UPDATE: The winner is…Christine!
Contests… *sigh*
Why do I do them? For the same reasons every other author does: To get people curious to come to check out my blog then subscribe to my blog, so they never miss a chance at winning something they’d like to have. And maybe along the way, they discover I write really fun, sexy books, and they become lifelong fans! (Psst! That subscription thingie is on the left under “Follow My Blog”.)
For the most part, I give away ebooks and Amazon gift cards because they are easy and immediate. However, I know ebooks can sit forever on a reader’s Kindle before they read it. And a winner might spend their gift card on TP, which kinda kills the idea of getting readers hooked on me.
For purely selfish reasons, I also like to change things up on my blog. Yes, I have new and interesting guests all the time, but I like to do things here, too. I love sharing what I’m doing, what I’m writing, what I’m painting or crafting. For instance, I’ve been sharing, mostly on Instagram and my Facebook friends page, the paintings and collages I’m doing every day for the #100dayproject challenge. Think about that. At the end of the challenge, I’ll have 100 things of widely varying quality to trash, hold onto, give away, or sell.
Which gets me back to contests, or rather the prizes I offer…
I love offering books for the reason I stated before, but there are more possibilities, for instance:
A handmade painted/collaged/or beaded bookmark
A handmade piece of jewelry
A handmade pendant

Poll & Contest
Win a $5 Amazon gift card. This is all you have to do. Vote in the poll, and then tell me in the comments below which of the ideas appeal the most!

I would prefer a copy of an ebook or an Amazon gift card. The other options don’t appeal to me. I never buy hard copies of books anymore unless they are reference. Art is such a personal preference thing that I don’t feel it’s a good choice. I make and sell my own woven wire and wire wrapped gemstone jewelry, so I really don’t want/need any more.
You have to leave a comment to enter. I won’t know who voted unless you do!
I love Amazon Gift cards cause it gives me more choices of your books to use it on.
I did not include jewelry items in my vote. Not because I don’t like them and think you have amazing creativity and talent, but because I simply do not wear jewelry. I have even won a piece of two from you. They are lovely and are kept in a place of honor, but I never wear them. The best I could do is re-gift to someone may wear the piece as well as appreciate it. Consequently, for me, any other prize is more useful to me. But, really, I am thankful for any prize I may win. Thank you for even asking my opinion. That is huge too.
gift card
I voted for everything but the e-books. I prefer print so I would always preferred to get a signed paperback. I have one some of your hand painted pendant and I love them. I have also won the Amazon gift card. The thing with The Amazon gift cards is that you buy them from Amazon.com and I don’t purchase anything from Amazon.com on a regular basis. I would prefer that if you’re going to give us gift cards that you give us gift cards from the Amazon in the country of origin of the contest winner.
I do love your paintings that you’ve been doing lately and your jewellery. Also your bookmarks are great. I don’t use bookmarks but they are very pretty.
I think that an Amazon gift card is always useful for more books 😉 … and while I typically read the majority of items digitally, for some reason, I always find myself gravitating toward book marks. Probably because they are “artsy” to me. Jewelry is one of those hit or miss things with me – I normally don’t wear it and it seems like a personal item to me…? I’m always big on “useful” items and love author promo items – like pens, mousepads, etc…
I have the bracelet in the photo. Every time I wear it- people want it. Nope-mine!!
Gift cards are handy but a piece of art or jewelry- priceless.
I would like any of the prizes, actually. I chose a handmade piece of jewelry because it has a lot of thought put in to it. Not saying the books don’t. Most of us know how much thought and time and everything that goes into a book.
I love the bracelet. I would vote on that one. I love your 100 day project however I wouldn’t have anywhere to display them.
I loved all but I voted for the signed book & thanks for the chance 🙂
I won a dragon years ago from an author and I still have it in my family room. I even dress him up for holidays! I love fun and funky items. And books. I really love books.
A GC can be sent electronically.
I love most of the choices. I would love to have some art or jewelry from you as I have loved all you have shared on your blog.
I confess that I voted for all of the options. I don’t have a signed book of yours so one day I would love to get one. I’m the proud owner of one of your painted dominoes (I know you have a specific term for them but I can’t remember it). I think your artwork is amazing and I would dearly love to have those pink flowers to frame and hang.
I voted for an Amazon gift card and a signed print book.
I voted for the handmade jewelry, but I would be happy with any prize.
Anything authors give away is appreciated. I voted for the Amazon gift card, but love your artwork!
Gift card, ebook, signed book or a pendant
Haha! I love the fugly prize idea! 🙂
I have at least one piece of your handpainted stuff and I LOVE it, Delilah! And signed books? The stuff of dreams!
Hi, I voted for all of them except the “fugly” one and bookmarks (because I have a ton of them).
I love anything Authors give. I know how hard it is to write and get your books out there. I treasure my Author stories/ journeys swag/gifts from a bookmarker, signed book, piece if jewelry. My best items are the storys and the journeys any way I can get them lol But im grateful for it all.
The random number generator chose commenter #3—Christine! Congrats!!
And thanks to everyone who took the poll! It’s very helpful!