UPDATE: The winner is…Yolaine Clark!
I’m working on my next short story collection — Stranded: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. The themes all center around a hero or heroine who is stranded, and then rescued by a bad boy. Think, a plane crashes in the jungle and you have to count on a smuggler to see you to safety; or your ship sinks and you find yourself on a deserted island where rescue comes from a man with no intentions of delivering you home anytime soon. Yeah, men taking advantage—not without our hero/heroine’s consent or pleasure, of course!
While I’m reading through the many stories some wonderful authors have sent me, my sister, Elle James, and I are kicking around the cover design. I wanted someone who looked a little scruffy, maybe a mountain man kind of guy. What do you think of these images? Vote in the poll for the one you like best, then offer comments about what you like or don’t for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

I like the golden woods better because his beard stands out more and I like the wood better. The other two covers, it doesn’t look like he has a beard, it looks very weird.
I like the middle one because it is spookier.
I like the one with the beach because when I think of being stranded my mind goes to a beach, although the conflicting lighting needs to be corrected.
Love what you did with the title.
I voted for the one with golden woods. I like the colors.
I prefer No. 3 for Stranded. Congrats on new collection.
Like the gray woods better because it makes him look like more of a bad-ass. And he is suppose to be a bad boy, right??
The Beach cover just seems lonelier to me. Woods are more cozy. The palms in the upper left can also denote jungle which makes this a better all round cover for an anthology. Just my humble opinion.
I like the mood of the second one, in the woods, but the third one stands out more.
I like the middle one.
I like the “Golden Woods” because with a beard he looks rugged and the woods are the only place you would have a beard.
I like the cover with the moon on it. I donot like the disjointed letters.
It was a close call but I think I like the beach cover the best.
Middle one. Others are not as consise. Hard to explain
Voted for the golden woods but either one of the woods ones are my votes.
My eyes keep going back to the gray woods cover… so I voted for that one.