for a little “cup of ambition.”
Okay, here goes.
Her stepbrother is taking over the family business.
She’s not really his sister, but his dad’s step daughter from a previous marriage, and they don’t know each other. In fact, they’ve never met. She’s lived far away, in Europe.
She’s needed to play a part to help them with an urgent issue in the family business, to establish credibility in it, somehow. Either she’s an expert in some field…or the stepbrother needs to have a romantic entanglement to keep him safe from the romantic advances of their chief competitor’s CEO, who’s after him – but it’s possibly for business espionage.
Does that help? lol…
She will do whatever she needs to in order to sign the company’s biggest client…
I totally can see them as step siblings that have taken over the family PR company, she as ceo and he as CFO or coo, and then them trying to help his ex room-mates cover up a scandal (I’m thinking football or a sport code of some kind) she’s a closet domanatrix (well her brother doesn’t know) and she over hears the client telling the brother how now he understands why he never had a girlfriend at university when he went home to that every year. She then goes to her club and the boys oversee her whipping a young man. And then they set out to become her subs.
Ok. Can you tell I have a BDSM kink at the moment
new funeral home owners
He’s poised to win a huge contract with a new client that could mean a big turnaround for the whole company. He just needs a little extra help convincing him that the perks of going with his company are VERY special indeed…
And when he says personal service and attention to detail, he reeeeeeeally means it!
She is labled as perfect in the press, and icy by many a man. She has had to be tough to deal with her broken family. She always remembers her stepbrother from her mom’s short lived 3rd out of 5 marriages. When he is the leading cep of a company looking to merge with her things get personal, as his do tendencies light her fires. Now if she could get that stalker off her back (one date does not a romance make)…hmm maybe stepbrother could help with that…
LOL! Loved your ideas!
The winner is…Michelle Levan! Email me at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com to arrange delivery of your choice!