UPDATE: The winner is…Elaine Howell!
TGIF! The weekend’s almost here! And my sister, Elle James, will be here for a visit! Woot! It’s been a good while since we’ve seen each other. We’re both vaccinated, but we’ll likely still keep the distancing thing going because of the kids. We have lots to talk about. We always do.
And I have to close in on the end of the book that’s coming out on April 27th. Yes, I know I’m down to the wire! I’m enjoying the story. It’s lots of sex. This couple only opens up when they’re in bed. Do you mind? 🙂
Have you ordered your copy? Click on the cover if you haven’t! I’ll be nagging you more over the next week…
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me one thing you’re thankful for this FRIDAY!