UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!
Hello all!
Thanks to Delilah for having me on her blog for the first time! What a great honor.
I write contemporary romance about sexy, alpha heroes in uniform: US Marines. Once upon a time, I learned the core values of the Marine Corps are Honor, Courage, and Commitment. These values resonated when I began writing romance. Namely, the courage part. In fact, I have a necklace with the word courage written in script that I wear every day.
My courage was sorely tested seven years ago. My oldest son, Patrick—the Patrick part of my pseudonym in the S. Patrick—at age nine was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Incidentally, he turned 16 this week…how did THAT happen?! He’s the most courageous person I know.
Not to bore you with the details of this autoimmune disease, but it’s a 24x7x365 condition. Diabetes never sleeps…and neither does this mom. So, as I was up every three hours each night testing his blood glucose levels in the beginning of his diagnosis, and at times unable to get back to sleep…I wrote. About courageous heroes and heroines who overcome obstacles, push their limits, and show their mettle. What better subject matter, right?
This past weekend our family and friends participated in the JDRF One Walk in NJ for the seventh year. We celebrated Patrick’s courage in living with Type 1. Pat’s a stellar student and accomplished athlete. Nothing stops him.
We should all take a page out of his book.
It doesn’t have to be big mountains you climb, so to speak, to show courage, but simply getting up, facing what each day brings, good, bad and challenging. That equals courage in my book!
Oh, and coffee helps, too! Gets me through my day job.
What is your definition of courage? My guess is it manifests in different ways to different people. Comment below and include your email, and I’ll send one random commenter a Dunkin gift card!
Finders Keepers: The Purse
Now, onto some shameless plugging…
My latest book is part of a boxed set of stories called Finders Keepers: The Purse. Along with seven other marvelous romance authors we were given a prompt:
You find an item in your purse, you’re not sure how it got there, and how does it catapult your hero and heroine into their HEA?
So much fun to write!
My story, Flutter, involves my heroine Kit Caruso at her twenty-year high school reunion. Later that evening she finds military dog tags in her purse which happen to belong to her high school crush and the first man to break her heart, Matt Warton (aka Mac). He’s a former Marine and he wants Kit back in his life.
Yeah, that got interesting. I hope you explore this great set of feel good romance.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: https://bit.ly/FindersKeepersAmazonUS…
Amazon CA: https://bit.ly/FindersKeepersAmazonCA…
Amazon UK: https://bit.ly/FindersKeepersAmazonUK…
Amazon AUS: https://bit.ly/FindersKeepersAmazonAUS
Nicole S. Patrick
website: www.nicolespatrick.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NicoleSPatrickauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicoleSPatrick
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoles.patrick/
My definition is someone that is willing to stand up and protect others. Willing to defend someone that is not able to do it themselves. Someone that is not scared or willing to do even though they are scared.
Courage… having the strength to push through or overcome something… I have had a few times when I surprised myself with getting through some things…
Courage is what makes Firemen and Policemen run to the problem, while everyone else is running away. It’s also what the services do to protect our country. I wish I had more of that. I’m content to hide under the table and wish them well.
Courage isn’t one thing but many. I see courage in the small things like a person deciding to live their life under their own terms. I see courage in the men and women that commit their careers working in the military. A child that smiles through cancer treatments. A older person nearing the end of their life but still finds a smile. And those crazy amazing people who go into space!
Chris, you’re so right. It takes courage to be brave and step up for others. Thanks for commenting!
Isn’t it amazing what we can do when we have to? Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Such truth and so poignant. Thank you!
brave enough to keep going
Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. From the single mother working two jobs to the well-to-do person who has the courage to break free of what is expected and do what they love.
I have a copy of Finders Keepers. It’s a fantastic deal at only 99 cents. I’ve only read one of the stories so far, Killer Love by Lisa Ricard Claro, and it was worth way more than 99 cents just for that book.
Thanks for the feedback on Finders Keepers. Yes, it’s a steal for .99. :-). And yes, courage comes in many different ways and people. Happy reading!
You know it! Thanks for your comment.
Courage is doing things that are difficult to you and carrying on no matter what. Courage is taking the right path even when the other path is harder.
Hi Nicole,
Wonderful blog, and your son is blessed to have such an amazing mom. Congratulations on the release of “Finders Keepers: The Purse,” and I really enjoyed the prompt of your story.
To me courage is regardless the challenges, not only daring to face your fears, but to overcome.
Wishing you every success!
You’re absolutely correct about taking the harder path. Most times it’s the best in the end. Thanks so much for your input.
Hello my dear friend! Facing fears takes a lot of courage, indeed! Thanks so much for your well wishes and visiting this great blog.
Iris, you’re so right. My husband is a 911 survivor and I am in awe of all First Responders. Thanks for commenting!