Six Books—Seven Days

My family visits a small lake town for one week every summer. It’s near the eastern bank of Lake Michigan. We see spectacular sunsets, get to play in the cool water and damp sand, eat at favorite haunts (takeout this year), and go to the drive-in.
My vacation goal: read six books in seven days. I may be crazy, but I enjoy reading while sitting at the beach with my toes wiggling in the warm sand.
Is it cheating to read on the eight-hour drive from Dayton, OH? Usually, I can bust through most of the first book, if not the whole thing, on the way to the cabin. It says a lot about my prince’s driving because I used to get car sick while reading in a moving vehicle.
Why do I binge-read? The short answer: I love reading. The long answer: As an author, I spend most of my time writing, editing, or marketing my books. Vacation is a read-a-thon. I will leave my mask and hand sanitizer behind and travel to new towns, countries, or worlds, meet and fall in love with exciting characters, experience shenanigans, and enjoy happily ever afters.
This summer I have a sci-fi, a few paranormal books including an Ohio world of vamps & werewolves, a ghost train, a physic cold case investigator among others. Authors such as Aliya Dalrae, CJ Baty, Cynthia Carver, and Daniel Coldrspring…
The week is about family, relaxing, catching up on reading, and maybe catching a frog or turtle. I hope your summer goals are filled with summer reads.
Have a great Independence Day!
Here’s a deal for you that’s just in time for summer…
🌴$650 VALUE!☀️
The Giveaway is open internationally and ends July 8, 2020.
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