UPDATE: The winners are…Laura and Tanya!
Is that big enough of a hint? 🙂
Yes, both here on my blog and in the informal poll I ran on FB, cowboys won! So, the next anthology will be filled with yummy cowboy goodness. Thanks to everyone who voted! I won’t overrule your voices. This time. *snickers*
So, since I’m here, and I just shared a lovely photo of a cowboy riding into the sunset, let’s play a game…
Contest — Tell me a story!
Based on the photo above, tell me a story. It can be one line. It doesn’t have to be a good story. You can have fun with it! But tell me something and you’ll be entered to win your choice from among my latest cowboy series, Cowboys on the Edge. I’ll choose two winners!

Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!