Maybe it’s because I’m from Hawaii that, in my head, I was a mermaid.
But here’s the irony… I can barely swim.
Yeah… I know. Silly? Absolutely.
I had a near drowning experience as a child. It was odd, but I won’t go into the details. Just imagine a pool and peer pressure. Yeah, peer pressure sucks.
But for a while in that pool I felt like a mermaid… I didn’t feel out of air… I felt happy, peaceful.
And my astrological sign is crazy… it’s picquarices (or some other odd spelling like that). I was born on the cusp between Pisces and Aquarius – the Fish and the Water Bearer. My Asian zodiac sign – the ox, but more specifically the WATER Ox.

I seem to draw my inspiration from water.
If I have a tough plot hole or a strange question I can’t answer, I go and take a shower or I go to the pool for my exercise. WHAM – answers! But I have to remember the answers until I’m out of the water… If I’m lucky, I can plug the tub, run some water in the shower, and when it’s pooled around my feet, I turn it off and sit there wiggling my toes in the water.
Aaaaand, I’m good.
At least I hope I’ve got it figured out. You’ll have to let me know when you read my books!
I’d like to do a giveaway/contest…
Tell me… What Element inspires you?
Does it link to your zodiac sign? How so?
A random commentor will be selected as a winner to receive their choice of my ebooks available on Amazon.com.
Get My Books!

The Tiger’s Innocent Bride – https://a.co/d/1V9U0GZ
Her UnBearable Protector – https://a.co/d/a3eZnEo